
National Magic School: The Legend of Takahashi Touma

Takashi Touma, being pulled out from his delusions about being a great mage, decided to go home, mentally battered. He tried finding ways for it but none, he was close to his home but he immediately come to a thought "Nothing can help me now, its useless" With that thought, he picked a stone and throw it to a white post that seems to be different than others out of anger. He thought it was weird seeing a post like that since he hasn't seen like that on his way home a long time and even last month and last day ago, he was curious but cautious too, he got closer to the post and see a symbol.. Two symbol, a red symbol that looks like a dragon and a blue symbol thats seems to be a girl with a wings that is the color of an ocean. With his curiosity he got closer to the post and i---

SakiruKun · 都市
19 Chs

Going home with her


[Notification: A portal is opening... Please be careful.]


A portal? What does that mean... Probably nothing... But i'll be careful.

"Ahmm Touma is there something wrong?" Eleanor said. "You look a little surprised on your face."

"hmm? o-oh it's nothing, we should go now and head home. It's getting dark" Touma said, "you should head home first, or should i go with you?" Touma asked her. She almost got killed by those people, maybe i should go with her so that i can protect her. "A-ah yes i would like to go home with you, as a thank you gift." Eleanor said

"Thank you gift? what do you mean by that?" Touma said, "is it from saving you?

"Y-Yes you can stay at my home for this day, don't worry my parents will agree for you to stay." Eleanor said with a blush expression as she said that to Touma.

"I see, okay i'll go with you." Touma said as eleanor started to go home while Touma follows her, wonder what's with that notification...

<System, can you open the notification?>


[System: Understood opening the notification.]


[System: it seems you have an unread message, will you read it?] Y/N


<Yes, i would like to read it.>


[System: Opening the message.]


[Notification: You have an unread message, please read it.]


<Okay, let me read it.>


[Message: There is currently a portal opening towards you, please be careful. There will be three people coming outside on it. But it seems that they're not an enemy, but please be careful.]


<I.. I see.. I understand, i will be careful and make sure that Eleanor won't get hurt too.>



<Hmm.. Now that i've think of it, i haven't gave you a name right?>


[System: Y-yes but what do you need to do that master touma?]


<Well it's rude to keep calling you system, so let's give you a new name.>


[System: ........]




[System: I would love to be name by you master touma...]


<Okay, your name will be Kurtz Torusaki.>


[System: Kurtz Torusaki? Thats... A very lovely name.. Master Touma. My name will now be that.. Hehe.]


<Good to know that you like that, kurtz.>


[Kurtz: Yes very much, master touma.]


[Kurtz: even though they might not be an enemy, please be careful master touma.]

<I will, don't worry.>


In Michael PoV

"What the heck is this i feel so sick.." What's with this.... I feel like i'm gonna vomit...

"We're close, just hold yourself for a little." Sheryl said to Michael.

"You better be right... But what do we do abouth the shrine? It might happen again..." Michael said to Sheryl.

"It's not actually here.... It's on the other world... And there's no shrine.. I'm sorry for tricking you." Sheryl said.

"Other world? is there really such a thing?" Velvet questioned Sheryl.

"Yes, there is other worlds that exist. And right now we're heading to a planet that is called earth, my home." Sheryl said.

"I... I see, well there's no going back... Okay lets wait until we're there." Michael said.

"Thank you, michael." Sheryl said



