
Chapter 1

My life has never been easy. Scrounging for food in the unforgiving streets. Knowing, being reminded every day, that I would amount to nothing in this world. I finally had enough and left that life behind me. I became a completely different person when I arrived at my destination. Here, it didn't matter who your parents were or what type of person you were. Only power mattered. I loved it here, while the weak were crushed, the strong thrived, and I was determined to be the one thriving.

I am the ghost that haunts your dreams, the flicker in the corner of your eye, the one standing behind you right now, cloaked in shadows. I am Yurei Kaneshiro, jonin of the Bloody Mist.


I was once told, long ago, that my eyes resembled the clear-blue sky, nothing but beauty and innocence. Now, I'm told they shine like icy glaciers, cold and unfeeling. They told me that the eyes are the window to the soul. Maybe that's why my eyes are empty. If there's nothing behind that window, what's left besides the black void of nothingness? Where did my soul go? It certainly wasn't here, not when I could feel the dull ache within my chest whenever I watched the academy kids go home for the day, with family, loved ones. Where was it then? How could I get rid of this aggravating feeling? And why-

"Hey! Yurei! Whatcha doing?" I jerked out of my thoughts, head turning to see who had distracted me.

Kouta Takashima. Newly promoted genin and determined to get in my good graces, despite the dark rumors surrounding me. Or maybe because of them. I was called the Shadowed Specter for a reason. Cloaked in shadows until the time comes to lop off your head. Though even in the village, I remained a mystery to many civilians. I was okay with that, I came here to live, not make friends.

Something this squirt apparently didn't understand. I narrowed my eyes at him, scrutinizing everything about him. "Listen kid," I said, crossing my arms, "I don't have time for entertaining brats like you, so get lost."

Kouta grinned, completely ignoring my scathing tone, as he replied, "but I'm older than you Yurei! So, if anything, you're the-"

My eyes flashed, and the sword that was so recently sheathed across my back was out, hovering in front of his chest, "Sorry, I didn't catch that," I hissed, ice-blue eyes narrowed, "Care to repeat it?"

He gulped, before waving his hand in the air and laughing nervously, "Man, you're scary Yurei, anyone ever tell you that?"

I huffed, slinging my sword over my back, "I'm sure many would have, if they were still alive, that is," I said, glaring meaningfully at him.

Kouta backed off, "Well, I've got very important duties to attend too, see ya!" With one last nervous grin, he exploded into water.

"Water clone," I muttered, "coward."

I turned, gazing down at my village from my perch on the roof of one of the taller buildings. The moonlight illuminated my bright blond hair and my cloak flapped lazily in the night's gentle breeze. I had foregone the traditional jonin vest, it was bulky and not fit for my battle style, considering it didn't even fit right on my small, 11-year-old body. A weakness any shinobi worth their salt would immediately capitalize on.

Kirigakure was promoting shinobi earlier and earlier. Hell, there was a 5-year-old wearing the Kiri insignia that clearly didn't deserve it. Shown when he nearly pegged a kid in the back of the head with a kunai. The war with Konoha was getting bloodier and more ferocious. They were sending younger and younger shinobi to the front-lines as opposed to Konoha's decently trained ones. It was clear that Konoha had the upper hand, their ninja were better trained and their supplies were leagues better than ours.

I turned my head when I felt someone flare their chakra before landing a few feet away from me. Anbu.

"The Mizukage has ordered your presence at the war council, in uniform, Specter." His voice was completely devoid of emotion, like a good little soldier.

I gave a brief nod and watched as he shunshined away. I sighed when he left, another guard post on a boring meeting. I shunshined back to my apartment, changing into pitch-black clothes, swinging my sword back onto my back and picking up my mask.

I gave a small snort, it looked more like a demon than a ghost. It had small horns at the top, and fangs showing from the eerie smile etched into it. And like the rest of the uniform, it was a solid midnight black.

I secured it on, double checked everything, and leapt towards the meeting place. I dropped in, literally, and quickly disappeared into my corner post. I glanced at the members partaking and felt my eyebrows lift in surprise.

Standing in front of the Mizukage, flanked by two anbu agents, was a Konoha elder, a cross scar on his chin and bandages wrapped around his forehead and one eye. Well, this was gonna be interesting.

Hey guys, first chapter on a new book! Honestly don't know how long I'm gonna stick to this. I'm really bad at long term planning. Anyway, hope you stick around, and thanks for reading!

flare_firecreators' thoughts