
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Chapter 54 Blood Nightmare

After Uchiha Hongyue left, Shunsuke got rid of the state of numbness in his whole body, and he was unable to recover from the extreme panic for a long time.

"When did this woman have a kaleidoscope?" Shunsuke felt extremely frightened in his heart.

One of the important reasons why he dared to provoke Hongyue before was that he felt that although his strength was not as good as that of Hongyue, it was not much different.

But now, in front of such a pair of eyes, he can't bring up a trace of courage!

"Shit the mountain... come and help me up." Shunsuke ordered the slender-eyed ninja.

"Yes, Captain Shunsuke." Yamashita Junpei hurriedly walked over to help him up, and used Konoha's low-level palm immortality to treat his injured face.

"Captain Shunsuke, what is going on with that woman's eyes?" Junpei Yamashita asked tentatively.

"This is the unique talent of the Uchiha family. You are a commoner ninja. I explained that you don't understand, so please heal me!" Shunsuke replied impatiently, his tone full of contempt for ninjas born in commoners.

"Sorry, Captain Shunsuke, I was the one who talked too much!" Yamashita quickly bowed his head and apologized, his posture a little panic-stricken.

"Well, you're a chunin, you're not qualified to know too much." Looking at Yamashita's terrified appearance, Shunsuke finally regained a bit of the pleasure he used to command.

However, what he didn't notice was that the moment the mountain lowered his head, the original respectful look in his eyes had disappeared, replaced by a distorted hideous, like a beast.

"This arrogant idiot, one day, I will make you pay!"

However, even though the thought of revenge in his heart turned like a huge wave, his expression, when he raised his head, was still so pleasing to the weak, which made Shunsuke Uchiha very satisfied.

"The shape of two black kunai cross-connected?" In Shunsuke's mind, Hongyue's pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes haunted him like a nightmare, and the fear of the unknown made him toss and turn.

An hour later, he suddenly sat up in horror and exclaimed in a low voice, "Blood Nightmare Kaleidoscope! That's right, according to the records of the family's secret documents, there is no cross between the two, one named Cold Blood, one named Cold Blood. It is a nightmare of evil, and when combined, it is a blood nightmare!"

Immediately afterwards, he rolled over and got out of bed, packed some luggage in a panic, and left Sea Lion Town directly.

"Stay here again, in case that woman gets angry again, she may directly use her kaleidoscope writing wheel eye ability on me. I can't stay here for a long time!" Shunsuke Uchiha fled directly in the direction of Konoha Village.

After he left, outside his room, the Konoha Chunin named Yamashita Junpei quietly appeared, took out a pen and paper, and wrote the following line:

The original target has left Sea Lion Town, destination: Konoha Village, the country of fire.

Suggestion: Intercept halfway, the target has Ergou jade writing wheel eye, which is an excellent research model.

Then a gray carrier pigeon landed on the arm under the mountain in the black sky, and a few seconds later, it spread its wings to the south again.

In the residences of Sea Lion Town——

Cheng Ye, whose body has gradually improved, recovered after an hour of extraction.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Hatake Sakumo still in the room, his gentle and fair face was a little tired, he slammed his chin with his hand, and fell asleep involuntarily.

"Sakumo, Sakumo!" Seeing him like this, Cheng Ye poked his shoulder with his hand and shouted softly.

"Ah?" Sakumo's body was startled instinctively, and his entire body tensed vigilantly from sitting to standing.

Seeing Chengye looking at him with a smile like sunshine, he hurriedly asked, "How is your physical condition, Chengye? Is there anything unusual?"

Cheng Ye shook his head lightly and said, "Sakumo, I'm much better, it's getting late, you should go back and rest."

After taking a careful look at Hatake Sakumo, he confirmed that Cheng Ye was fine, yawned, and said, "Okay, then I'll go, my room is next to yours, come find me if you have anything."

"Yeah." Cheng Ye waved at him with a smile, but suddenly thought of something in the next moment, and hurriedly asked, "Sakumo, where did Yuna go?"

Sakumo heard the words, gave Cheng Ye a reassuring smile, and said, "Yona ran to see Chishou Ryota, I didn't expect your Chishou family to be so united, if you and Ryota didn't work desperately today, the consequences would be unimaginable. ."

Cheng Ye nodded with a wry smile, then said goodbye to Sakumo and asked him to go back to rest.

Since he had rested for a few hours before, Chengye had no sleepiness at all, so he sat up cross-legged and began to condense chakra on his right hand.

A vibrant green appeared, and he carefully placed his right hand on his chest and began to heal himself.

He was kicked in the chest by Uchiha Shunsuke before. Although he was lucky not to be kicked to break a bone, it still caused a great impact on several tissues inside the body, resulting in some congestion in the internal organs.

Such trauma is extremely challenging for Cheng Ye, who has not yet fully mastered the Konoha Intermediate Palm Immortal Technique.

On the contrary, the flesh wound on the thigh has been sprinkled with medical powder by who and when, and has been carefully wrapped with bandages.

"Although it's difficult, isn't ninja training always facing difficulties?" Taking a deep breath, Chengye began to manipulate his chakra, penetrated into all parts of the injured chest, and stimulated the cells at the same time. , to guide the congestion in the chest cavity up.

A few minutes later, the chakra that Cheng Ye finally condensed has consumed a Chunin unit.

The congestion in his body was finally drawn out by him, rushed into his throat like a torrent, and went straight to his mouth.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of black and red blood spurted out, instantly staining the floor of the room red.

At this moment, Cheng Ye's door was suddenly opened.

After seeing Ryota and confirming that he was in good health, Senju Yuna returned to the house where her team was located.

Originally, she just wanted to check Cheng Ye's physical condition, but when she opened the door, she saw red blood all over the floor.

"Chengye!" Yuna exclaimed, rushing to the side of Chengye's bed and sitting down, shaking Chengye's shoulders with both hands, while worrying anxiously: "What's wrong with you? Why do you vomit like this? How much blood? Where are you hurting, hurry up, hurry up!"

Cheng Ye was dizzy when she shook her head for a moment, and there were little stars twinkling in the sky in front of her eyes.

Who knows, Yuna was talking and crying to herself: "Wuuuu... It's all my fault, I made you like this, if you die, how will I go back and explain to the family? , woo woo woo."

Seeing Yuna crying with tears in her eyes, Cheng Yeqiang suppressed the swirling feeling in her eyes and pressed Yuna's shoulder.

Although there was no focus in sight, he still stared at Yuna's beautiful purple eyes and said, "Yona, this blood is the bruise I sprayed out when I used medical ninjutsu to heal the wound. It's okay, it's okay..."

After speaking, Cheng Ye couldn't hold it any longer, and fell directly on Yuna's shoulder, muttering: "You must be able to do illusions, right? Your move just now made my head seem to fly into the universe. ..."

Then he leaned on the girl's shoulder like this and fainted.

When Yuna heard what he said, she felt that her actions just now were very reckless, and she felt a little sorry for a moment when she looked at Cheng Ye who had closed her eyes and fainted.

Therefore, Yuna quietly let Seo Ye lean on her shoulders, and gently placed him on the tatami bed until she felt that he was asleep.

Before leaving Chengye's room, Yuna turned to look at him again, a cute and touching smile appeared on her face, but unfortunately Chengye couldn't see it.