
Naruto: Sex Master (R-18)

Three bored Goddesses decide to give Naruto a lot of abilities and turn him into a Sex Master so that he can satisfy them in the future. Note— Twisted Naruto, Heavy Sex, Rough Sex, Oral, BDSM, Rápe, Blackmail, Invincible MC, Incest, Mother-Son Sex.

Deathxx · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Chapter 1: Goddesses

The Multiverse, Throne Room



"… so boreeeeeeeeddd!"

That was the simultaneous whine coming from three females sitting in a throne room decorated very extravagantly.

It had white pillars, circled in golden cloth, framing a red carpeted path that led to the three thrones. The three females occupying the thrones were sitting lazily, almost lying on their seats.

The one sitting in the middle was a blonde-haired one who possessed a godly beauty that was only compared to the other two.

Her features were delicate and her face was framed by her pale blonde hair. Her body could only be described as impossibly voluptuous with enormous breasts, wide hips and a big and perky ass.

All of that was covered in a tight white robe that did nothing to hide her figure. This was Kami, Goddess of Life, Creation and Destruction and Mistress of Seraphs and Angels.

The one sitting at Kami's left an otherworldly beauty about her too. Her features were as delicate as Kami but the shape of her face was slightly more oval. Her hair was black and it was pulled into a high ponytail.

She had red eyes that shone with malice and mischievousness even if that was dulled due to how bored they were.

Like Kami, she also had a very voluptuous figure but while her breasts and ass were slightly smaller, her hips flared up more.

She was wearing a similar robe to Kami's only that hers was red with black accents. This was Yami, Goddess and ruler of the Underworld and Mistress of Devils and Demons.

The last one also had an extreme beauty going for her. Her skin was very pale, almost ashy but still lustrous. Her hair was coloured a pale purple and it hung limply around her face, framing it neatly.

Her yellow eyes shone dulled insanity and bloodlust due to the boredom. Her chest area was petite, compared to the other two but still big by normal standards, but she compensated with wider hips and a bigger, perkier and shapelier ass.

Her body was only clothed, barely, in a black tank top and a very short mini-skirt. This was Shinigami, Goddess of Death, ruler of Souls and Mistress of Fallen Angels.

The three stared dully at a warping portal in front of them that displayed a man garbed in a blue gi rode a green dragon as he waved to a group of crying people.

Kami sighed as she waved her hand and the transmission of the happening of one of the universes under her command ended.

"And that was the end of events of the Dragonball Universe. It was entertaining until that cell guy appeared and got beaten but afterwards, it just got really cliché… again," said Yami as she sat properly on her throne, composed of flaming bones. The other two did the same.

Shinigami nodded her head. "It was fun in the beginning but after everyone started reviving after dying it got dull… again. Dead people should stay dead unless you bring them back to freak people out and cause mayhem. If it's done for the sake of doing it then it's just lame."

Kami shook her head at her two sisters. "While I agree with the two of you, Goku's adventure was one to remember. Even if it got dull after a time. Stronger enemies appeared one after the other only to defeat them with power-ups born of screaming their lungs out… again," yawned Kami in boredom, only to sweatdrop at the deadpan looks being sent her way. "When I created it I thought it would be entertaining. Cut me some slack here," she weekly defended herself.

The other two goddesses kept their looks until they sighed, shaking their heads. "So…" Yami started slowly. "What universe are we going to watch now?"

Kami thought for a moment before clicking her fingers. "What about the Naruto Universe? You guys always enjoyed watching Naruto's adventure even if we had done it some many times that I lost count."

Shinigami and Yami perked up and the goddess of death began to slightly jump in her seat, her ass jiggling very enticingly. "May I suggest something for Naru's adventure this time around? We've been getting bored at seeing the same thing over and over again and while I just love him, it gets pretty dull," she pleaded with a pout on her face.

Kami raised an interested eyebrow. "You've got my interest. What's that which you propose?" Yami also nodded, showing that she was interested.

Shinigami gave an insane smile showing her excitement on the idea. "Why don't we mess with the universe by messing with its protagonist? And when I say mess, I refer to utterly fuck him up good so he can fuck up everything, changing how things are supposed to happen!" She declared, proud of her idea.

Both Kami and Yami exchanged amused looks and the black-haired goddess nodded, showing that she approved.

Kami herself only shook her head in exasperation but one could clearly see she was interested in the prospect. And she said as much.

"Very well. No-! Hmmph!" She was interrupted by Shinigami's squeal of happiness and her subsequent action of pouncing on Kami, straddling her sister and locking their mouths together, starting a battle of tongues and lips, along with a lot of groping.

Yami stared at the two beauties making out and she whimpered, fluids wetting her inner thighs. She knew that tonight was going to be fun with the three of them.

After a few minutes of making out and groping, Shinigami released Kami's lips with a wet sound, a string of saliva still connecting their mouths.

She licked her lips and grinned. "Thanks!" she said gratefully before floating back to her throne.

"As I was saying before I was pleasantly interrupted…" Kami smiled when she heard Yami's whimper and Shinigami's insane giggling. "How are we going to go around this? Any ideas?"

Yami nodded. "I say we bring Naruto-kun here after he gets Kurama-chan sealed inside of him. Then we age him and tell him that he is our avatar, bestowing him with lots of abilities that he can use to show his superiority over everyone else. We can even tell him that his mission, his purpose of living is to save the universe from being destroyed!" Exclaimed Yami, excited with her own input into their plans.

Shinigami's eyes gleamed with some lust as she giggled. "If we give him some of our power he can, in time, become a god like us and he will eventually come to us to satisfy his and our urges. I say we also make him have sex with every pleasing and competent female of his universe so he can get skilled enough to satisfy our needs." Shinigami licked her lips, Yami whimpered again and Kami gave a blissful moan.

"I wholeheartedly agree," said Kami. "So what abilities are you going to give him? I already decided to bestow him with a few powers of other universes and his own. I was thinking about the usage of Ki from Dragonball, Alucard's abilities from Hellsing, the ability to bend the elements to his will from the Avatar Universe as the powers from the other universes and from his own universe I think Madara's eyes and Hashirama's body are enough."

Kami sounded pleased with herself after she listed every power she would give Naruto so they could make his adventure more interesting.

Yami was next as she cupped her chin. "I was thinking about allowing him to use the flames of Amaterasu and the Tsukiyomi without their limitations. Also, I was thinking of giving him Rebellion and Yamato… or better yet, I'll combine them both to create another blade, one with the ability to summon an undead or demon army that he can control. Yes, that's better." She nodded her head resolutely before turning to Shinigami. "What about you Shin-chan?"

Shinigami's grin was splitting her face in two as she bounced giddily in her seat. "First and foremost the ability to absorb and assimilate souls. This will compensate and augment Alucard's abilities greatly in that regard as he will be able to do what he pleases with the souls he consumes. I will also allow him to use reiryoku and this will not only balance out the Ki on his body, allowing for a much better use of chakra, but he will also be able to fight like a Shinigami and a hollow from the Bleach Universe. I will also give him a Zanpakuto, but this one will allow him to use multiple ones," she finished with her grin widening an inch.

Kami nodded her head. "I guess that should be enough for Naruto-kun to mess up his universe for our entertainment. And who knows, maybe we can get him to mess up more storylines for our continued entertainment! So what do you say we get this started?"

She asked rhetorically with a wave of her hand, the air wrapping in front of them, showing a nine-tailed red-furred fox glaring hatefully at a blond-haired man and a red-haired woman that was holding the fox back with golden chains.


Powerstone goals!

200- 1 Extra Chapter

500- 3 Extra Chapters

1000- 5 Extra Chapters

I'm on holidays and I wish to write as much as I can. Your support is all the love I need to continue writing!

Hope you enjoy the story!