
Naruto: Undead Monarch

The Potential Mangekyo Sharingan have is what people in this platform doesn't realise, there are many fanfics with systems and those systems provides out of the world abilities which aren't supposed to be compatible with the law of Naruto universe but they still exist But in this fanfic you will be able to witness the power a mangekyo sharingan can give and it will be within the laws of the universe, no copy ability of any other fiction worlds and it will continue to Boruto 2 blue vortex that is currently airing Update schedule: At least 2 chapters per week *Note: Upadate schedule will be changed in February

Divine_Demo9ic · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Chapter 3: Fugaku Mangakeyou ability

*Next day

It would be better to have my shadow clone with Sasuke every time as I got a huge boost in chakra after reanimating Uncle Fugaku

I gained more chakra than what I had previously so it helped me get a lot of chakra

This morning I sparred with Uncle and i got to know his Mangakeyou abilities as well

His right eye ability is named *Preservation* that can take the remaining lifespan of any person and add it into himself or others and of course it has a requirement to fulfill to get a person's lifespan otherwise it would be instant kill, the requirement is that the person from whom the lifespan Is taken should not move for more than 2 minutes and stay still

but it's still very helpful I can literally become immortal and make others too with this

His Left eye ability is Tsukuyomi

A very powerful genjutsu

And he does know how to use an ability called Susanoo which I saw and it's very powerful, the only downside of mangakeyou i figured out is that with each use it worsens the eyesight which is a nightmare for an Uchiha Shinobi like me

Other thing that i discovered is that i can always summon Uncle whenever I need

It is possible because he said that he goes into my spiritual world inside whenever I want to and can stay there and the space is very large, so this solves another problem for me and now I can carry even a whole army with me, even if I am not yet strong enough to kill Itachi it doesn't matter with numbers he will surely lose and now that I know his eyesight is worsening he is just becoming weaker instead of strong, just one more mangekyou sharingan user and I am confident I can kill him

Third Hokage wants to see me so I am going to Hokage office

I knocked the door to his office and said "It's Renji Uchiha"

"Come in" An old and weak voice replied

I opened the door and saw Third Hokage with a lot of paper work

"You are here Renji, I am sorry for what happened to your clan

It's my inability as an Hokage to protect the Shinobi inside of the village, please accept my apology"

He then bowed to me

I remained silent actually I always knew the village was at odds with our clan as the next heir I was made aware of this

Seeing me silent he sighed and said" I understand that it's not easy after losing your loved ones in childhood and when you gained a little hope then you again lost them"

"So what have you decided Renji?What will you do now? I can give you a leave of year from your Shinobi duties if you don't know what to do"

"I appreciate your care for me Hokage, I will accept your apology if you tell me information about Itachi I know the village has information relating him"

He sighed again and said "Okay then I will tell you everything about him the village knows, he has joined a mercenary group called Akatsuki, it comprises of Strong Rogue Shinobi"

"Is that all?" I asked

"Currently it's all we know of but if we gain any more information relating him I will make sure to tell you"

"Is there something else you want Renji?" Hokage asked

"I will continue my Missions i won't take leave"

He looked at me in shock "Are you sure?"

"Yes I am sure if I just stay like this I will be more sad it's better to be occupied with missions"

This way I can collect more strong Shinobi for my army with different specilisations

"Is that all Sir Hokage?" I asked him

"That's all you may take your leave and take care of yourself" He said

I left that place and headed towards clan training grounds to spar with uncle again and hone my skills