

**Chapter 1145: Reciprocity, Mysterious Iron Block**

Lin Moyu was very clear that the reason the Xuanguang Deity was so reasonable and spoke kindly to him was not only due to the deity's own character but also because Zhu Qiwu was present. Lin

In fact, the Xuanguang Deity had noticed Zhu Qiwu as soon as he arrived.

That was why he treated Lin Moyu with such courtesy; otherwise, he might have slapped him to death.

Whether he could actually kill him was another matter.

A deity's projection, with the combat power of a God King, still made Lin Moyu fearful.

He could have used the powder of the Abyssal Dragon Demon's second avatar's corpse to fight the Xuanguang Deity to the death.

"You don't need to say that. It's just a deity's projection; you can handle it," Zhu Qiwu smiled slightly, casting a meaningful glance.

It seemed to say, "Others may not know you, but do you think I don't?"

Lin Moyu remained humble, "In any case, with you here, the Xuanguang Deity was willing to reason with me."

Zhu Qiwu pondered for a second, "Actually, Xuanguang is a decent person, just too indulgent with his grandson. Fortunately, you didn't kill him; otherwise, it would have been troublesome."

Lin Moyu asked curiously, "Does the Xuanguang Deity have only one grandson?"

Zhu Qiwu laughed, "Not at all. Xuanguang's family is quite large, with many descendants. He just values Shao Xiuyuan because of his talent."

"No wonder," Lin Moyu said with a smile. No wonder Shao Xiuyuan had the protective jade token from the Xuanguang Deity.

As he knew, deities spread their bloodlines widely, taking multiple wives and having many children.

This was to ensure the continuation of the deity's bloodline.

Normally, a deity would have ten or eight daughters, and even more grandchildren.

Some deities had hundreds or even thousands of descendants, forming families of tens of thousands, which was quite normal.

The further the lineage went, the lower the concentration of the deity's bloodline.

For a deity's children, achieving the God King realm was not difficult, but becoming a deity was still challenging.

As for the grandchildren, even achieving the God King realm could be problematic.

But with many descendants, there would always be one or two geniuses who could become deities again.

However, with so many descendants, it was impossible to care for each one.

Generally, it was difficult for descendants to even meet the Xuanguang Deity. Only those with strong talent, like Shao Xiuyuan, would receive the deity's attention and even be given protective jade tokens.

At the same time, being valued by the Xuanguang Deity came with expectations for their cultivation. If Shao Xiuyuan's performance was poor and he couldn't inherit the legacy, he would eventually be abandoned.

Such families were common among the human race.

It wasn't cruel; it was just reality.

In the family, one could talk about affection, but outside, facing other races, only strength mattered.

Lin Moyu returned to the forward base and then teleported back to Fortress No. 5.

Zhu Qiwu did not follow him back; they had parted ways at the forward base.

They didn't exchange a word or say goodbye.

Lin Moyu was grateful to this senior who guarded the Vermilion Bird battlefield.

Although Zhu Qiwu initially protected him secretly on the orders of Domain Lord Zhu Tian, he later openly protected him, solving some troubles for him.

Otherwise, just dealing with the Abyssal Dragon Demon's second avatar would have been a big problem, and it was uncertain if he could have escaped unscathed.

"Hey, Junior Brother Lin, you're back too!" Xu Jianxing's voice interrupted Lin Moyu's thoughts.

Turning his head, he saw Xu Jianxing walking over slowly.

He was still as graceful as ever, like a refined gentleman.

Lin Moyu already knew that Xu Jianxing was not from the Vermilion Bird Star Region but had come out from the Divine City for training.

His demeanor was different from others, which Lin Moyu had noticed the first time he met Xu Jianxing.

At that time, he found it strange, thinking Xu Jianxing was a descendant of a prominent family, but he didn't have the arrogance typical of such descendants.

Later, he learned that Xu Jianxing was from the Divine City.

This made Lin Moyu yearn for the human race's Divine City.

Lin Moyu smiled, "Senior Brother Xu, did you find the essence fire?"

Xu Jianxing sighed, "I found a six-colored essence fire but lost a fight."

He seemed a bit regretful.

However, Xu Jianxing remained cheerful, not disheartened even after losing the fight.

Lin Moyu asked, "Didn't you continue searching?"

Xu Jianxing didn't hide anything, "I got injured and was targeted by other races, so I returned for safety."

"It's no big deal. I'll go back after breaking through to the God King realm."

Lin Moyu asked, "How many more six-colored essence fires do you need?"

Xu Jianxing held up two fingers, "Two more. It's not too hard to find, but not too easy either."

Fortunately, it's six-colored essence fire, not like the seven-colored essence fire needed by the Green Sword Daoist.

Lin Moyu had three seven-colored essence fires, all prepared for Yuxingrou.

As for six-colored essence fires, he had forty-two.

Moved by a thought, Lin Moyu took out a storage device, "Senior Brother Xu, this is for you."

"What's this?" Xu Jianxing took it with some doubt. After checking, his pupils shrank, and he was slightly shocked, his breathing quickening, "Six-colored essence fire."

In the essence fire source, five-colored to seven-colored essence fires could be born.

Most were five-colored essence fires, with a few six-colored essence fires. The rare seven-colored essence fires were hard to come by.

Xu Jianxing had gone to the essence fire source to find six-colored essence fires.

He found one but lost the fight and got injured.

Originally, he planned to return after healing and breaking through to the God King realm.

Unexpectedly, Lin Moyu directly gave him two six-colored essence fires.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Xu Jianxing returned the storage device to Lin Moyu, "Junior Brother Lin, keep it for yourself. I can find more."

Lin Moyu didn't take it back, smiling, "No need to be polite, Senior Brother Xu. My spells have all been elevated, and six-colored essence fires are useless to me."

Six-colored essence fires weren't rare treasures. Even if he didn't use them, selling them could fetch a lot of points.

But Lin Moyu gave them to him directly, and Xu Jianxing wasn't one to hesitate.

"Then I won't be polite. Thank you, Junior Brother Lin."

Xu Jianxing said cheerfully, putting away the six-colored essence fires, and took out something to give to Lin Moyu.

"This is something I obtained during a mission in the Divine City, from a secret realm."

"I felt it was extraordinary but couldn't figure it out after years of research. This time, I'll give it to you as a return gift. I hope you won't refuse."

Reciprocity, Lin Moyu didn't refuse and accepted the item from Xu Jianxing.

The extraordinary item Xu Jianxing mentioned was a square metal block.

It looked like iron but also like gold, glowing with golden light.

Sometimes it appeared copper-yellow, sometimes silver-white.

From different angles and at different times, it showed completely different colors.

When Lin Moyu touched the metal block, the [Infinite Fusion] spell star in his soul world jumped violently.