

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs



"What was that just happened?" She asked her mother as they were making their way in the city, everyone had a terrified look on their face which just confused Natara even more.

Maria Susanna ignored her and kept walking with Aaron on her right side and the other group of people that walked in the gate with them were on the left side of her.

They walked into the city and made their way out of it to another big house that looked like an isolated place, it was also a house built in woods like the one she had been staying in except this one was too much bigger than what she were staying in and this one was located at the start of the woods, and beside the building scattered a good cared garden that Natara was captured by it by the first glance.

They went in and headed through a long hallway before they reached to a big hall room but kept walking to another big door that lead them to a place that looked like a resting lounge room of someone.

Maria Susanna walked forward and went to take the seat that was located in the end of the room, on the wall in the middle while, Aaron and Natara followed closer her.

All of this that was going on felt like a nightmare to Natara and so surreal, no one seemed to want to tell her what was going.

"We are going to need a lot of participants to enforce our disappearance, please take every single person that is willing to volunteer to take guard at the gate but if they aren't enough we are going to have to find some among us at the top." The seven people that came with them nodded their heads respectively.

"I'm pretty sure now we don't have time to waste because, I presume he knows so get to work."

They bowed down to her and then turned around to leave but they walked out to another door not the one they used while walking in earlier, instead they walked away through the other one located on the side wall.

Natara was laid down on a soft seat beside her mother, she did forgot she was in Aaron's arms all the time they walked in there.

"Can someone now tell me what is going on?"

"Are you alright?" Her mother asked back and she turned to the side to glare at her before answering. "Yeah, well don't you see me sitting here beside you looking fine and well?"

Her mother's eyes softened looking at her but before she opened her mouth to say anything, the big doors that they walked in through flew opened once again and, in walked three old man who were wearing deep red colored robes.

"Mrs. Darker we have a dangerous issue th..." before they finished what they were there to say Natara flew out of the seat by a strong whirlwind spirit that laid her in the space.

She jerked her arms on each side, putting her chest in the front and a few seconds later she started shaking hardly.

Maria Susanna with the rest of everyone stepped under Natara and bowed their heads to the floor before they started muttering repeatedly words. "Be the intimidator Natara, fight back the strings in the power of your lightness."

They repeated over and over the words but Natara didn't free herself from the spirit that had a hold of her.

Maria Susanna saw no end to this and called for a table to get up on so that she can reach her daughter.

"You can't do that Mrs. Darker, we don't know yet the forces of what is holding her and what it can do to us." To a mother that was witnessing her daughter being drained out life slowly and slowly the least she cared about was the consequences of putting a stop to what was happening to her daughter.

"Table right now." She yelled causing some people to flinch and turn their heads away.

Two men run to go get it but she couldn't see them hurrying up as she wanted, she raised her hands and closed her eyes before commanding for a table and in millisecond it was right under where she wanted it.

She climbed on the top of it and kneeled on one knee before she composed herself to call out to every spirit that her mother introduced her to when she was still a young child.

It took five minutes of silence and then after she stood up and raised her arms in the air reaching for Natara but the collision of spirit forces met in the air blanked everything out.

Before anything happened it was the 9am of the morning and the sky was shining bright and beautiful as always but in the deep region of isolated forests, kids were playing on the morning rise as usual, wives were busy taking care of their houses.

But somewhere in the frozen home that knows no warmth, a spirit was awakened and during the night of that morning, the person's soul hasn't rested till then.

Once a lost belonging came back to it's right owner and it happens that the owner has been looking for it from the moment it was lost, it happens so that the owner takes back the ownership of his belongings rightfully.

Something that isn't in your possession, it's never yours not even if you make it yours forcefully.

The region got occupied with total darkness like the one that resembled that of a night except the one that attacked them was heightened than the darkness of a normal night.

The kind of darkness that has never filled in the world.

Screams of scared kids shouted once and as fast as lightning they were gone being replaced with the voice of the most darkness in the darker, causing every breathing life to meet with a sudden ending point and it only rose the voice of the Diego Darker.

"I can not believe you were this idiot woman. But again what else to expect from a woman, I thought that the time you decided to run away maybe you have earned some wisdom but I am not surprised to find that you are still the same dumb scared woman you always were.

And I hope you won't be disappointed that in just a small amount of time we will collide again as a family that we always were meant to be. We will be together soon to put in action the fate of our beloved daughter, Natara."

Diego Darker cracked a big laugh that shook the standards of the house they were in but by the mention of Natara,

Natara opened her eyes like a lost soul that just found what it's been missing to be alive, she rose up to the ceiling almost touching her head on it and by the spirits that surrounded the place, she was filled with what she always have been but she never knew she were.

She rose from the position she were in and stood in the air instead of laying like she were asleep while shaking as life was being drawn out of her.

She raised her head and looked at the top and the place was filled with brightness again replacing the darkness that had been around the place.

She swirled around in the air and passed through the rooftop flying all the way up in the sky as she kept on swirling in the sky.

She went all the way up reaching the space and then she came right back with a loud scream, everything lay at her feet and when she landed back in the resting lounge that she was in before. Mr. Darker's arrogant voice disappeared away and her beauty was shining like that of an angel.

She put her feet right back on the ground floor but she still had lights of white glittering on her, her mother was the first to open her eyes and when she realized what her daughter did, she came running to her but reaching in the meter length to her, forces that still surrounded Natara pushed her back strongly that she fell on the other side of the wall.

Natara realized what she did and the lightness withered away from her as she came running to her mother. "Are you alright?" Everyone in the room looked at her in utter shock and fear lurking in their eyes cause not only did she stop the second darker in the darkness. The queen they feared the most was laying down on the floor unconscious and probably counting on her death now.

"I'm sorry, it wass-s… Uhm" she looked up at the people that were around her looking at them guiltily, because she also didn't know what happened. And the thought that she might have killed her mother terrified her that she started crying.

"Chain her and lock her up before she kills anybody else."

The person next in charge to her mother tilted his head to the side for guarders to take Natara away, he never really liked Natara from the moment she came here.

It was something that only him knew but now that they just witnessed what she did, he had a way of detaining her with evidence of bad acts and behavior of revolution to their leader, hopefully he hoped for the woman laying on the floor to never wake up but if she did tried to come back to life, he promised himself to send her back where she were coming from.

Opportunities like this rarely presented themselves to anyone.

He now had a chance to acquire the throne and take it to his master.

Six man started walking to where Natara was knelt beside her mother and surrounded and circled her. She looked up confusedly to the man who ordered that but when he turned to look away from her, she turned her gaze on Aaron. "What is going on?" Aaron stepped forward to her side but one man pushed him back by shoving him backwards.

It came as a surprise so he stumbled a little back wards but held himself back, with no exchange of words. He closed his eyes turned around anti-clockwise and raised his hands to three man and he flew them on the other side of the wall.

"Chain him too." The man ordered and a lot other people came into the room that the man called through spirits and surrounded Aaron and Natara.

Natara was still crying not knowing what was happening, all she hoped was that she didn't kill anyone or worse her mother.

She wasn't even understanding what she did or where it came from.

She closed her eyes and started sobbing loudly not being able to held it back anymore, Aaron looked at her and cursed because he wanted to reach her and comfort her but they weren't in a situation where it was possible.

The moment his eyes turned on her and lost focus on the men that surrounded them, he brought back his attention to the men when they had him cuffed with spirited cuffs that can't be dealt with spirits when you wear them.

He fought to get them off but it was useless, "watch out Natara." He called her but when she raised her eyes to him two men came to her. One raised her hands and the other cuffed her with the same spirited cuffs that Aaron had on.

"Take them to the dungeon." The man ordered and they were escorted out.

Natara looked around with teared eyes not full aware of what was going on and when she looked at Aaron, he was also looking at her but he only muttered few words of encouragement. "Don't be afraid." She shook her head and cried as they were being escorted to a hell she didn't even know about.

In her mind she wondered what she did wrong before to find herself in this lifestyle she knew nothing about and that confused and angered her at the same time.

She cried wondering that maybe it was a dream, These all things that had been happening was a dream and she told herself she were going to find a way to wake herself up.

Little did she know that we usually dreamt with our eyes closed and hers were fully opened.
