
Naruto: Reborn As An Inuzuka... Kinda?

Alex used to be your regular, run of the mill guy. He spent most of his time in highschool and on his club, playing football (or soccer). One day he had to go search for a loose ball on the street, and just when he was about to catch it, Truck-sama sent him on the path of reincarnation. Now in the world of Naruto, owning the body of a young Inuzuka, Alex is no longer himself. His new identity is that of Ryota Inuzuka, an orphan of the Inuzuka clan. What will he do to survive this dangerous world, while still trying to enjoy his new life? ----------- This story IS NOT a Harem, so don't even mention it.

WooingTheStars · アニメ·コミックス
52 Chs

The Announcement

By the time my thought session was over, an Anbu appeared beside me and told me the old man called for me. Looking at the sun -one of the tricks they teach you in the Academy- I realized that it was indeed a bit pat lunchtime already.

'Huh... how fast time passes when you get lost in thought'

With a clear mind, I left the Kage's Heads and went back to Hiruzen's office.


"Now, if people start complaining or you feel hostility from them, just show that you are in control. Besides, a lot of people like you a lot already and, if that wasn't enough, I'm making your contributions during the invation public too. If that isn't enough, a few Anbu have been placed in the crowd to act as people who you have helped during your leisure time. Clear enough?"

Facepalming and dragging my hand over my face, I give Hiruzen my best dead glare.

"I understand, old man. Be a good boy and entertain the masses. If something goes wrong, reassure them of things being under control. Should I act sad afterwards, to see if Danzo pulls a move and tries to get me in Root through some shady promises?"

Hiruzen seemed to understand my plan of action and immediately agreed to it. After all, there were only pros to it, the only downside being that I had to act like I was the Symbol of Hope. I didn't know how big the pressure would be on that one, but the Symbol of Peace had it pretty rough.

Chuckling a bit at the clever joke only I would ever understand, I left the old man's office, this time heading to the stage that was set on the entrance to the building. A huge crowd was already there and I could feel the anticipation and confusion overly present in everyone -the latter probably at my presence on the stage. I didn't even need to try actively, just looking at a few random faces was more than enough to tell what they were thinking. The most interesting thing was the guy half asking half yelling if the taxes would be raised.

'I envy that guy. His biggest worry are taxes'

I was unfortunately unable to check more of the people's thoughts and reactions, as Hiruzen began his speech.

"People of Konoha, I bring today great news for the future of out village! This young man here, Ryota Inuzuka, is now a Jinchuriki who holds the power of the Three Tails!"

The reactions were mixed. Some felt shocked and others felt fear and dread. Some people even began saying that he was crazy to have another Jinchuriki in the village with the fox already roaming around freely. Thankfully, the old man had it under control.

"Silence! I won't allow anyone here to talk about this young man like that. Not only did he willingly offer himsef to become a Jinchuriki, knowing full well that he would become an outcast, but he also is the one responsible for me being alive at this very moment!"

Embellishing the part of me offering myself knowing what would happen, he explained the events taking place during the invasion, going as far as saying that thanks to me a lot of the genins were still alive. After that a lot of the Anbu began yelling how I had "helped" them many times, which prompted the people who I had actually helped to yell too. Even Teuchi put in a good word for me. After that, Hiruzen told them one more thing.

"And if that isn't good enough, he can show you that he holds complete control over the Bijuu"

I stepped forwards and, without doing any handseals at all, created a ball of water in my hand. Deciding to make things more interesting, I created a few more spheres and began juggling them, only to finish the circus act -which I actually regret ever performing- with the spheres disintegrating in a bunch of bubbles. It seemed to be enough of a deterrent for the people, since most began cheering for me and even yelling my name. For those who didn't... I had something to say.

"If it isn't too much to ask, Hokage-sama, I would like to share a word with everyone"

Not really sure of what I wanted to say, Hiruzen still agreed to it, thinking that things couldn't go south now that everyone seemed to support me.

"I know that it is not my place to speak, but I wanted to say something to all of you. As you all know already, I am not the first Jinchuriki in the village. Most of you know who I am talking about. Let me ask you something. Do you all hate me for carrying a Bijuu?"

Hiruzen, now knowing full well where this was going, allowed me to keep going. I was happy that he didn't stop me, since I, as understanding as I was, couldn't just sit idly with how they treated Naruto. Not seeing how easily they accepted me. When the crowd answered with an almost unanimous "no", I continued.

"Then please tell me, why do you hate someone who was forced to carry one as a baby who had no control over what happened to him? If I were to die tomorrow and the Sanbi attacked the village, only to later be sealed in some random baby, would you hate a child who is as if not more innocent than all of you? That is all I wanted to say. Thank you for not hating me for carrying a Bijuu"

I left the stage a bit agitated, breathing heavily. Keeping a calm exterior while talking in front of the entire village wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.

'Thank god I was able to finish'

I checked the emotions left in the people outside of the Hokage's Tower. There was a bit of reluctance mixed with regret and, the one emotion overly present, guilt. I was about to relax when I felt a massive amount of envy, hatred and greed walking towards me. When I looked towards it, I found someone I really didn't want to deal with at the moment.

"Ryota Inuzuka... I'm sure the people out there don't even care about your speech"

'Already playing mind games, I see... Danzo'