

 **Chapter 1291: Some Things Should Not Be Said!**

In the restaurant of Fortress No. 1, the light sounds of dining could be heard. Lin Moyu chose a corner seat by the window, gazing out at the starry sky, watching the starlight that had traveled across countless light-years.

His mind was still pondering the words spoken by Zhu Qiwu earlier.

Zhu Qiwu had said a lot, telling Lin Moyu everything he knew about the ancient times, at least the parts he could disclose.

According to Zhu Qiwu, this information would be accessible to Lin Moyu once he became a god sovereign, but it would take time to collect and compile.

Zhu Qiwu had condensed this information and presented it to Lin Moyu in an organized manner.

Lin Moyu could tell that Zhu Qiwu was also very interested in the ancient times.

Zhu Qiwu's curiosity was no less than his own; otherwise, he wouldn't have bothered collecting and organizing information about the ancient times.

A server brought a few exquisite dishes and a jar of wine.

Lin Moyu took a sip. The wine was crisp and light, with a lingering aroma that wasn't overpowering.

The wine body exploded within him, transforming into a clear stream that swept through his entire being.

Immediately, an invisible force of laws flowed towards his soul, making his soul feel like a clear spring, and his thoughts became even clearer.

The wine was called "Mind-Clearing Wine," brewed from a plant called "Mind-Clearing Grass" found in the 4-33 area of the Vermilion Bird Battlefield. This wine was unique, containing special laws that directly affected the soul.

Drinking a small amount could clear one's thoughts, aiding in contemplation. However, if consumed in excess, one's thoughts would become muddled for a period, unable to focus.

These laws wouldn't cause any substantial damage, so they wouldn't trigger the soul's defense mechanisms.

With the help of the Mind-Clearing Wine, Lin Moyu began to combine Zhu Qiwu's words with his own knowledge, allowing them to merge.

Gradually, some events from the ancient times became clearer to him.

First, he could confirm that his profession, spells, and even laws were definitely related to the ancient times.

In the ancient times, an unimaginable great calamity had occurred, causing changes throughout the Great World.

In that great calamity, races were extinguished, and worlds nearly collapsed.

In the face of such a great calamity, any major changes in the world wouldn't be surprising.

Laws could change, old races could perish, and new races could be born.

The human race that emerged later might not even be the same human race from the ancient times, as it was difficult to discern.

As Zhu Qiwu had suggested, the powerful beings from the ancient times must have found ways to save themselves.

The chaos appearing in the battlefield areas, those things from the ancient times, might be independent worlds opened by the powerful beings of that era to survive the great calamity.

Those independent worlds had avoided the great calamity and remained until now.

Lin Moyu knew that Zhu Qiwu must have withheld some information.

What could be said and what couldn't be said was under Zhu Qiwu's control, not his own.

However, from Zhu Qiwu's words, Lin Moyu had still grasped some crucial information.

For instance, when Zhu Qiwu referred to the ancient tomb and the skeleton general, he used the word "they" instead of "he."

This implied that there were others similar to the skeleton general.

There were indeed people from the ancient times who were still alive today.

People who had lived since before the era of War God Xiao Zhantian truly existed.

Almost every strong race had ancient monsters that had survived from the Near Ancient Era.

Even Xiao Zhantian himself was still alive after tens of thousands of years.

After all, at their level, living for tens of thousands of years wasn't a big deal.

But to have lived since the Ancient Era and still be alive today was astonishing.

To have survived the great calamity and still exist today, their strength must have been unimaginable.

By the time the Mind-Clearing Wine in the jar was depleted, Lin Moyu had organized all the information.

He came to the following conclusion: The great calamity of the ancient times must have been that great war, which had nearly caused the collapse of the Great World Runes.

The Great World Runes were the foundation of the world, and if they were damaged, it wouldn't be surprising for a great calamity to occur.

The great calamity of the ancient times most likely arose from this.

Almost all races and living beings perished during that period, with only a few remnants surviving, but their numbers wouldn't be significant.

His profession and spells should have originated from a certain race in the ancient times, with the highest possibility being the same race that controlled skeletons.

The path ahead was still shrouded in mystery, and he could only move forward through the dense fog, slowly searching for answers.

Perhaps only when he reached the end and truly emerged from the fog, turning back to look, would he see the whole picture.

Mere guesses couldn't provide complete certainty.

In front of the 7-10 area, Zhu Qiwu and the man in black appeared simultaneously.

The man in black was like a black hole, absorbing all light around him, making it difficult to detect his presence even at close range.

Zhu Qiwu said, "You still plan to go and see for yourself?"

The man in black's voice was low and solemn, "You know the old ancestors are very curious about this."

Zhu Qiwu revealed a strange smile, "Yes, they don't want to die."

"Some things should not be said," the man in black glanced at Zhu Qiwu.

Zhu Qiwu smiled awkwardly, "I understand."

He didn't say anything further, knowing he had misspoken. He didn't have the right to say certain things.

The man in black looked at the 7-10 area for a moment, then his figure faded and dissipated like bubbles.

Zhu Qiwu knew that the man in black had entered the 7-10 area, perhaps even the ancient tomb itself.

The restrictions of the 7-10 area couldn't stop him.

In fact, none of the restrictions in the entire Vermilion Bird Battlefield could stop him.

He could go wherever he wanted with just a thought.

Near the fountain in the ancient tomb, outside the third passage, the man in black appeared silently.

A pair of bright lights shone from within his black hole-like form.

His gaze swept over the fountain, witnessing the black Water of Death spouting from it once again.

"Indeed, it has started spouting again."

He seemed pensive, having visited this place many years ago.

At that time, the ancient tomb had just appeared, and the fountain was completely dry.

Then, he turned his gaze towards the third passage, the thick black fog unable to obscure his vision.

He clearly saw the eight entrances on both sides of the passage.

When he had come before, there were no entrances. If there had been, they wouldn't have escaped his eyes.

His figure moved, and he entered the thick black fog, randomly choosing one of the entrances.

In the next moment, he appeared in the cemetery.

His gaze swept across the cemetery, heading straight for the distant mountain.

He had already learned about the situation in the cemetery from Zhu Qiwu, so he wouldn't wait for the undying flame to rise like Lin Moyu.

With a single step, he was already in the cemetery.

In the cemetery, there were god-king cleaners meticulously sweeping the grounds.

He sensed the aura of the cemetery and spoke in a low, solemn voice, "The power of rules!"

There was a hint of displeasure in his voice.

Among the god-king cleaners, there were quite a few from the human race.

Seeing the souls of the same-race god-kings imprisoned here, he showed a trace of displeasure.

His aura rippled slightly, and with another step, he appeared on the mountain top.

He ignored the rules of the cemetery.

On the mountain top, it was utterly silent, without even the sound of wind.

The undying flame had not yet risen, and only the massive coffin and the throne carved with skulls stood silently, having remained there for countless years.

The man in black lightly stomped his foot, and a vast force swept out, causing the entire mountain to rumble.

"Come out!"