
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Chapter 63 Yamashita Junpei's Secret

A few minutes later--

Somewhere in the depression behind the sea lion town——

The exit of the secret passage dug by Shunping at the foot of the mountain is in this hidden mountain depression, surrounded by dark forests, with few people, and it is an excellent escape route.

But instead of fleeing, he put his ear on the ground, carefully felt the vibration from the dark passage, and discerned the distance between the pursuer and himself.

Junpei Yamashita is very clear, and has the ability to detect with white eyes. No matter how he chooses the route, Miyata Hinata will eventually find his location.

In the time just now, he has repaired most of his damaged important acupoints through medical ninjutsu, and it will not be long before he can completely recover his combat power.

Now that the incident happened, he felt extremely relaxed, and he had no regrets about his decision to betray the village at that time.

Staring closely at the exit of the dark passage, Junpei Yamashita was like a black panther waiting for his prey to appear, lurking silently.

"Bang!" After a few breaths, the hidden door of the secret passage was pushed open again, and Mitarai Shinichi, who had a black head, jumped out of the secret passage, turned his head left and right to observe the surrounding situation, and Hyuga Mi also appeared immediately. He wiped the sweat from his forehead.

But everything in front of him was regarded as air by Junpei Yamashita. He remained motionless, his body stuck to the grass, patiently waiting for something.

Seeing that there was no abnormality, Mitarai Shinichi frowned, and was a little disappointed that there was no movement around.

Two clouds of smoke emerged, and the shadow avatars of him and Miya Hyuga disappeared, and the body quickly got out of the dark passage. Mei didn't dare to delay a minute or a second, and anxiously opened her eyes, ready to start looking for the trail of Junpei Yamashita .

"It's now!" Yamashita Junpei squinted his eyes, and used the ninjutsu that had already completed the seal, the fire escape, the big fireball technique! (Class C)

The orange-red flames turned into a ferocious sphere, and rushed towards Mitarai Shinichi and Hinata Miya. Many trees were even lit around, and the entire depression was illuminated by fire like daylight.

The two Konoha ninjas who were attacked were obviously not ready, but Mitarai Shinichi was after all a battle-hardened Jōnin. Unprepared, he still relied on the high speed of the seal to create a ninjutsu to block the attack in time. .

Water Escape·Water Formation Wall Technique (Class C)! From Shinichi's point of view, Shui Dun restrains Fire Dun in terms of attributes, and a water formation wall blocks the technique of the big fire ball, which is naturally no problem.

But what he didn't know was that after Yamashita Junpei released the big fireball, Yuyin's hands did not stop, and within three seconds, with a grin on his face, he once again completed a wind escape ninjutsu. 's print.

In an instant, the Chunin vest on Yamashita Junpei's chest was violently torn open, and a monster face composed of countless jet-black silk threads protruded from it expressionlessly. Huge grey wind column.

Wind Escape Dark Dragon Pillar! (Class B)

The big fireball, which was gradually shrinking under the obstruction of the water escape, not only instantly increased several times in size under the blessing of the wind escape ninjutsu, but also was completely absorbed by the wind column. The dark dragon column that was originally black and gray was dyed red. Blowing away the wall of the water formation, he moved forward rapidly.

Mitarai Shinichi couldn't see what his eyes could see. He clearly remembered that in Junpei Yamashita's ninja report, it was clearly stated that he was a ninja with the single-fire attribute, and it was absolutely impossible to master Feng Dun, let alone reach B rank. level!

But the reality was right in front of him, he didn't have time to think more, he could only do his best to face it.

It was too late to release ninjutsu temporarily, and Mi Hinata, who was only good at reconnaissance and melee combat, could not cooperate with him in ninjutsu. In desperation, Mitarai Shinichi mobilized the chakra in his body and injected it into the ground through the soles of his feet. middle.

Earth Escape · Rock Falling Technique! (Class B)

After the ground under Mitarai Shinichi's feet shook violently, the surface soil layer with a radius of five meters suddenly fell vertically, bringing him and Hiuga Mi also straight down a distance of about ten meters, far away from the scope of the storm.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" The fiery storm swept across the ground, rolling up everything it passed, and then burning it up, but it didn't cause direct damage to Mitarai Shinichi and Hinata Mi.

Before the two of them could catch their breath, Yamashita Junpei's gloomy and cold low laughter came from above them: "It turns out that the two people from a big family are like two mice in the drain, hiding here, hee hee. laugh!"

Mei also opened her eyes and saw that Junpei Yamashita was looking at them with a sneer, like a cat playing with the ants under her feet.

And from his chest, there are countless black lines floating out, and in the middle is a strange-shaped monster with a blue mask. Under the perspective of white eyes, Meiye found that there are two hearts in Junpei Yamashita!

Just as she was about to tell Mitarai Shinichi of this horrific discovery, Yamashita Junpei directly launched a second attack.

Fire Escape·Fengxian Fire Technique! (Class B)

Wind Escape · Chopping Air Wave! (Class C)

The Fengxian fireball, which was originally only one meter in diameter, had grown to three meters in diameter with the support of Zhankongbo, and the seven giant fireballs directly covered all the directions that the two of them could avoid.

Inevitably, Mitarai Shinichi roared: "Miya, come behind me!" Immediately after, he forced out all the remaining chakras and made a final struggle.

Earth Escape · Earth Formation Wall Technique! (Class C) This earth wall completely blocked the space with a radius of five meters, but in the explosion of the fireballs that fell straight down, they eventually turned into rubble.

Mitarai Shinichi and Hinata Mi were also devoured by the hot fireball under Yamashita Junpei's playful gaze, and after a few desperate screams, they turned into two firemen and fell.

The moon on the dome also seemed to be reflected by this firelight, and its original white appearance was burnt to blood red.

"Bah! Mitarai and Hinata are both wealthy families of Konoha. I used to think how great they were, hehe! Isn't it still turning to ashes in my hands? Hahaha..." Yamashita Junpei's body continued Trembling, he tightly covered his mouth, smiled repressedly, his eyes shook violently, and he was in a state of extreme excitement.

What's even more frightening is that after a few breaths, he suddenly slapped himself with all his strength, and the entire right side of his face was bruised.

"What am I doing? It's just killing two ordinary ninjas. What's this? I have to flee here quickly. It will be troublesome to be caught up by that woman Uchiha Hongyue. In my current state, I can't beat her!"

"Right! That thing of mine is still in the town, do you want to go back and find it? ... Forget it, I have mastered all the content anyway, and I will come back and get it after I escape this wave of limelight."

Yamashita Junpei calmed down very quickly, and immediately changed his face, even as if he had exchanged souls, and kept talking to himself.

He completely destroyed the exit of the dark passage, carefully cleaned up his traces, and fled towards the south.