
Naruto: The Timeless Hokage

The last thing Hiroshi Takahashi remembered was the sudden, blinding glare of headlights and the screeching of tires. There was no time to react, no time to even comprehend what was happening before everything went black. When he next opened his eyes, he was met with the unfamiliar sight of a wooden ceiling and the sound of distant voices speaking in a language he barely recognized. Panic surged through him, but as he tried to sit up, he realized his body felt different—smaller, weaker. His hands, when he looked at them, were tiny and delicate. This wasn't his body. This wasn't his world.

godsfavperson · その他
11 Chs

Chapter 5: Kyubi attack

Kuroda's senses were immediately on high alert. He saw the chaos unfold, people screaming and running in all directions. "Itachi, Shisui, Shinari, we need to evacuate the civilians. Wear your Uchiha kimonos so people can identify us as protectors."

They donned their kimonos and split up, moving efficiently to guide the civilians to safety. Kuroda's mind raced, knowing that Obito had just released the Kyubi, and the real threat was imminent.

As they helped evacuate a group of villagers, a massive presence made itself known. Kuroda turned and saw Obito materialize in the center of Konoha, summoning the colossal form of the Nine-Tails. For a brief moment, he marveled at the spectacle—it was one thing to know about it and another to witness it in person.

"Shisui, Itachi, avoid the Kyubi at all costs. Focus on getting the civilians out of here," Kuroda instructed, his voice steady despite the turmoil around them.

Shinari was dispatched to the Konoha Police Department to rally more help. Kuroda continued to guide villagers, his Sharingan active and scanning for any immediate threats. Amidst the chaos, he spotted a pregnant woman about to be crushed by falling debris. Without hesitation, he unleashed a Great Fireball Jutsu, obliterating the debris and saving her.

"Are you okay?" he asked, helping her to her feet. She nodded, but her progress was slow. Soon, more civilians gathered around Kuroda, seeking his protection.

Before he could move them to safety, a shadow fell over them. Kuroda looked up and saw the terrifying visage of the Kyubi, its red eyes glowing with malevolence. The massive beast roared, shaking the very ground beneath them.

"Everyone, move!" Kuroda shouted, trying to keep the panic at bay.

The villagers scrambled, but Kuroda knew he couldn't fight the Kyubi alone. He needed to buy time and create a diversion. Gathering his chakra, he prepared to unleash another Great Fireball Jutsu to distract the beast, but it felt futile in the face of such overwhelming power.

Just then, Itachi and Shisui appeared beside him. "Kuroda, we need to keep moving. We can't take on the Kyubi directly," Itachi urged.

Kuroda nodded, his mind racing for a solution. "You're right. Let's focus on guiding these people to safety."

As they herded the civilians away from the onslaught, the battle between Minato and Obito raged on in the distance. Explosions lit up the night sky, and the Nine-Tails continued its rampage, demolishing everything in its path. Kuroda's heart pounded in his chest, but he forced himself to stay calm and focused. Every moment counted.

While moving through the chaotic streets, Kuroda spotted a young boy crying for his mother, who was trapped under a collapsed building. He quickly signaled Itachi and Shisui to continue with the evacuation while he darted towards the boy.

Using his enhanced speed and agility, Kuroda reached the boy and assessed the situation. The rubble was heavy, but he knew he had to act fast. Channeling chakra into his muscles, he lifted the debris just enough to pull the woman free. "You're safe now," he said, helping her to her feet and leading both her and her son to a safer area.

Meanwhile, Shinari returned with reinforcements from the Konoha Police Department. They began to organize the evacuation efforts more efficiently, creating a semblance of order amidst the chaos. The coordinated effort helped save countless lives as villagers were directed to secure shelters away from the Kyubi's path of destruction.

Kuroda, feeling the strain of continuous chakra use, paused to catch his breath. He scanned the area and saw that the immediate threat to the civilians had been mitigated, but the Kyubi was still a significant danger. He regrouped with Itachi, Shisui, and Shinari, who were also showing signs of exhaustion but remained resolute.

"This isn't over yet," Kuroda said, his voice firm despite the fatigue. "We need to keep moving and ensure everyone is safe."

They pressed on, rescuing more villagers and guiding them to the evacuation points. The night seemed endless, but Kuroda's determination never wavered. He remembered the promise he made to himself and his friends—to protect their home and restore peace.

As dawn approached, the tide of the battle shifted. Minato, now in control of the situation, had managed to teleport the Kyubi away from the village temporarily. The immediate threat was contained, but the aftermath of the attack was devastating. Buildings lay in ruins, and the village was scarred from the destruction.

Kuroda, Itachi, Shisui, and Shinari regrouped once more, their faces reflecting the exhaustion and relief of surviving the night. The villagers they had saved gathered around them, expressing their gratitude with tearful eyes and heartfelt thanks.

Kuroda felt a sense of accomplishment but also a heavy burden of responsibility. He knew this was just the beginning. The threat of Obito and the internal tensions within Konoha were far from resolved. There was still much work to be done to secure a peaceful future for the village and the Uchiha clan.

As they began to help with the cleanup, Kuroda's eyes were drawn to a silhouette on the horizon. It was Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, standing tall and resolute with Enma, the Monkey King, transformed into an indestructible staff. Hiruzen's figure was framed by the rising sun, his presence a symbol of the village's resilience and determination to rebuild.

"Thank you, all of you," Kuroda said, addressing his

friends. "We did well tonight, but there's still a long road ahead."

Itachi nodded, his expression thoughtful. "We must continue to grow stronger and work together. The village and the clan need us more than ever."

Shisui, always the optimist, grinned despite his exhaustion. "We've got this. Together, we can handle anything that comes our way."

Shinari, her eyes shining with determination, added, "We're a team, and we'll always have each other's backs."

As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, casting a hopeful glow over the ravaged village, Kuroda felt a renewed sense of purpose. They had faced the darkness of the night and emerged stronger for it. With his friends by his side, he knew they could overcome any obstacle and bring about the change they so desperately sought.

The Kyubi attack had tested them, but it also solidified their resolve. They were more than just members of the Uchiha clan—they were the protectors of Konoha, the bearers of a legacy that demanded nothing less than their very best. And Kuroda was determined to give everything he had to ensure that legacy endured.