

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs



In the region covered with green, every one was set in a position to attack and every one was in a position of doing what they were most known to do better than the others.

Natara kept the sky's limit within her powers as much as she can. At the moment she could feel her body's features empowered and taking all over the place, she was a woman ready to fight for what she believed in was right.

She didn't care who her opponent was or the status or power they could be having over her all she knew was that she was up fighting for what she believed was right.

Maria Susanna looked around as each hour passed with nothing, she was pretty sure that now Diego knew where they were, he wasn't about to pass out to that life time opportunity, was he now?

Hours went by and now children that were on guard by now were asleep due to hunger and it didn't faze to disappoint Maria Susanna when one of the leaders approached her and suggested that they drop the wait, it was clear that the Darker was not clearly coming and she obligated because after waiting for more than twelve hours, she knew she can't keep her people hanging maybe for another time but for then, that was it.

She walked to the center facing the big doors that were closed surrounded with males and females ready for a battle.

She raised both her arms in the air and crossed them up there before pulling them back down to both her side fisted.

She did the gesture three times, On the second time. A strong unheard whirlwind hit Natara and she stumbled a little in the air.

She looked down to what just happened and saw a small figure moving down and up her arms.

She wanted to dwell on it wondering what was happening when a small sharp voice came through her head. 'Descend back down.'

She obligated twirling herself in the air causing a lot of commotion up there before she forwarded her forces to the grounds and moved down there in a strong and powerful tornado.

She fell behind the little figure she saw in the sky and when she looked closer, she realized it was her mother.

She got up from her landing position and started walking to her mother getting much closer to her.

She reached her and a lot others walked to them creating a crowd around them.

"Hail to The most high." She said loudly and the crowd repeated after her. "Hail to The most high."

Natara stood behind her mother taking through everything with her eyes, it was now that she was seeing them meet for the first time ever since she got here too.

"We all live cause of His mercy." She said and they repeated her again.

"Hail to The most high." She said again followed by an echo of the crowd that said after her.

"Let His will be down in us."

"Let His will be down in us."

"Hail to The most high."

"Hail to The most high."

After saying, the crowd held each other's hand and bowed down before looking back at Maria Susanna with their arms now crossed to their chest.

"Peace be with you all," Maria Susanna greeted in a loud voice, everyone pulled their arms down and turned into a pair of two and repeated Maria Susanna's words. "Peace be with you my friend."

They turned their attention to her and she straightened, pulling her hands behind her back and holding them together.

"I wanted to thank everyone for your support and willingness to fight for what is right. It takes a one strong heart to sacrifice everyday like you all do. Light be all over the world." She said and everyone matched loudly with their feet but without making a step forward, only moving their legs up and down making a sound with their actions like a soldier on parade.

"Light be all over the world." They said and Natara frowned on how their actions matched as if they practiced. As she was thinking about that when a male voice that she was now so familiar with by now said into her head. "This requires practice." She almost jumped raising her hand to cover her ear thinking she had a Bluetooth in it forgetting where she was.

She realized her dump actions and wanted to kick or talk herself back but held back again once she remembered where she was.

She raised her eyes among the crowd wanting to know where Aaron was but with no success, she sighed and calmed back down.

"Today wouldn't have been ending peacefully like this if it weren't for every one's cooperation. I request for enough volunteers to take guards at every entrance and for the rest, let's call it a night and held a fellowship night for everyone's amazing work today."

"Hail to The most high." After Maria Susanna's speech the crowd cheered loudly together and it kept confusing Natara how they managed to do it similarly together.

The crowd started moving leaving behind, Maria Susanna, Natara and other fellow leaders.

Natara stood there as each came to talk for sometime with her mother before they were left alone together. She walked to her unsurely but still did.

"So?" She said wanting to get her attention and she earned it, as Maria Susanna turned to look at her.

"Are we cool?" Natara asked looking down to her legs feeling the feelings that she didn't understand at all.

She didn't know why she felt guilt when she didn't even know what she did wrong.

It took time for Maria Susanna to answer her back because she was taking her in with her eyes.

"Do you even know what you did wrong?" She asked and Natara shook her head because she really didn't know.

Maria Susanna sighed. "I don't know who brought the idea but I am going to presume it was you because I want to believe there is no way in hell Aaron Sanchez could have done it cause he shouldn't, no he knows better." She said and paused to check if Natara was paying enough attention to her because this was serious and she wanted her to take it serious and commit to never wanting to do something like they did earlier.

"We are protected by different spirits, forces that our God blessed us with, they hide us from the rest of the world and that includes your father but breaking one of them or all of them is total exposure to the Darker and the outside world. It was only a matter of time before they could have attacked and I guarantee you that now we could have been talking over shades of blood, I don't even know if we would have survived in the first place.

The thing you and Aaron committed was an act of selfishness, I don't even want to ask what possessed it in you but I want to ask you to never think or even dream of doing it again because apart from risking your own life, you could have also risked lives of many innocent people out here."

Hearing all that Natara pursed her lips feeling like crying.

She really had no intention of endangering people out here, In her mind she really thought she was doing them a favor by taking herself out of the picture.

Yes Aaron told her that what they were going to do was dangerous but now she knew she never fully grasped the meaning of how dangerous it could have been.

"I'm sorry." She only thought that was the only words she could say but Maria Susanna thought differently from her as she replied back. "I wish that was enough at least."


Not finding her sister in the restroom knocked the breath out of keilla's lungs but she didn't dwell on it because she wanted to stay positive like her sister said to her in order to get positive results.

She looked at the old lady washing her hands and with teary eyes, she approached her. "Ma'am."

The old lady turned to look at the young girl attentively with a sweet grin on her face. Keilla looked at the woman with hopefully eyes wanting to get something useful from her so much.

"Have you seen a brunette girl, with olive eyes in here?" The old lady smiled looking at the desperate girl, from just her unsettled feet that kept tapping on the floor and her hands that were closed on her chest she kept rubbing down on her waist. She shook her head.

"No my girl, I haven't seen any brunette with olive eyes."

She almost fell but the lady held her back to her feet. "Are you okay, my girl?" She just looked at the lady then brushed herself out of her hold and stormed out of the restroom.

She run back inside the dinner and found their table just like she left it, No Keitha and her food was still just like how she remembered.

She turned to every one in there to even workers asking them about Keitha and then she started using the help of her picture.

Someone saw her with her but didn't see anything else from that and others didn't see anything at all.

As she passed through every one and got nothing useful, she sighed leaning at the dinner counter because at least she knew the situation was not like that of Natara because some people still remembered Keitha and that was first hope, maybe she ditched her to go somewhere else even though she saw no reason to it, because it's not like it was her who asked her out. It was quite the opposite.

She opened her phone once again and called her but she could hear the line go through with no success of anyone picking it up.

She tried a lot of time but as she was still leaning at the counter, a male voice came beside her and she could not bring herself to pay attention to what he was saying until she fully grasped what he said.

"Hey, sorry to bother you. But someone dropped their phone at the entrance and it's ringing non stop, can you keep it in case the owner comes back to look for it."

"No problem, thank you." Keilla listened carefully to the conversation beside her and got alerted.

She dialed her sister's number once again and the phone that the stranger dropped off at the counter started ringing.

She looked at the worker then looked at the phone in the worker's hands and with no exchange of words, the worker pushed the phone closer to keilla and a broken sob left her lips when she confirmed it was Keitha's.

She lost hope of the situation and as she took her sister's phone with her, she could only think of one more call to make at the moment that she could only think of asking help from.

The dialing tone went through but not long a voice came from the other side of the line.

"What is it keilla?" Just hearing the voice made her want to cry and not too long she let out another sob before saying.

"I need your help, Gab?"
