
Chapter 12: Fūinjutsu

Awakening the next morning, Tsunade could hardly contain her excitement at the prospect of being able to visit the Whirlpools.

She quickly got dressed before running outside to see most of her family ourside placing most of their clothes and other objects into the carriage.

Hashirama placed the last package onto the back of the carriage before turning around and seeing Tsuna, he smiled as he saw her and picked her up and said "Are you ready to visit your grandma's family Tsuna?"

"Yeah grandpa, I wanna see if they could give me some strolls on Fuinjutsu." Tsunade said stunning Hashirama.

While it is true she wanted to see the strength level of the Uzumaki Village, the most critical thing she wanted to see were their Seals. That was mostly what made her want to visit them.

Tsunade felt sealing jutsu was the most terrifying form of jutsu in the shinobi world. Even the Ancestor of Chakra was helpless in front of it, and while there were many people in the show who gained the title of Sealing Masters such as Minato, Hiruzen, and Jiraiya, none of them were on the terrifyling level of Uzumaki's like Mito who could use seals in the midst of battle. Tsunade thinks they simply gained that title due to the level of Fuinjutsu falling thanks to the demise of the Uzumaki.

Not to mention her wishes gave her a purified Uzumaki bloodline which includes a high level of talent for Sealing and Adamantine Chains, so she feels as she has a destiny with seals.

The only reason that she has yet to begin learning it is because she was preoccupied with Water Style Ninjutsu and Medical Ninjutsu, however now that she has learned all the current knowledge of Medical Ninjutsu and can only adavnce through practice, she plans to start her learning of Fuinjutsu.

Hashirama finally broke out of his stupor and then spoke "Well then I will tell Mito to help show you any kanji that you need to learn, and I know you already have the necessary chakra control."

Hashirama then called Mito over and told her the situation before handing Tsunade to Mito who spoke while smiling at her granddaughter "We'll start with me teaching you to perfect your kanji to a higher level and then I'll begin teaching you beginner seals. I'll see if you can master it before we make it to Uzushi." Mito said as a joke.

Mito then placed Tsunade in the carriage but before she could also get in, she heard Hashirama yell "I'm sorry Tobirama, I won't do it again. Just don't tell Mito or she'll kill me."

Mito then turned to the back while everyone else enhanced their hearing with chakra to hear the situation.

"What did he do Tobi?" Mito asked while walking close to the pair.

"Even though we told him to stop gambling, it seems he didn't. Apparently yesterday after dinner, my elder brother decided to sneak out of the Compound and go to the casino. He then lost the deed to half the compound again, however this time he lost it to a visiting merchant from Kumo. This forced me to have to pay the merchant 3 million ryo just to get it back. And this idiot didn't even APOLOGIZE!!" Tobirama screamed at the end which showed how angry he was.

"Wait Mito, I already said that I would repay it out of my savings!" Hashirma quickly said as he saw Mito's hair begin to rise.

"HASHIRAMA!!!!" Mito said before preparing to kill Hashirama while chains began to sprout from her back.

Meanwhile everyone else said their prayers for Hashirama while thanking the Sage of Six Paths that they're not on the receiving end of it.
