
Meeting with the Sabaku brothers.

A month has passed since Hinata became engaged to Naruto and Chūnin Shiken was two days away. Sasuke returned to training with Team 7, but Kakashi was very negligent with Sasuke, although he gave valuable advice from time to time in relation to Katon and Sharingan, because even if Uchiha was despicable, he was still his student . Sasuke rarely paid attention to Kakashi's advice that he didn't have the Sharingan involved, and during training he always looked at Uzumaki with hatred, swearing to himself that he would put the 'Dobe' in its place.

Haku greatly improved chakra control and successfully learned the jutsu of Yuki no Kuni's Shinobi, as well as some Suiton and Fūton jutsus along with Sakura, the two had also gone to Iryō-nin to learn medical ninjutsus, something that Kakashi had suggested, because Sakura had great chakra control and Haku knew only a few things that could be considered as first aid, Sakura was even starting to learn some Katon jutsus from Kakashi.

As for Naruto, he had learned some Raiton jutsus with Kakashi, he already had great control over Lightning Dragon Mode, to the point that instead of joining with Katon and doing Lightning Fire Dragon Mode he was able to use the two elements separately at the same time although this exhausted him more than just using Lightning Fire Dragon Mode, and good control over Sky Dragon Mode, so much so that he asked Haku for tips on controlling Suiton to try to start working in Water Dragon Mode, which proved to be more complicated than he imagined, possibly because of his great affinity for Katon.

Team 7's teamwork was great, except for a certain Uchiha who believed he was able to do everything himself. Naruto got closer to Sakura and already considered her a great friend, although that was not what she wanted. He also managed to get along with Kiba because in the future his friend was his brother-in-law, Naruto wasn't sure if it was because of the beating or because he liked his sister more than he admitted, but he just asked never makes her sad, and Naruto gave the same answer to Hiashi.

Naruto also got along with Asuma, although he still gave Uzumaki a look of resentment, he knew he had no right to complain, after all it was his fault that Kurenai came to be considered one of the 4 ice queens of Konoha , but as he saw that she was really happy with the boy, he just left it alone, and still helped Uzumaki from time to time with Fūton.

Naruto came back to Ino, to the blonde's joy and her father's despair, because Inoichi didn't want her little princess growing up, but it was obvious that she was in love, he preferred Ino to remain single and that no man would played for the rest of her life, but it was better for her to be in love with Naruto than with Uchiha, since Ino's mother fully supported Ino's decision and if it were for her, she would have already arranged her daughter's engagement with Uzumaki, but the Inoichi simply stamped his foot saying he couldn't.

Hiashi faced some problems with the Hyūga clan's advice, which went crazy when he learned that his leader allowed one of the heirs to be committed to the 'fox-boy', but Hiashi managed to silence them, although he put his own neck in strength, as he told the identity of Naruto's parents as well as the fact that Naruto was no longer Kyūbi in Jinchūriki and only maintained this facade to prevent other villages from attacking Konoha, which left a deep impression on the advisers for the sacrifice that the blond-redhead was doing it for the village and they didn't talk about it any more, which made Hiashi happy, because then they wouldn't try anything with his son-in-law or his daughter.

But this month was the most wonderful of Naruto's life, although what he suffered was to be expected. Whenever possible he spent time with Haku or Hinata in the afternoon, Haku finally stopped using '-san' and was using '-kun' like Hinata when talking to Naruto, and Hinata, with the help of his Sensei, he lost a little of his shyness to the point that when Naruto gave him a peck at it she no longer passed out, although she could light up a part of the village that was so red she was.

At home, Naruto spent time with his other brides, when they were at home, and got to know each other better, several times just enjoying the other's company, they even tried to teach some things and Hana promised that she would help him. Naruto at Doton when he wanted to learn. Naruto went on to do other class C missions, although none took as long as Nami no Kuni's, it was somewhere between two to four days outside the village, which made Naruto's other brides a little jealous because Haku was always with him.

Naruto decided to pay another tribute to Natsu and his clan at the same time, and with the help of his brides he made a kind of tattoo of a red swirl on his right shoulder. This tattoo was similar to what some Kumogakure ninjas used on their shoulders, it would not lose color and would always look as if it had just been done, even if Naruto grew up.

Naruto was sometimes invited to dinner at Hiashi's house, where Hanabi, Hinata's youngest sister, kept asking questions, from the types of meetings he had with his sister to how he managed to make everyone happy. He realized that Hanabi was practically the opposite of Hinata in personality, Hinata was quiet while her sister kept talking, and Hanabi kept provoking her sister, leaving Hinata very red with their teasing.

Naruto also spent time with Konohamaru, who introduced his friends Kazamatsuri Moegi and Ise Udon, and the three practically idolized Naruto, especially Konohamaru, who already loved Naruto and the admiration increased with the change in appearance. Naruto was sure that if they become genins the three will be on the same team, the rapport of the three was very great.

And once a week he went to Ichiraku to catch up with Teuchi, Ayame and Iruka, although sometimes his team members would accompany him there and join the conversation.

Hiruzen saw Naruto's life through the crystal ball he had and was happy for his considerate grandson, but at the same time he was still a little distressed. It has been a month since he sent his invocation to deliver a letter to Jiraiya and it had not yet appeared, he even sent another invocation to go after Naruto's godmother, Tsunade to Namekuji Sennin and the best Iryō-nin in the world.

Naruto was walking with his 'disciples', as they liked to refer and they called Naruto 'Boss', although Naruto really taught them a few things, he was a little embarrassed by this nickname and the fact of the three to be wearing the same glasses that Naruto used to wear before becoming a shinobi.

(Konohamaru): "So, Boss, are you going to teach us something?"

(Naruto): "I would like to train them, but unfortunately it won't work. The Chūnin Shiken will happen in two days."

(Udon): "T-That is w-why are there s-s-several ninjas from other villages in Konoha lately?"

(Naruto): "Yes."

(Konohamaru): "So... let's talk to Jiji, let's go people." - He says as he runs.

(Moegi): "Konohamaru, wait! - "She calls her friend as she runs after him, followed by Udon.

Naruto gives a sigh and just walks in the same direction, but he hears a cry he recognizes as being from Moegi and starts running, when he found them, he saw Konohamaru being held by the collar of his shirt by a man with a face paint on clothes black with a circle with white edges divided in the middle in two colors, one purple and the other a sand brown, he wore a hat that hid his hair and in the same hat a metal plate with the symbol of Sunagakure was seen. Beside him was a girl of the same height, with green eyes and blond hair, who is gathered in four ponytails, wearing a husky outfit that went up to half of her thighs where she had a red sash around her waist, the his Hitai-ate was around his neck that not even Hinata left, and also had the symbol of Sunagakure.

Naruto noticed by the smell that the two were brothers, but also felt another smell that was similar to them, but the last one had an extra smell, it was like a tanuki, which left Naruto confused.

(? Boy): "Gaki, you have no education, no?"

(Konohamaru): "I already apologized."

(? Girl): "Let it go, Kankurō."

(Kankurō): "Calm Temari, I'm just going to teach Gaki a lesson here."

At that time Naruto decided to speak.

(Naruto): "Leave Konohamaru alone!"

Everyone paid attention to him while he stood in front of Udon and Moegi.

(Konohamaru / Udon / Moegi): "Boss!"

(Temari): 'He is handsome and seems to be good with children... and he seems to be powerful too...' - She thinks the last part apprehensive for her brother.

(Kankurō P): 'Why are you nervous about this guy...'

(Naruto): "I'll say it again, let go of Konohamaru."

Kankurō decided to play the brave at that time.

(Kankurō): "Don't worry, I'm just going to teach him a lesson, which you are not doing."

(Naruto): "You guys came to Exam Chūnin, right?"

(Temari): "Yes, we came."

(Naruto): "So, I already notice. Even with permission, you won't get rid of it after touching Sandaime Hokage's grandson." - That sentence made Kankurō pale. - "So I will say just one more time." - Both of Naruto's hands went up in flames making the eyes of Suna's Shinobi widen even more. - "Release the Konohamaru."

Kankurō quickly put Konohamaru on the ground, Naruto extinguished his flames and Konohamaru went to his friends who were concerned.

(Temari): "I regret my brother's temper."

(Naruto): "Konohamaru didn't get hurt, so it's okay... what are your names?"

(Temari): "I am Sabaku no Temari, and this is my brother, Sabaku no Kankurō."

(Naruto): "What about your other brother who is watching us?" - He asks looking at a tree, which in one of the branches the sand starts to swirl and a red-haired boy with green eyes appears with his sister with big dark circles that looked like a panda and a kanji on his forehead that meant love with a gourd on his back.

Kankurō and Temari were surprised and frightened by the appearance of their little brother, although Temari wondered how Naruto knew they were a brother. The redhead jumped from the branch to the side of his brothers making them clearly nervous, which created a doubt in Naruto's head.

(Kankurō): "G-Gaara."

(Gaara):" Kankurō, shut up, otherwise I'll kill you. You are a disgrace to Suna." - He says that by looking at his brother and then turning to Naruto. - "Sorry about my brother."

(Naruto): "As I said to your sister, everything is fine. So you're called Gaara?"

(Claw): "Yes, Sabaku no Gaara, how about you?"

(Naruto): "Uzumaki Dragneel Naruto."

(Gaara): "We'll see you again, Uzumaki Dragneel Naruto." - He says turning around to leave the place.

(Naruto): "Before you go, can I ask you a question, Gaara?"

(Gaara): "Which one?" - He says looking over his shoulder.

(Naruto): "Why does it have a tanuki smell on you?"

That made Suna's trio go wide with this information.

(Gaara): "I won't be able to answer... but I would love to face you one day, Uzumaki Dragneel." - He says with a psychopathic smile that he made everyone but Naruto nervous, before going on his way with his brothers going after him.

(Kankurō): 'There's no way anyone could know about Gaara, how did you decide to use a tanuki right away?!' - He thinks incredulously.

(Temari): 'Smell of tanuki... is that what he discovered we were brothers with?' - She thinks confused by the events of before.

(Gaara): 'Uzumaki Dragneel Naruto, you are perfect to prove my existence.' - He still thinks with the psychopathic smile on his face.

Naruto just stared at the trio, and the fact that Gaara didn't answer the question made Naruto a little apprehensive.

(Naruto): "Are you okay Konohamaru?" - He asks as he turns to his trio of followers.

(Konohamaru): "Yes, boss, thank you very much."

(Naruto): "Good, but avoid the ninjas from other villages, I can't be around if it happens again. And that goes for you too. "He says looking at Udon and Moegi.

(Konohamaru / Moegi / Udon): "Right Boss."

(Naruto): "Well, I'm going to talk to Jiji, do you still want to talk to him, Konohamaru?"

(Konohamaru): "No, let's stay at home today, avoid another situation like this."

(Naruto): "Okay, be careful."

Naruto said goodbye to the trio and went straight to the Hokage Tower, going straight to Sandaime's office, when he entered, he saw the same looking in the crystal ball.

(Naruto): "Who are you spying on, Jiji?" - He asks with a mischievous smile on his face as Hiruzen jumps in fright.

(Hiruzen): "Naruto-kun? I didn't know you were going to come and see me, I'm just seeing some ninjas from other villages that caught my attention, but tell me why you came?" - He gets rid of the question quickly while sweating a lot.

Naruto would normally tease his Jiji, but left it for another time.

(Naruto): "Gramps, are there other beings similar to Kyūbi out there?"

(Hiruzen): "Yes, with Kyūbi there are nine beings, Kyūbi being considered the most powerful, why?"

(Naruto): "By any chance, do any of them have a tanuki shape?"

(Hiruzen): "Yes, Ichibi is described as a tanuki."

(Naruto): "Where was Ichibi last seen?"

(Hiruzen): "If I'm not mistaken... Ichibi no Jinchūriki is a Shinobi of Suna, but why so many questions, Naruto-kun?"

(Naruto): "I think I met Ichibi at Jinchūriki."

(Hiruzen): "WHAT? How did you meet him?"

(Naruto): "Not long ago, I bumped into a trio of Suna, two Shinobi and one Kunoichi, and one of the Shinobi had a strong tanuki smell on him." - He says while Hiruzen's eyes were even wider.

(Hiruzen): 'The Kazekage did not warn me that Ichibi no Jinchūriki would come to do Chūnin Shiken.' - He thinks while he is wondering about the situation. - "Thanks for letting me know, Naruto-kun."

Naruto just nods and leaves, but when he was about to close the door Sandaime catches his attention again.

(Hiruzen): "Naruto-kun." - Naruto stops closing the door and turns his attention back to his Jiji. - "Good luck at Exam Chūnin."

(Naruto): "Thanks Gramps." - He says with a smile and closes the door immediately afterwards, leaving Hiruzen alone with his thoughts.

(Hiruzen): 'There is definitely something wrong going on... I just hope that Jiraiya and Tsunade arrive on time.'

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