

 **Chapter 1427: The Show Wasn't Finished, But They Lost Their Lives**

Lin Moyu was feeling both pain and joy. His realm was advancing too quickly. In just one day, he went from the first tier of the God King realm to the second tier.

After his soul advanced, his soul power was replenished by the talent giant tree, taking almost no time to become full again. With abundant soul power and perfect comprehension of the laws without any flaws, all he felt was some pain and increased danger from this method of inheritance. But it was full of advantages.

In just one day, Lin Moyu reached the second tier of the God King realm. However, the inheritance had not ended, and the surging insights kept growing stronger. The pain in his soul came in bigger and bigger waves, leaving Lin Moyu with no way to retreat. He could only grit his teeth and endure while putting all his effort into accepting the insights of the laws, understanding and digesting them. He needed to know the reasons behind everything.

Lin Moyu felt like his brain was about to burn up, with smoke coming from his soul. The talent giant tree swayed continuously, as if trying to cool Lin Moyu down with the "eight-one-three" method.

In the void, a group of God Kings stood 100,000 kilometers away from the peculiar star, their malicious gazes fixed on Lin Moyu. At this moment, Lin Moyu was the only one on the peculiar star. When the peculiar lifeforms were expelled, they died collectively.

A large number of crystal cores fell to the ground and then merged into it, disappearing.

Dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth. These strongest crystal cores originally belonged to the peculiar star, so they returned to it.

The gray and white peculiar star had its two areas exchanged. The immense energy concentrated on Lin Moyu, and his aura began to increase rapidly.

"It's that human guy. He found the secret of the peculiar star."

"I can't believe the secret I've been searching for so long was discovered by him."

"The peculiar star is indeed powerful. In just one day, it raised him from the first tier of the God King realm to the second tier."

"Tsk tsk, no matter what tier of the God King realm, once he finishes advancing, I'll definitely capture him and ask about the secrets inside!"

The God King realm experts from various races looked at Lin Moyu with malice. In their eyes, Lin Moyu had snatched away their opportunity. Whoever snatches away opportunities must be punished.

Whether they had grudges with the human race or not, from this moment on, they had formed a deadly feud with Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu was completely unaware of this, putting all his effort into receiving the inheritance with no attention to spare for anything else.

Three days later, an invisible force suddenly transmitted from the void. In an instant, billions of kilometers were locked down, and space became heavy and stable. Most teleportation devices lost their function.

The God Kings surrounding the peculiar star, preparing to capture Lin Moyu and interrogate him, were stunned.

"Who locked down space?"

"Such a strong locking force with such a wide range. It's not an ordinary starry sky bead."

"At least a God Sovereign artifact has this kind of range. Could a God Sovereign have come?"

"Is it a human God Sovereign here to protect him?"

Amidst their discussion, an army appeared in their line of sight.

The army numbered around 10,000 and had an immense aura. Every member was a God King.

An army of God King soldiers could be considered the elite main force.

However, this army was strange, consisting of demons, Golden Eagle Clan members, and Three Silver Clan members.

It was common knowledge in the great world that the demons and Golden Eagle Clan were enemies. How could they form a joint army and put aside their grudges?

And what about the Three Silver Clan? Although not enemies, they wouldn't form a joint army either.

All the God Kings present looked dumbfounded.

At the very front of the formation were nine people leading the way. Their auras were powerful. Although all God Kings, they were clearly stronger than the others.

Of these nine, six were demons, two were from the Golden Eagle Clan, and one was from the Three Silver Clan.

Suddenly, someone from the dumbfounded God Kings exclaimed, "I recognize them! They're the guys on the human bounty list."

"I remember now. The demons and Golden Eagle Clan have been looking for a human named Lin Moyu recently."

"Not just them, many who hold grudges against humans have been looking for him. They say Lin Moyu is the strongest genius in the human race, called the second War God."

"I've heard that too. Apparently, he came from a small world and became a super god at 28, with unmatched talent."

"Could it be..."

Someone suddenly realized something and looked at Lin Moyu in the peculiar star. "Could he be Lin Moyu?"

Everyone's expressions showed shock. If the person in the peculiar star was Lin Moyu, then the demon, Golden Eagle Clan, and Three Silver Clan joint army made sense.

They were all enemies of the human race. To suppress the human genius, they temporarily put aside their grudges and formed a joint army. It didn't seem impossible.

The three-race joint army flew quickly towards them. Apart from the nine leaders at the front, there were three more above the army, emanating astonishing auras - three God Sovereigns.

The demons, Golden Eagle Clan, and Three Silver Clan each dispatched one God Sovereign.

This was simply a formation to ensure a kill, leaving Lin Moyu no path to survival.

Someone realized something was wrong and shouted loudly, "Retreat! We need to retreat quickly!"

But it was too late. The Golden Eagle Clan God Sovereign's cold voice rang out, "Clear the area!"

In an instant, dazzling light flashed as the Golden Eagle Clan took action.

They had dispatched 3,000 members this time, forming three battle formations of 1,000 each.

Although the Golden Eagle Clan battle formation was not as famous as the demon battle formation, it was superior in speed.

In the great world, there was a saying: If chased by a demon battle formation, there was still a chance to escape. But if chased by a Golden Eagle Clan battle formation, one could only wait for death.

This showed how terrifying the Golden Eagle Clan battle formation was. If you couldn't defeat it, you could only wait to die, with no chance to escape.

The three Golden Eagle Clan battle formations transformed into three streaks of golden light, like a torrential flood sweeping forth.

The God Kings who had been waiting to interrogate Lin Moyu all changed expression and immediately fled.

But unfortunately, their speed was far too slow compared to the Golden Eagle Clan's speed.

Especially after forming the battle formations, the Golden Eagle Clan's speed became even faster.

The golden torrents swept through the void, swallowing these fleeing God Kings one by one.

Wherever the torrents passed, there were no more traces of them.

In just a few minutes, the void became extremely quiet, with only the three-race joint army and the peculiar star remaining.

Lin Moyu was completely unaware of what happened outside the peculiar star. He had no ability to divert his attention.

The Golden Eagle Clan God Sovereign looked towards the peculiar star, locking onto Lin Moyu, and gave another order, "Kill him."

The three golden torrents turned in the void again, charging towards the peculiar star.

A thunderous boom erupted as the golden light exploded in the void.

The three golden torrents were like crashing into an unbreakable high wall, shattering and scattering.

The battle formations collapsed, and the Golden Eagle Clan God Kings inside were blown away.

The Golden Eagle Clan God Sovereign's expression turned ugly, not expecting this result.

He felt he had lost face. A God Sovereign needed to save face, and this time, he had truly lost it completely.

The demon God Sovereign mocked him, sneering, "You're really useless. Let me show you my clan's battle formation."

With his command, 1,000 demon God Kings formed a battle formation, transforming into a giant demon blade that slashed towards the peculiar star.

Another thunderous boom, and the peculiar star remained motionless. The demon battle formation met the same fate as the Golden Eagle Clan's, collapsing on the spot. The demon God Kings inside coughed up fresh blood, blown in all directions.

"Hahaha, your demon battle formation is nothing special either!"

The Golden Eagle Clan God Sovereign laughed loudly, feeling that he had regained his face.

Only the Three Silver Clan God Sovereign watched coldly, "Let's take action ourselves."