
Chapter 25: Execution of the plan

The first thing that the Hokage did was publicly announce and thank the Uchiha clan for their contributions from the various wars and thanked them for their actions in the 9 tails attack, then he also announced that the Uchiha police force had been changed to the Konoha police force and anyone with the status of Genin or higher was eligible to join.

Of course, the Hokage first spoke with Fugaku and the elders of the Uchiha clan along with Shikaku Nara, they covered up that Naruto was the one to come up with the plan since most people would not listen to a 7-year-old Jinchuriki.

The Uchiha had also started to act, they opened their clan compound to public visits which showed that they were accepting of civilians, and even opened up a general shop and bakery on the main road of Konoha.

Several Uchiha Jonin joined the Anbu and some even took Genin teams.

Meanwhile, in the background, an old man with an x-shaped scar on his chin was fuming, Danzo had never expected his plans to fail this badly, he expected an easy victory against Hiruzen who would then agree with the extermination of the Uchiha, he would then gain the eyes of that brat Shisui and would be powerful enough to take over Konoha.

Unfortunately for him, a change had occurred in Hiruzen and Hiruzen started opposing his ideas and even allowed several Uchiha to set up shop in influential spots in Konoha which improved the civilian image of the Uchiha, this also caused the civilian council to stop supporting Danzo in his endeavors.

All in all Naruto's plan was a massive success, while still a plan in progress it was working fantastically, the Uchiha were now viewed in a brighter light than even the Hyuuga who always acted stuck up compared to the amiable Uchiha clan.

A couple of months passed along with Naruto's birthday where he got a few presents, a loud ding sounded out in front of Naruto.

(A/N: since people thought that the rewards were not enough I bumped them up a bit, I didn't want to give him too many rewards so this is all he's getting, I'm also too lazy to go back and change it so... yeah.)

[Save the Uchiha clan!

Description: The Uchiha clan is in danger, the three elders and many civilians have been displaying displeasure at the presence of the Uchiha clan of the village with many of them demanding that the Uchiha are to be exiled from Konoha, your job is to make sure this does not happen, improve the reputation of the Uchiha clan or take down the ones spreading rumors.

Rewards: 500000 EXP, Fire jutsu scroll, 100000 Ryo, Chakra enhanced kunai set.

Failure condition: The Uchiha clan gets exiled, death.]

Naruto gained a giant grin on his face when he saw it and even cheered out loudly, he was lucky he was alone.

He immediately ran to the Uchiha clan compound and ran to Sasuke's house.

He knocked on the door of the mansion and impatiently waited, when he saw that Mikoto opened the door he immediately jumped at her and embraced her.

Mikoto was shocked for a second before she smiled and embraced Naruto, she didn't know what happened but she could tell that he was incredibly happy so she was happy as well.

Fugaku also came out to the entrance, he saw what was happening and smiled at the sight of his nephew and wife hugging each other, the life of his family had been getting better and better and he had never been so glad at a plan working out.

Naruto spent the rest of his day with the Uchiha's and even slept at their house, he had become practically best friends with both Sasuke and Shino, he could always count on them and vice versa, while at the moment he was far stronger than the both of them combined he knew that they would grow up to be incredibly strong.

But now it was time for Naruto to check out his rewards.

The first thing Naruto looked at was his status.

'Status' Naruto thought and a blue screen appeared in front of him.


Name: Uzumaki Naruto

Class: Zombie Hunter

HP: 42500/42500

CP: 76800/76800

LVL: 39

EXP: 21000/40000

Title: The gamer

Money: 130800 Ryo

STR: 49

VIT: 425

DEX: 48

INT: 148

WIS: 47

Stat points: 195

HP regeneration: 4350/hour

CP regeneration: 570/hour

Naruto still couldn't believe how high his VIT was, for comparison Iruka had 87 VIT, if a chunin who admittedly was on the weaker side had so little VIT then Naruto was simply a beast, he could already train for hours without tiring but now he could probably keep going for days.

[New perk gained!

You have surpassed 300 VIT, you can combine your previously gained perks for a potentially better one or get a new potentially weaker perk.

Accept: Y/N?]

Naruto was presented with a choice, he could choose to get 1 perk that could potentially be better than the perks he had currently or get a normal perk.

It was an easy choice for Naruto, he chose yes.

[Combining Tough-Skinned, Dense Muscles, and Enhanced Bones... Complete.]

[A new perk has been created!

Enhanced Body

Description: Your body has grown accustomed to chakra, your body is now stronger than that of a normal person, your physical stats benefit you more and it is easier for you to learn and adapt, your body automatically adapts to any situation and biome, it is easier for you to control chakra than for a normal person, because of your enhanced body you no longer require sleep to produce growth hormones, meditation will produce the same effects.]

Naruto groaned in pain, he felt as if his entire body was lit on fire, it felt as if there were thousands of fiery ants crawling through his body, a putrid black substance was secreted from his body which slowly disappeared.

Naruto had never before felt that amount of pain, his entire body felt different, he felt stronger than before and could even sense the chakra in his surroundings.

[Because of your enhanced body you have gained a new perk.

Chakra Sensor

Description: You can passively sense chakra, your current max range is 250 meters, which can be improved with practice.]

Naruto breathed deeply, his entire body was sweating, he calmed down and inspected his status again, the stats didn't change but it was as if he instinctually knew that a stat point gave him more power than it would someone else.

Naruto silently got out of bed and went to wash himself, he no longer needed sleep apparently, he washed himself and laid back down on his bed and started meditating.

His meditation skill was at level 28 and he felt that if he leveled it up high enough something special would happen so he was actually kind of glad that he no longer needed to sleep.

He decided that he would check the rest of his rewards tomorrow, he was too tired to care at the moment.

I was busy reading another Naruto gamer fic called the Root of Darkness by Amorphis760, it was quite a good read, quite sad that it was dropped.

Washurucreators' thoughts