Follow along dear reader to dwell and explore the remastered version of our loved and beloved Naruto world the elemental nations along with our Mc who learns the real deal differs a lot compared to the fiction. Here is where the plots are thicker than asses and schemes run deeper than the Mariana. So brace yourselves and curl you body in the best position for reading and make sure you device has charge. For once you read this, I can't gaurentee you will leave... .. . . . How's this for a synopsis guys? But don't expect a lot cause I am after all a first time writer whose 1st lang isn't English. So if you keep you expectation low you will be blown.(mind only). That's my strategy for making my way through mcu show right now anyway. (except of course for Deadpool)
(there is a prologue. Just for your information Rader.)
It had been nearly a year since I opened my eyes to this new world. At first, right after my birth, I wasn't really aware of anything. I was just a newborn—blind, helpless.
But gradually, memories from my past life began trickling in, pieces of a puzzle I didn't know I had lost. By the time I turned three, everything clicked. I remembered it all.
That's probably why no one in the clans—especially the Nara—found me suspicious.
My name is Itto Heizo, born to a Yamanaka father and an Akimichi-Nara mother. If you haven't already gathered from my earlier words, yes, I was born into the world of Naruto.
A world where people shoot fire from their hands and control their shadows with nothing but thought.
At first, it felt surreal, almost dreamlike. Do I miss my old life? Of course. Being stuck in a baby's body, only pooping, eating, and sleeping—it's not exactly what I'd call living.
But I had no real regrets about my past life, and going back doesn't seem to be an option. Not unless I figure out how I got here in the first place. But even that thought draws a blank.
So, if I'm going to be stuck here, I might as well make it worthwhile. Besides, this is a world of superpowers, and I'm set to have three of them by default. No complaints there.
I almost didn't survive my birth. My mamama and greatpa still remind me of that from time to time. Apparently, it was a close call. But that's a story for another day.
My memories of the Naruto anime returned sometime after my second birthday. By that time, I was already considered an intellectual child, so no one found it strange when I suddenly took an interest in chakra, history, and the village. They just thought I was precocious.
I had chakra, too. Apparently, it unlocked during my birth, which is unheard of. But once I realized I was in the world of Naruto, I wasn't surprised to sense it. It felt like a thick, formless energy inside me, waiting to be controlled.
I'd watched enough anime, read enough fanfiction, and consumed enough novels in my past life to conclude one thing for sure: It's that the more chakra you use, the more your reserves grow. So, that's what I did. I used as much as I could, every day, pushing my limits.
At first, it was easy. Running around as a two-year-old, playing harder than usual, exerting more energy—it drained my Chakra. The Chakra would automatically replenish my energy. Making me a very active child I think.
But as the months passed, my reserves grew more and more. By the eighth month after my second birthday, though, I hit a wall. No amount of chores or running around could push me further.
That's when I decided it was time to try something new: the leaf chakra control exercise.
It was a bright morning when I made the decision. I woke up in my small bed, surrounded by my notes on the village, the clans, and everything I had studied since arriving in this world. I had been allowed to have my own room ever since I became two year old. The room was simple—just a small bed, a table, and a chair. It wasn't much, but it was mine.
"Itto, come down for breakfast!" Mamama's voice echoed from downstairs.
I stretched and climbed out of bed. My mamama, Chiharu, had taken custody of me after my parents' death. She was my mother's mother . We lived with my greatpa, Shigeru, in the Nara compound. He was my mother's grandfather and one of the sharpest minds I'd ever encountered.
My mother was a child of mixed lineage of akimichi and Nara who was kia. My father was a pure Yamanaka clansman. So that made my mamama an akimichi and grandfather a nara who was also kia.
So greatpa was a pure nara, and surprisingly open minded since he had allowed interclan marriage despite being in the warring era personally. Then father was a yamanaka who was also Kia. And yamanaka grandparents who were apparently estranged cause I had never seen or met them. But I had been told they existed.
Mamama was a chunin before she retired. And greatla was a Jonin before retiring and was even alive during the Warring age or before the construction of the village hidden in leaves aka konoha. That's how old he was.
Suffice to say he is are pretty freaking intelligent being so old, experienced and a nara on top of that.
I loved both of them very much. That's why I was going out becomes so strong that I wouldn't be afraid for their lives. Especially in this cluster fuck world of crazy villains.
As I made my way to the kitchen, I made a decision. No more stalling. Today would be the day I'd start practicing chakra control.