

**Chapter 1037: Gaining Insights Just by Walking, So Annoying**

Gu Qingxuan watched as the army of 100,000 undead charged aggressively into the shattered star. 

An astonishing aura rose within the shattered star, instantly pushing the battle into a white-hot stage.

"Let's go and take a look."

Lin Moyu flew forward, but Gu Qingxuan didn't move a step.

It took her a full two seconds to react, and she hurriedly followed, "Are all these skeletons your spell?"

Lin Moyu replied, "Yes, they are all my spells."

"How can you summon so many skeletons, and each one is so powerful?"

"Not bad, this is just a part of them."

Lin Moyu's words shocked Gu Qingxuan again. This was just a part, meaning Lin Moyu could summon even more.

She had no idea that this was just a very small part.

Skeleton God Warriors, Skeleton God Mages, and Skeleton Soul Archers could each be summoned in quantities of 1 million, with each having the combat power of a fifth-tier true god.

Lich Generals and Death Knights could each be summoned in quantities of 500,000, and Bone Dragons in quantities of 200,000. Among them, Death Knights and Bone Dragons had the strength of sixth-tier true gods.

The Bone Dragons were even more powerful, reaching the peak of the sixth-tier true gods.

This kind of combat power was enough to sweep through this star system.

If they encountered stronger enemies, they could abandon these basic undead armies and use fusion spells instead.

They could summon 100,000 Death Dragon Knights and 1 million Skeleton God Generals.

Death Dragon Knights could rival seventh-tier true gods, and Skeleton God Generals could rival eighth-tier true gods.

Lin Moyu was very clear about his own strength, basically invincible in the true god realm.

Unless he encountered a peak true god, he could walk unchallenged in the true god realm.

In addition, he could summon 10 Elemental Liches and millions of resurrected undead.

However, there were still limitations. Elemental Liches required top-quality materials, which Lin Moyu had not yet found.

He was not interested in some super god-level materials.

Even if he fed the Elemental Liches, their role would be limited.

As for resurrected undead, they required a large number of corpses and could only be used occasionally.

Gu Qingxuan found that she completely couldn't understand Lin Moyu.

This genius she had brought in was excessively talented.

The shocks he brought her along the way were more than she had experienced in her entire life.

Gu Qingxuan felt that the world had become somewhat unfamiliar, and she couldn't understand it anymore.

Was someone like Lin Moyu really reasonable?

If Lin Moyu was called a genius, then what was she? She felt like she wasn't even an ordinary person.

Looking at the groups of murderous skeletons charging forward, Gu Qingxuan felt that she couldn't defeat any of them. Each skeleton could kill her.

Gu Qingxuan asked softly, "How strong are your skeletons?"

Lin Moyu replied, "These three types are about the strength of fifth-tier true gods."

"These three types?" Gu Qingxuan was shocked, "You mean you have other types of skeletons?"

Lin Moyu nodded, "There are a few more types. I'll show you when there's a chance."


Gu Qingxuan looked at Lin Moyu speechlessly. She was extremely curious about Lin Moyu and really wanted to understand what kind of person he was.

She just felt that Lin Moyu was full of mysteries.

She didn't know that this thought was very dangerous.

The two flew into the shattered star, following the footsteps of the undead army.

Law beads were scattered everywhere.

The strange creatures, which were not even as strong as fourth-tier true gods, couldn't stop the advance of the undead army at all.

The undead army pushed forward all the way, killing towards the center of the shattered star.

Lin Moyu felt the energy transmitted from within the shattered star, sensing its aura, and muttered to himself, "So that's how it is."

Gu Qingxuan was curious, "What?"

Lin Moyu said, "This star was shattered, but its core remained largely intact."

"After the great battle, it continuously absorbed the power from the star. Originally, this power should have been used to maintain the star, but now that the star is shattered, the power has nowhere to go."

"It also received the will of the star, trying to sort out the laws and restore itself."

"That's why it gave birth to the Law Divine Flower."

Gu Qingxuan listened to Lin Moyu's words, half understanding, "Is this all your guess?"

Lin Moyu shook his head and smiled, "Partly analysis, partly guesswork. It might not be entirely accurate, but it shouldn't be too far off."

"If I'm not mistaken, this Law Divine Flower should contain multiple laws."

Lin Moyu analyzed based on the information he had read.

He was no longer completely ignorant of the great world. After reading the information with fourth-level permissions, he had some understanding of the great world.

Many things could be analyzed and guessed to get some answers.

They might not be completely accurate, but they wouldn't be too far off.

Lin Moyu was gradually understanding the operating logic of the great world.

This was his favorite thing to do, to get to the bottom of everything.

Only by understanding from the most fundamental level could one truly understand.

Not only knowing how to use it but also knowing why to use it that way.

Gu Qingxuan still didn't quite understand. Her soul was not as strong as Lin Moyu's, and she couldn't sense the subtleties that Lin Moyu could.

She also didn't have Lin Moyu's analytical ability.

But she felt that Lin Moyu made a lot of sense. Since she didn't understand, she just listened.

The battle ahead grew more intense, and the fight continued.

Lin Moyu's lips curled up, "Not only did it give birth to the Law Divine Flower, but it also gave birth to a big guy."

Gu Qingxuan tilted her head, indicating she didn't understand.

Her current task was to collect the law beads scattered along the way.

Just on this journey, she had collected over a thousand law beads.

One of their tasks was already completed.

After advancing a bit further, Gu Qingxuan finally felt the big guy Lin Moyu mentioned.

A massive aura came rushing towards them, blowing Gu Qingxuan's hair like a strong wind.

The aura carried intense laws, filled with scorching heat, causing the temperature to rise sharply.

Then Gu Qingxuan saw a huge sun, like a sun hanging in the sky.

"Is this a star?" Gu Qingxuan wondered if she was seeing things. How could there be a star in the shattered star?

Lin Moyu laughed, "It's not a star, but a strange creature. Over the years, the core of the shattered star gave birth to two things."

"One is the Law Divine Flower, and the other is it."

"Because most of the power it received came from the star, it took on the appearance of a star."

"It also received some obsessions from the starry sky and devoured some other strange creatures, eventually becoming an even more powerful strange creature."

"Its birth is full of wonders. The world is truly amazing. Even at the end of death, life can be born."

At this point, Lin Moyu suddenly paused.

The birth of life at the end of death was very similar to his Undying Law.

Lin Moyu felt that his understanding of the Undying Law had increased again. Although it had just reached 10%, it seemed to have increased a bit more, probably reaching 11%.

In the true god realm, each advancement in level required a 2% improvement in laws.

He just needed to advance a bit more to reach the second tier of true gods.

Gu Qingxuan also sensed Lin Moyu's change, knowing that he had gained some insights, and her eyes showed envy. Such a genius was truly incomparable.

Gaining insights just by walking, it was so annoying.