

**Chapter 1596: A Message from Meng Anwen**

In the core area, outside the flames. Lin

The big shots of the Other Shore Realm were drinking tea and chatting.

A strong figure from the Other Shore Realm returned from the ancient ruins, bringing back some Dao tea.

Then these big shots, like bees attracted to the scent of tea, all swarmed over.

A high-level tea party began in such a casual and relaxed manner.

A dozen big shots, without any image, posed in various positions in the void.

All the elegance and dignity were thrown away at this moment!

In the Other Shore Realm, they emphasized being carefree and doing whatever felt comfortable.

Moreover, with their status, who would dare to make them follow rules?

"Lin Moyu, that kid, has entered the ancient battlefield."

"Finally went, I wonder what he will discover."

"Probably won't find much, the valuable things in the ancient battlefield have already been scavenged, only some scraps are left."

"I'm not talking about that."

"I'm also a bit curious. We have never figured out the era of the ancient battlefield. I hope the kid can find something."

"The ancient battlefield should be related to the great war of the ancient times, but it seems a bit different."

"Chaos, it's really chaotic! The chaos of the ancient battlefield, I can't figure it out even if I rack my brains, I can only drink three cups of Dao tea to calm down."

"If you want to drink more, just say it, don't make excuses!"

Lin Moyu was also a bit confused at this moment.

He felt the passage of time, but many things in the ancient battlefield did not match the era.

Some buildings were very modern, completely unlike ancient times.

But they carried the aura of time, and Lin Moyu could be 100% sure that they had experienced a long history.

This created a strong sense of conflict, making Lin Moyu unable to understand for a moment.

"It's really strange!"

"Why is it like this?"

Unconsciously, Lin Moyu walked to an open square.

A strong murderous aura rushed towards him, giving Lin Moyu the illusion of a battlefield.

It was as if there had been a pre-battle assembly here, with generals above and soldiers below, ready to march with sharp swords. Looking into the distance, beyond the huge square, he saw a collapsed tower.

Lin Moyu's eyes narrowed sharply, and with one step, he appeared in front of the tower.

His eyes were filled with disbelief.

"How could it be, how could it be!

"This is the Shenxia Tower, how could the Shenxia Tower appear here!"

Lin Moyu couldn't believe what he was seeing. Why was Meng Anwen's Shenxia Tower here?

This was absolutely impossible.

The Shenxia Tower was modeled after the ancient Lei Tower, and the ancient Lei Tower was just a war treasure of the True God Realm.

With Lin Moyu's current realm, he could destroy the ancient Lei Tower with a single finger.

Any skeleton god warrior could destroy the ancient Lei Tower.

Not to mention the Shenxia Tower, which was modeled after it, it couldn't even be considered a treasure, just a toy.

But in front of him, the Shenxia Tower really appeared.

Lin Moyu couldn't be mistaken.

He had entered the Shenxia Tower many times and seen it many times, it was impossible to be mistaken.

At that time, three towers were made based on the ancient Lei Tower.

They were the Trial Tower, the Shenxia Tower, and the Demon Extermination Tower.

The Trial Tower was always in the hands of the Shenxia Empire, used to train newcomers.

The Shenxia Tower was in Meng Anwen's hands, and the Demon Extermination Tower was obtained by himself, but he didn't take it when he left the small world.

But what was the Shenxia Tower in front of him?

Lin Moyu had the urge to return to the small world to take a look, but he knew it was unrealistic.

He carefully observed the Shenxia Tower in front of him and gradually found something wrong.

Although the two towers were almost identical, the Shenxia Tower in front of him was obviously simpler.

In terms of strength, the Shenxia Tower in front of him far exceeded the one in Meng Anwen's hands.

But it was indeed simpler than Meng Anwen's Shenxia Tower.

In his eyes, it could be considered a replica of the Shenxia Tower.

A replica stronger than the original, and not just by a little.

It was incredible to think about.

In addition, Lin Moyu found another point.

This Shenxia Tower had various modern traces, except for the aura of time, it did not have the appearance of an ancient building.

Different eras had vastly different architectural styles.

The sense of temporal dislocation made Lin Moyu feel a headache.

"I can't figure it out."

He gently patted his head. Unable to figure it out, he could only temporarily put it aside.

A buzzing sound came from the broken Shenxia Tower, the sound of wind hitting the walls.

There was wind inside?

This was the starry sky, a silent starry sky.

How could there be wind?

There were many stellar winds, flying around with the light, enough to kill ordinary people.

The sound of the wind seemed like a call, arousing Lin Moyu's curiosity.

The Shenxia Tower was already broken, empty inside, with no roof on top.

The whole tower had become a ruin.

There were still many runes on the walls, but they had lost their power.

The runes were connected, originally forming various formations, but now they had lost their function.

Everything was so broken.

The sound of the wind came again, not just a sound, this time there was really wind blowing, moving his hair.



A voice called from a dark corner.

Lin Moyu looked towards the sound and saw a deep, dark hole in the corner.

His gaze penetrated the deep hole.

Immediately, Lin Moyu's pupils contracted, showing an expression of disbelief, even more shocked than before.

Lin Moyu considered himself calm, rarely shocked.

He could handle anything calmly.

But today's shock was hard to suppress, even for him.

He saw many runes, many basic runes.

No, compared to the basic runes he mastered, these were even more basic. In his eyes, these runes were extremely simple, but very familiar.

They were the runes often used by Meng Anwen in the small world.

Meng Anwen used these extremely simple runes to form various formations. Under Meng Anwen's control, the Shenxia Tower had the ability to turn decay into magic. The runes in the small world were completely different from those in the big world. Why were the runes Meng Anwen was good at appearing here? Combined with the replica Shenxia Tower, the shock was unimaginable for Lin Moyu. He even began to doubt this world. Before Lin Moyu could figure it out, the runes suddenly exploded.

A black shadow shattered the runes and pounced.

The black shadow opened its huge mouth, revealing a red tongue and sharp silver teeth.

Lin Moyu's body shone with brilliant golden light, activating the God King Golden Body, and punched out.