

**Chapter 1068: All Things in the World Are Difficult**

There was no direct teleportation array to each war zone within the Star Fortress. Lin Moyu had to use the teleportation array to reach the various Star Fortresses.

Each war zone had a Star Fortress stationed there.

Lin Moyu had accepted a mission in War Zone 5, so he needed to head to the Star Fortress in Zone 5.

Lin Moyu saw another map, this one depicting the Vermilion Bird Battlefield.

The map divided the battlefield into ten zones, each representing a war zone. Zones 1 to 6 were located on the outermost perimeter of the Vermilion Bird Battlefield, forming a large circle that surrounded the entire battlefield.

Further inward, there was another circular area, which included Zones 7 to 9.

At the very center of the battlefield was Zone 10, which belonged to the God Sovereign realm.

In Lin Moyu's eyes, the central Zone 10 occupied an area comparable to the combined size of the other nine zones.

"This structure... looks a bit like a star system," Lin Moyu muttered to himself as he looked at the map.

All the war zones seemed to revolve around the central Zone 10.

Zone 10 was like the star in a star system, while the other zones were like planets orbiting it.

This made it easier to understand.

However, what Lin Moyu couldn't understand was where the resources within the war zones came from.

It was common knowledge that the total amount of resources in a star system was limited. Resources could regenerate, but the process was very slow.

This was common sense, known to almost everyone.

But the situation in the battlefield was different. In the battlefield, resources seemed endless.

New resources constantly appeared, leading to fierce competition among various races for these resources.

Every race had an insatiable desire for resources.

Besides resources, there were also various opportunities in the battlefield.

Many people who couldn't break through with their own strength would come here to seek opportunities.

Lin Moyu entered the teleportation array to head to the Star Fortress in Zone 5.

At this moment, Lin Moyu discovered something peculiar. Traveling to the Star Fortress in Zone 5 didn't require any points. However, traveling to other Star Fortresses did require points, and the cost was quite high. Lin Moyu realized that this was related to the mission he had accepted. Since he had accepted a mission in War Zone 5, traveling to the Star Fortress in Zone 5 was free. If he wanted to travel to a Star Fortress without a corresponding mission, he would have to pay.

This system prevented people from using the teleportation arrays randomly.

After all, the distances between Star Fortresses were vast, and using large interstellar teleportation arrays consumed a lot of energy. Traveling from Fortress 1 to Fortress 5 required several transfers, spanning a distance of 30,000 light-years.

The size of the Vermilion Bird Battlefield far exceeded Lin Moyu's imagination.

He had only heard that the Vermilion Bird Battlefield was larger than the entire Vermilion Bird Star Domain, and now he saw that it was true.

At the top of Fortress 10, a God Sovereign sat cross-legged.

He was the master of Fortress 10 and the overseer of the Vermilion Bird Battlefield, Zhu Qiwu.

Zhu Qiwu faced the very center of the battlefield, the most core area.

It was pitch black there, with all light disappearing without a trace.

Even the light emitted by the Star Fortress couldn't illuminate the distant darkness.

A vast soul force spread out like a giant net, absorbing power from the depths of the darkness.

Suddenly, a light appeared in front of him, coming from the Star Fortress below.

Zhu Tian's figure appeared in the light.

"Senior Brother," Zhu Tian said loudly.

Zhu Qiwu didn't open his eyes and spoke softly, "Third Brother, what is it?"

Zhu Tian said, "The person I favor has arrived at the Vermilion Bird Battlefield. I would like to trouble Senior Brother to look after him."

"The person you favor?" Zhu Qiwu thought for a moment and understood.

"What is his name?" Zhu Qiwu asked.

"Lin Moyu," Zhu Tian replied.

Zhu Qiwu remained silent, and Zhu Tian waited patiently.

After a few seconds, Zhu Qiwu slowly said, "He has already gone to Fortress 5. That area is for missions above the sixth level of the True God realm. He is only at the first level of the True God realm, so he must have the ability to challenge higher levels. What is his true combat strength?"

Zhu Tian said, "He once killed a first-level God King."

Zhu Qiwu's eyelids twitched a few times, but he didn't open his eyes. "Understood. I will have someone keep an eye on him."

Zhu Tian bowed slightly, "Thank you, Senior Brother."

"We are brothers; no need for formalities," Zhu Qiwu said straightforwardly.

Zhu Tian smiled, "When will you break through, Senior Brother?"

Zhu Qiwu replied, "Soon. What about you?"

Zhu Tian shook his head, "I am entangled in trivial matters, so it will be difficult."

Zhu Qiwu said softly, "Handling trivial matters is also a form of cultivation. Keeping your heart steady and not being disturbed by external things is what our master taught us. Have you forgotten?"

Zhu Tian smiled bitterly, "How could I forget? It's just that it's too difficult. You don't know how troublesome it is to manage a star domain."

"Trouble is also a form of cultivation."

"I know, but... sigh, I will do my best. If it doesn't work out, I will have to take another path."

Zhu Tian's projection disappeared as he left.

Zhu Qiwu sighed softly, "All things in the world are difficult. If you can't keep your heart steady, how can anything be easy?"

After speaking, he closed his eyes again.

A shadow flew out from his body, one of his avatars.

The avatar disappeared into the starry sky.

Soon after, a teleportation array within the Star Fortress lit up.

Lin Moyu arrived at the Star Fortress in Zone 5, which seemed no different from Fortress 1.

The structure of the entire fortress was identical to that of Fortress 1.

The only difference was that there was no mission center or trading center here.

Moreover, the presence of the Human Sovereign Network couldn't be sensed here.

After completing a mission, one had to return to Fortress 1 to submit it.

The area where he could move was very small. Most of the area here belonged to the military and was not open to outsiders.

Lin Moyu didn't stay long in the fortress and activated the teleportation array again.

The Star Fortress in Zone 5 faced War Zone 5, but War Zone 5 was very large and subdivided into thousands of smaller areas, each identified by a number.

The human race had become accustomed to using numerical identifiers, making it easy to understand.

The mission Lin Moyu chose was in Area 5-38.

The "5" represented War Zone 5, and "5-38" was the 38th area within War Zone 5.

In this area, the human race had established a small forward base.

It was managed by the military.

As soon as Lin Moyu exited the teleportation array, he felt a different atmosphere.

It was the atmosphere of the military, reminding him of the soldiers in the small world, who had a similar aura.

This small base, built on a fragment of a planet, covered an area of only about a hundred miles.

A military force was stationed here, forming a military formation.

Each soldier had the combat power of at least the seventh level of the True God realm.

Forming a military formation, they could even contend with a God King.

Here, they wouldn't take the initiative to attack. As long as other races didn't provoke them, they wouldn't attack.

It seemed to be an unspoken rule, followed by other races as well.

After saluting the soldiers, Lin Moyu left the base and truly entered Area 38.