

 **Chapter 1024: Skeletons No Longer Suppressed**

The improvement of the fusion degree of spells is not easy. Lin

But once it reaches 200%, the benefits are also very significant.

Why are spells divided into planetary-level and stellar-level?

According to Lin Moyu's understanding, this is determined by the laws of the great world.

The names and forms of existence all conform to the rules of the great world.

In the great world, when a star reaches the end of its life, it will use all its power to undergo extreme sublimation, attempting to be reborn.

The same is true for stellar-level spells.

When the fusion degree reaches 200%, to continue improving, it must undergo extreme sublimation, making the spell even stronger.

Lin Moyu stood up and bowed to Luo Qiankun again, "Thank you for your guidance, senior. I understand now."

"I would like to rent a training room to experiment with my spells."

Luo Qiankun nodded and accepted it calmly, "Go ahead, there are many available."

This time, Lin Moyu enjoyed the training room for free.

Luo Qiankun had even allowed him to use the star formation, so a mere training room was nothing.

After entering the training room, Lin Moyu began testing his spells.

The spells moved as he wished, flowing naturally, without any hindrance.

After reaching the True God realm, the level of his soul had greatly increased, and the power of all his spells had also improved.

The law-bearing capacity increased from 1% to 10%, significantly enhancing the power of his spells.

With both factors combined, Lin Moyu's combat power increased significantly.

After experimenting with other spells, Lin Moyu began summoning skeletons.

This was the most important part. No matter how other spells improved, summoning was Lin Moyu's foundation.

A Skeleton God Warrior appeared, followed by a Skeleton God Mage, a Skeleton Soul Archer, and a Death Knight.

With the linkage of spells, Lin Moyu didn't need to summon them one by one.

He only needed to start, and the spells would automatically fill the skeletons for him.

Each skeleton emitted the aura of the True God realm. When Lin Moyu reached the True God realm, his undead army also reached the True God realm.

Moreover, Lin Moyu immediately noticed a difference.

The skeletons had become stronger, not just normally stronger, but abnormally stronger.

The most ordinary Skeleton God Warrior in front of him emitted an aura comparable to a fifth-tier True God cultivator.

The Death Knight and Bone Dragon had reached the level of a sixth-tier True God.

"How can they be so strong?"

This increase in strength was too strange.

Even with the eight-star spell enhancement and the 10% law-bearing capacity, they shouldn't be this strong, completely exceeding his expectations.

Lin Moyu's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking of a possibility.

Previously, due to the curse of the great world's rune, the skeletons had always been weak.

Even with talent enhancement, the skeletons could only reach a level comparable to their peers. Lin Moyu had always relied on quantity to win.

Without talent enhancement, the skeletons were just empty shells with levels but no corresponding strength.

Since the summoning spells formed an eight-star spell system, the strength of the skeletons had improved, gradually reaching the level of their peers.

Reaching the same level meant that in a one-on-one fight, without talent enhancement, the skeletons could match their peers.

Of course, with talent enhancement, the skeletons still surpassed their peers, but not by much.

Only the Skeleton God Generals, after infinite fusion, could truly surpass their peers.

With all the enhancements, the Skeleton God Generals could fight and win against opponents five tiers higher.

But now, not only the Skeleton God Generals, even the most ordinary Skeleton God Warriors emitted an aura five tiers higher.

Lin Moyu speculated that it was because the curse of the great world's rune had disappeared.

To be precise, it had temporarily retreated.

During the breakthrough, he had fought against the curse of the great world's rune and achieved a significant victory. Without the restriction of the curse, the skeletons finally displayed their true strength.

With the talent and eight-star spell system enhancements, even an ordinary Skeleton God Warrior could contend with a fifth-tier True God.

The Bone Dragon could even contend with a sixth-tier True God.

Based on past experience, the Skeleton God Generals could even challenge an eighth-tier True God.

And he had many such skeletons, enough to form a large army.

Skeleton God Warriors appeared one after another, their speed increasing.

Fortunately, the training room's space was specially treated, making it very spacious.

Lin Moyu also promptly retracted the skeletons into the spell stars.

After half a day, the summoning finally stopped.

Skeleton God Warriors, Skeleton God Mages, Skeleton Soul Archers, all reached a total of one million.

If used for fusion summoning, they could summon one million Skeleton God Generals.

One million Skeleton God Generals with the combat power of an eighth-tier True God were enough to overwhelm a ninth-tier True God.

A first-tier True God able to contend with a ninth-tier True God was no longer just a simple case of fighting across realms.

As his level increased, his ability to fight across realms not only didn't weaken but grew stronger.

After retracting all the skeletons, Lin Moyu left the training room with a smile.

Luo Qiankun glanced at Lin Moyu, "It seems you are very satisfied with your spells."

Lin Moyu nodded, "They feel great."

Luo Qiankun chuckled, "Continue to improve your strength, don't slack off."

Lin Moyu bowed again, "I understand, thank you for your guidance, Elder Luo."

Luo Qiankun had truly helped him a lot this time, and Lin Moyu would not forget it.

Outside the War God Hall, he happened to encounter a group of newcomers.

They were being led by their respective guides to the War God Hall for assessment.

Upon seeing the five large characters of the Human Race War God Hall, they all stepped back and fell to the ground.

Lin Moyu thought of his past self. Although he had only been in the great world for half a year, he had spent a thousand days in the Time House.

In reality, he had already cultivated in the great world for over three years.

Three years is not a short time. After all, he was only 31 years old now.

He had been cultivating for 13 years since completing his career change at 18.

Three years is indeed not short.

But in the eyes of many cultivators, three years is very short, passing in the blink of an eye.

Most people reach the Super God realm around the age of 100.

Reaching the True God realm generally takes over 300 years.

Lin Moyu's speed was already astonishing.

As Lin Moyu passed by them, someone beside him fell to the ground with a scream.

Lin Moyu unintentionally looked up and glanced.

The five large characters of the Human Race War God Hall shone brightly, and the soul impact hit like a giant wave.

Lin Moyu's expression didn't change at all, completely ignoring the soul impact, and calmly retracted his gaze, stepping into the teleportation array and leaving.

Lin Moyu's calm demeanor left everyone present in awe.

"How is he completely unaffected?"

"He's amazing, not reacting at all."

"A senior is indeed a senior, not comparable to us."

The newcomers looked at Lin Moyu with respect as he left.

At this moment, a guide frowned, feeling that he had seen Lin Moyu somewhere before.

Suddenly, he exclaimed, "It's him..."

Another guide also said, "I remember now, it's really him."

"I didn't expect him to reach the True God realm and even have level four permissions."

"So fast, it's been less than a year."

"His potential is truly terrifying."