

 **Chapter 1326: Even the Wisest Can Make Mistakes**

Looking at the pitch-black, glowing Demon's Eye, Lin Moryu's lips curled into a slight smile. 

His gaze flickered imperceptibly, lowering slightly.

His peripheral vision caught sight of the area below the Demon's Eye.

At the edge of the fake mountain beneath the Demon's Eye, a Stone Demon suddenly appeared, only at the seventh level of the Divine King realm.

It was covered in wounds, its aura weak.

The severe injuries caused by the previous corpse explosion couldn't possibly heal in just a few days.

Suddenly, a faint light appeared on the resurrected Stone Demon, and its injuries rapidly healed, its aura surging.

Then it leaped up, charging towards the Demon's Eye.

Before any of the Stone Demons could react, it had already reached the Demon's Eye and then exploded violently.

Under Lin Moryu's command, it self-destructed.

The self-destruction of a seventh-level Divine King was formidable enough to make even an eighth-level Divine King avoid it. Its power was no less than Lin Moryu's corpse explosion.

In the powerful explosion, the entire base trembled, stones flew everywhere, and the chaotic black stones in the base were thrown into the air, then fell like raindrops.

The base was in chaos, with the Stone Demons inside all shocked, surprised, and confused.

The fake mountain housing the Demon's Eye was destroyed in the explosion, and the Demon's Eye was blown to pieces.

The three ninth-level Divine King Stone Demons looked at each other in dismay.

They couldn't understand why the Stone Demon had self-destructed for no reason.

Suddenly, one of them realized, "Damn, that Stone Demon was controlled by the human race."

It might have been the only moment of clarity in his life, but it was already too late.

In the next second, an endless human army appeared before their eyes.

The human army had already reached the base, easily shattering the barrier and charging in.


The three ninth-level Divine King Stone Demons roared in unison, launching a full-scale attack.

The Stone Demons in the base also began attacking the human army.

Laws surged wildly within the base, law domains expanded, and black giant stones appeared out of thin air, crashing down on the enemies like meteors.

The ground cracked, yellow sand erupted from the earth, transforming into a sandstorm that covered the sky.

Lin Moryu watched this scene and said calmly, "I underestimated the Lich's ability. Trapping a ninth-level Divine King is no problem, and even the other demons in the base can be trapped in the illusion."

In his vision, the Stone Demons were frantically attacking various positions within the base.

The places they attacked were empty, with no one there.

The human army they saw was all an illusion created by the Starlight Galaxy Lich.

Above the base, a dazzling law galaxy shimmered, enveloping the entire base.

The Starlight Galaxy Lich stood within the law galaxy, controlling the illusion like a deity.

As long as the Demon's Eye was destroyed, the Starlight Galaxy Lich could exert its full power.

The barrier had no effect on the illusion.

Under the influence of the illusion, the Stone Demons fought fiercely against their imagined enemies, turning the base into a wreck.

Lin Moryu looked at the still-intact barrier and said calmly, "Next, it's your turn."

A flash of fire passed by, and the Flame Galaxy Lich appeared, creating another dazzling law galaxy in the sky.

The projection of the Flame Law Galaxy descended with a roar, then reversed, pouring flames onto the barrier.

The barrier was engulfed in flames, becoming distorted.

However, this scene went unnoticed by the demons inside the base.

Under the influence of the illusion, they believed the barrier had already been shattered.

They saw the human army swinging their swords, slashing at them, inflicting severe injuries.

If they relaxed even slightly, they would be torn apart by the blades.

The barrier, being both offensive and defensive, counterattacked when attacked.

The Flame Galaxy Lich merged into the law galaxy, avoiding the barrier's attacks.

In just five minutes, the net-like barrier shattered and dissipated into the air.

At this moment, the Skeleton King appeared before Lin Moryu, launching a fierce attack on the seventh-level Divine King Stone Demons.

The Legion Commanders arrived with their troops, launching their attacks.

The Skeleton Generals followed closely, with three million of them forming dense circles.

Sword energy engulfed the entire base, falling densely on the Stone Demons, making sounds like iron being struck.

The Skeleton Generals' attack power was weak, barely enough to scratch the surface, but it was better than nothing.

Their real purpose was to prevent the demons from escaping.

If any demons tried to flee, they could at least delay them, buying some time.

However, under the illusion, it was almost impossible for the simple-minded Stone Demons to escape.

Lin Moryu did this just in case.

After the Flame Galaxy Lich destroyed the barrier, it began attacking the demons in the base.

According to Lin Moryu's pre-arranged plan, its primary targets were the seventh-level Divine King Stone Demons.

Lin Moryu didn't let it attack the ninth-level Divine King demons, or even the eighth-level ones.

That would be too wasteful. Stone Demons killed by the Flame Galaxy Lich wouldn't even leave ashes behind.

Lin Moryu still wanted to use the demon corpses as weapons.

In his plan, only if the illusion's power was insufficient to trap more than one ninth-level Divine King would the Flame Galaxy Lich deal with the other ninth-level demons.

Lin Moryu took out several pieces of flesh, all from seventh-level Divine King demons.

Locking onto several demons in the base, the flesh silently turned to powder, and the demons exploded without warning.

The exploded Stone Demons' corpses continued to serve as Lin Moryu's weapons for more corpse explosions. The seventh-level Divine King Stone Demons fell like harvested wheat, and Lin Moryu then targeted the eighth-level Divine King demons. For him, group battles were not a concern.

As long as one was killed, he could use the battle to sustain himself, growing stronger with each fight.

Explosions rang out continuously, and an eighth-level Divine King Stone Demon fell, its body shattered, black and yellow blood staining the yellow sand.

But this was just the beginning. With the first eighth-level Divine King Stone Demon corpse, the rest were no longer a problem.

Using it as material, Lin Moryu launched a massacre against the eighth-level Divine King Stone Demons.

One by one, the eighth-level Divine King Stone Demons fell in the violent explosions, losing their lives.

The battlefield token at his waist grew hot, continuously recording Lin Moryu's battle achievements.

Whether killed by the undead army, the Skeleton King, or the Liches, all counted towards Lin Moryu's achievements.

In the sky, the projections of the two law galaxies intertwined, creating a stunning spectacle.

The slaughter was swift, and within just over ten minutes, more than half of the demons in the base were dead or injured.

At this moment, the already battered Demon's Eye suddenly glowed again.

The Demon's Eye slowly opened, shooting a beam of light at the Starlight Law Galaxy.

The Starlight Law Galaxy trembled violently and then collapsed.

The Starlight Galaxy Lich appeared, its aura weakened.

Lin Moryu was slightly surprised, not expecting the Demon's Eye to still be functional.

Had he known, he would have delivered another blow earlier. Even the wisest can make mistakes.

With a thought, he recalled the Starlight Galaxy Lich.

The Starlight Galaxy Lich was injured and had expended too much power, needing time to recover.

Trapping all the demons in the base, especially with three ninth-level Divine King demons, was a significant strain on it. With the illusion gone, the three ninth-level Divine King Stone Demons saw the real situation.