
Uzumaki Naruto


This is going to be a slow paced fanfic with irregular updates. It might range from one chapter every few days to one chapter a few weeks or months. (0_0)

Also this fic is an experiment, it won't focus much on action... I think. It'll be more slice-of-life than anything. It'll mainly focus on the relationship between Naruto and the female lead.

If there are any plotholes... just ignore them...


The first five chapters are through 1st person point of view.


I knew I was different from other people. Not just my appearance.

The way the people around me... no, practically the whole village treated me, was different from other kids my age.

I was treated like some walking calamity a plague, the fear I see in their eyes as they gaze towards my direction. Of course, I never knew the reason for their fear. Their fearful yet at the same time hostile and disgusted glares towards my direction.

At first I felt scared...

But it happened so often I just... gave up.

They never told me the reason why. They just said because I deserved it. How laughable is that? I deserved it? How?! How on could I, a child possibly be hated to such a degree when I have yet to step food outside of this damn village!

Were my parents traitors perhaps?!

No, I dug deep and tried to find the most recent events before my birth. There were nothing, no new records of any ninja betraying the village in the past ten years. Nothing about any shinobi leaking village information toward other villages.

Of course there was a chance that the truth I was looking for were hidden in other files that were out of my reach. But considering that I got this information via the Hokage's office, it was highly unlikely. The only things I couldn't get my hands on were S grade secrets along with ninjutsu scrolls.

I was stumped.

I never knew my parents, neither did I have the evidence or proof to determine whether they were civilians or ninja. But if I had to guess it, they were probably ninja's. Why? Because of my unique ability to sense chakra from distances.

Sure, a normal people can get that ability. But that's probably through hard work. I, a child have yet to do any ninja exercises yet from my earliest memories, I could always sense chakra. I was... a natural sensor. That in of itself is proof of my ninja background, I sensed that my chakra is exponentially higher than kids my age, even higher than most adult civilians!

It was from this very ability that helped me sneak inside the Hokage's office undetected. I was extremely sensitive to chakra signatures, therefore I could easily evade those patrolling.

Of course, I kept that to myself. I trusted no one, not even the Hokage. In a village filled with shinobi, as well as a village where 90% of its people held hostility towards me, how can I not?

I was so used to being ignored, glared, or mocked that I grew indifferent of their petty actions.

But at the same time, it made my blood boil thinking of all these villagers worshipping me. Listening to my order, my rule, but I could not do that without power. Hokage?! Since they are all so hostile towards me, despite doing nothing to them, then I'll take that title for myself. I will be above them all! Those that mocked me shall be under my heel.

I, Uzumaki Naruto swear of this!

But first I needed strength, after all how could I a ten year old boy, beat an elite and seasoned veteran shinobi?!


There I was, in the middle of the wilderness. Easily, one can discern me from my surroundings. It's the charm of the vibrant red mop of hair I was born with. I was born with particularly rare traits not found in any other resident that I know of in the village.

Bright red hair and piercing blue eyes.

Anyway, what was I doing? Practicing my shuriken and kunai throwing. They weren't the best of quality, after all I found them all in the woods. Rusted and some even chipped, but I can't be bothered to buy new ones. After all let's not even take in consideration whether the vendor would sell it to me but also the fact that... I have no money.

I mean, I am ten years old.

My poor self, wallowing in poverty. Only with the fish and wild fruits I find in the forest were my sufficient sources of food. I did get a monthly salary but I didn't use them because most of it were used to pay my bills.

The Hokage was kind enough to let me stay at an apartment. He did pay for it until I turned ten, but somehow the other old farts by his side protested towards him. Saying he shouldn't pick favorites and let me pay my own bills.

Worthless. Those three village advisors, especially the crippled one, with one arm and one eye. Every time he glances at me, it sends shivers down my spine. Yet when they were arguing about my place of residence after the 'good' folks at the orphanage kicked me out, he was the only one that remained silent.

Tsk Tsk.

I am envious of those other kids my age. Even other orphans, they were at least pitied and maybe some passing civilians would sometimes give them food or spare change. All I got were items thrown my direction when I try to approach street vendors.

The things they throw aren't even good! Spoiled food! Rotten eggs! At least throw me something not past its due date.

Honestly, when I become hokage. I'll rub it in their faces, pass by the market in my hokage robes, and when they greet and fawn over me like when the third hokage brings me on walks. I'll greet them back and as they fawn over me saying how good of a hokage I was, I'll mention to them when they treated me worse than a beggar.

I can picture it now.

"Ah, Hokage-sama! Good morning to you, I remember when you were just a child. Oh, how time flies by so fast!"

And when I hear those words I'll say something along the lines of:

"Yes. Time indeed flies by quickly, it felt like it was just yesterday that you threw a rock aiming for my head in hopes of killing me when I was 8 years old. Ah, how times change, now I'm above you in social standing."

And then when they grow quiet and afraid, I'll just scoff at them and leave them be, showing my indifference and disdain towards them.

Yes, that is what I long for!

Call me petty, but I won't care for anyone's opinion of me. Did they go through what I went through? I scoff at when some children I see get moody because their father ignores them. What a joke, at least they have a father, at least they have have a home. There are others who are struggling, yet you have the audacity to feel like the world is against you because your dad isn't spending enough time with you!

Bah! If I ever met that kid again, I'll spit on his face. Tch, if I ever grow up and my son does that, I'll disown the sad excuse of my bloodline.



Folks, this is the first chapter of my new Naruto fic. I just wanted you all to know that my oc Naruto will be a bit moody in the inside, but on the outside he will remain stoic and indifferent to those around him... just expect him to be cursing rude comments in his mind.

As you can tell, his dreams are the same as the og Naruto. Just with different reasonings, my mc is doing it out of spite while the og was doing it for acknowledgment. Though I will eventually correct his ways as he meets and bonds with the main cast, but just remember right now, he's just a moody kid who feels that the world is against him. That is the reason for his behavior.

I'm going to be real honest, I'm not going to make any false promises. I had another Naruto fic but it never got passed the graduation. Heads up, cuz I might dropped if I feel bored of writing

UchihaFanaticcreators' thoughts