

 **Chapter 1334: My Small World is Really Strange**

There is water in the yellow desert. The patches of oasis are the best proof of this.

Where there is water, there are water elements, and the oasis does not evaporate. Lin Moyu sensed the laws of the water element from it.

At this moment, in the sudden downpour, Lin Moyu also felt the laws of the water element.

The rain fell harder and harder, soaking the sand, and the flying sand turned into mud and fell. The ground became wet, turning from sand to mud.

The world turned pitch black, and one couldn't see their hand in front of their face.


Lightning struck the mud, raising a large amount of mud and stones.

In the brief moment of light, Lin Moyu saw a touch of green.

At the place where the crystal cores were previously piled, a touch of green was growing rapidly.

It grew in the wind and rain, becoming more and more robust.


Another lightning bolt struck it, igniting flames, which were then extinguished by the rain.

Not only was it not destroyed by the lightning, but it also became stronger.

In just a few minutes, it grew from a small seedling into a towering tree.

It absorbed the power of the earth, the power of the rain, and the power of the lightning.

The bark of the tree began to blacken, turning into an extremely hard shell.

The tree continued to grow, becoming thicker and taller.

Huge vines grew down one by one, each with a diameter of more than five meters, looking more like giant sticks than vines.

If hit by one, the body would be torn apart.

Even with Lin Moyu's True God peak body, he couldn't withstand a few hits.

There were thousands of such vines, endless.

New leaves grew on the vines, with dense thorns between the leaves.

Each thorn was half a meter long, extremely sharp, capable of piercing a large hole in a person.

Finally, the tree stopped growing at a height of one thousand meters.

It covered the sky and the sun, looking like an entire forest despite being a single tree.

The branches and leaves were so dense that no light could pass through, making the area around its trunk as dark as night.

This was a leader-level monster, with strength reaching the peak of the God King eighth rank.

It looked similar to a tree monster but was far stronger.

Even if hundreds of tree monsters were tied together, they wouldn't be its match.

The countless vines could easily kill a tree monster.

Lin Moyu had retreated when the rain started. He quietly watched the leader monster appear, observing all the changes.

He knew that before the leader monster fully formed, he couldn't harm it, so there was no need to rush. The yellow light in the sky gradually faded, the rain stopped, and the yellow sand no longer flew.

At this moment, Lin Moyu suddenly received a message.

**[Leader Monster: Tree of Death]**

**[Realm: God King Eighth Rank]**

**[Restriction: The attacker's realm must not exceed the Tree of Death by two ranks. If it exceeds, no items will drop. If it exceeds by one rank, the drop rate is halved. The Tree of Death exists for two hours.]**

The message appeared directly in his mind, and upon receiving it, Lin Moyu was stunned.

Previously, he thought the yellow desert was somewhat similar to the dungeons in his small world.

Now, receiving this reminder, it was exactly like the dungeons in his small world.

"Damn... What the hell is going on with my small world?"

Lin Moyu's mind was in turmoil. He suddenly realized that his small world of birth was vastly different from the great world.

His small world seemed to be full of secrets, huge secrets.

Suddenly, a sense of danger arose in his heart, and he saw a black shadow coming towards him.

A vine crossed tens of thousands of meters, whipping down on him.

He immediately exerted force under his feet, moving hundreds of meters to the side.

The vine struck the yellow sand ground, creating a huge crack hundreds of meters deep.

The sand in the crack looked like it had been struck by lightning, turning black!

Immediately, another vine whipped over, and Lin Moyu dodged again!

He didn't want to be hit. It wouldn't kill him, but it would definitely be unpleasant.

The Tree of Death frantically swung its vines, attacking Lin Moyu from all angles and in all ways.

Lin Moyu was very agile, constantly dodging.

His previous thoughts were interrupted by the Tree of Death's attacks, and now he focused his attention on the Tree of Death.

"The Tree of Death absorbed the power of the earth, rain, and lightning."

"The earth law gave it strong defense, the lightning law gave it attack power."

"The water law gave it strong recovery ability, and as a plant-type monster, it has strong vitality."

"Moreover, as a leader monster, its vitality is even stronger."

Lin Moyu thought for a while and knew that even if he raised his power to the God King ninth rank, it would be difficult to kill the Tree of Death.

The Tree of Death was originally a leader monster, not meant to be killed by one person, but by a group.

To kill the Tree of Death, the Stone Demons would also need hundreds of God King seventh ranks and dozens of God King eighth ranks to work together and spend a lot of effort to kill it.

Lin Moyu extinguished the idea of personally taking action, as it was unrealistic.

Without external supplements, even with the dual source spells, his soul power would be exhausted quickly and wouldn't last long enough to kill the Tree of Death.

If he didn't use the source spells, the remaining methods were very limited.

First, the undead army was not reliable.

Although the Skeleton King had the combat power of the God King eighth rank, there was only one.

If there were ten or eight, it might be possible to try, but there was only one, so Lin Moyu gave up.

The Death Knight army and the Bone Dragon army were also not feasible, as their combat power was too low.

They could fight ordinary God King eighth-rank monsters, but not leader-level ones.

The Tree of Death was so large that it wasn't afraid of being surrounded.

Finally, the Skeleton God Generals, with only God King fourth-rank combat power, couldn't even keep up with the Tree of Death's recovery speed with a scraping tactic.

He couldn't do it, and the undead army couldn't do it.

So, the only options left were the Elemental Lich and Corpse Explosion.

Lin Moyu had two pieces of God King ninth-rank Stone Demon flesh and more than a dozen pieces of God King eighth-rank Stone Demon flesh, but he wasn't sure if they could kill the Tree of Death.

After all, it was a leader-level monster, a plant-type, with the water law, and its vitality was incredibly strong.

Moreover, the God King ninth-rank flesh was still useful, so it was better not to use it if possible.

As for the Void Wolf flesh, it was a God Sovereign-level material, a trump card for saving his life, and Lin Moyu wouldn't use it unless absolutely necessary.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lin Moyu had an idea.

The beautiful starlight Lich appeared, transforming into a beautiful star river above the Tree of Death.

The beautiful star river emitted a hazy light, enveloping the Tree of Death.

The Tree of Death's attacks suddenly became chaotic.

Originally, it was chasing Lin Moyu, but now it was attacking other places.

As a leader-level monster, its vitality even surpassed the God King ninth rank, and its attacks were close to the God King ninth rank.

But it was still a God King eighth-rank existence and was affected by the illusion.

The starlight Lich created an illusion, disrupting its attacks.

Then, flames flickered beside Lin Moyu, and the flame Lich leaped out.

Another star river of blazing flames appeared in the sky, pouring down, enveloping the Tree of Death in intense flames.