

https://discord.gg/dkUGG6fa(Partner server not my own)

Join and get the Bored role from the extra role section.

My discord is Bored#6316



Ugh... This feels just like when I first came to this world...

The confusion... And the voices surrounding me...


"I-It w-was my fault... I should have never left you alone!" A man tremblingly spoke with a deep voice spoke while leaning on the thigh.

"I-I'm sorry R-Riko, Y-Yuumi. I know you guys can't forgive me." He muttered as I heard the despair in his voice.

So... I'm at the hospital. And Hiroto's finally got the news... I wonder how long's it been since that night. I thought as I still kept my eyes closed while observing everything around me.

It also feels like I've got something wrapped around my body. Probably bandages since the material feels smooth and fabric like. They even put a layer of some kind of ointment. I can feel the cold and wetness of it sticking to the cloth.

My dad was still muttering all kinds of words while sounding like he was in a trance. He was even praying... Which I hardly ever see him do.

"Ah... Dad?... What is this place?... I feel weak..." I tiredly spoke while groaning and turning my neck stiffly.

As soon as I said these words his eyes immediately widened not hiding the shock of me waking up.

"Yoku!... Finally your awake!" He yelled joyfully as he carefully came to hug me from the bedside to not inflict pain on me.

I felt the tears of his trickling down my shoulder. Showing how heartbroken he was, but also relief and happiness because I was still here not leaving him alone in this world. But I didn't care... As he was just playing another part in my plan.

"D-Dad... W-Why a-are y-you c-crying." I spoke with widened eyes and a trembling voice.

This just gained a look of sympathy from my father as he just looked down after he hugged me... And I acted as I just widened my eyes even more as a sign of realisation.

"D-Don't t-tell m-met-that w-was t-true." My voice got even dryer as my breathing went heavier while I looked around where I was. I then sat up with a quick sudden movement.

"T-The h-hospital y-you crying... I-It w-was real... n-no.. no, no... NO!" I put on a look of despair while my hands were squeezing the top of my head... But when my dad looked at me he saw something that made him gasp in shock.

"T-The... S-Sharingan." He stuttered while pointing to the right side of my face which wasn't bandaged up. My eyes were still spinning as I poured the chakra towards it... And then it finally stopped as I let tears overflow my eyes. Which even made my vision go blurry.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't protect them Yoku... It was all my fault." He kept repeating the same words over and over again like he was reciting a mantra.

But I still kept my head down while looking down towards the bed with a blank look in my eyes... But my dad's voice was still saying the same thing.

After we both calmed down a bit a nurse opened the door and looked at both of us with eyes full of pity while sighing.

"Yokuma... Some people want to speak to you about the incident that happened a few days ago." She spoke with a calm voice as two people came inside my room. They both had one thing in common... The Uchiha symbol is at the back of their flak jackets.

My dad still had the same blank expression on his face. But when they both came in he clenched his fists a bit more.

"My son only woke up and you already want to start questioning him?!!" He yelled with frustration.

But they both paid no heed to his words as one of them just calmly said, "This incident is a matter of great importance to the village. We as shinobi need to get to the bottom of this and find out who did it."

"We need you to please step out of the room as these questions are personally for him" The other one added with a calm voice also.

"What!!... You want me to step out while you guys question my own son!" He yelled with an even higher voice.

"Dad... It's okay, this is for the village after all." I calmly persuaded him with a despair filled voice which made him understand. But still, with hesitation and reluctance, he walked out while glaring at both of them.

I see... So they are trying to cover this news up from the public. My dad doesn't know who did it but they think it's from another village. Now they're going to ask me whether I saw the killers face or not.

The higher-ups want to use this incident to their advantage and blame it on another village. It is wartime after all... They will use any means to win. And then Hiruzen will make them sign the peace treaty.

If the news got out that one of Konoha's own done this, they will twist the stories somehow and it will affect their reputation. It is wartime so anything goes. As I was thinking this they both brought chairs towards my bedside and sat down.

Even with my eyes that had a look that was devoid of any emotion... They didn't care and probed me.

"Yokuma Uchiha... We noticed that someone targeted you and your family for a reason. And even some other kids. If you've noticed we've gathered all the information we can and know that this is an attack of an enemy village."

They both glanced at each other from the corner of their eyes and nodded...

I could feel both their gazes pierce through me to see my reaction... They are Anbu after all.

"WHY!!... Why did it have to be my family,... And why couldn't you guys protect us?!... Aren't you guys shinobi who protect the village?!.. That's what I learned... But where were they?!" I looked at them with hatred and despair while clenching my fists.

Hearing this they both sighed... But this was a sigh of relief... Knowing that I didn't see the killer's face as I killed him.

"I see you have the Sharingan now... Well, this is the price you have to pay to unlock it... We have all been through what you have, losing a loved one, your not special." One of them said with a cold voice. Then they both just walked out of the room while my dad glared at them with hatred as he saw my mental state.



Two people were currently kneeling to a dark figure... He had a scar that was shaped like an X on his chin and a piercing gaze that made both of them respect him.

"Lord Danzo... The boy doesn't know who the culprit was. We are hundred per cent sure. Even the fight he had, when we investigated, looked like he fought the opponent in the darkness." They spoke in a calm tone.

"And from what we saw... He got knocked out with rat poison with surprise."

"Hmm... I see. I had known that he never saw who he killed. But still, that incident made him unlock the Sharingan. He could be a good tool for this village. Even his personality doesn't match you Uchiha." Danzo spoke eerily and with indifference. To which they just carried on looking down.



After a while later... I persuaded Hiroto to finally go home and get some rest. But then soon after a couple of familiar faces I knew came through the door. Some of them had pitful expressions while other's were angry.

"Here's some soup I made for you Yokuma. I made it as soon as I heard the news of you being awake." A cute female voice said with worry.

"Yokuma... Do you know who done this to you?!" Obito clenched his fists and said.

"Don't worry, when Yokuma will get older he'll beat them Yosh!" Guy said with a fire lit in his eyes. To which Kakashi facepalmed too.

"Sigh... No. My mother and sister were killed by them. We were all defenceless." I exclaimed while I was holding back my tears and sniffing. And then I put a mouthful of soup in my mouth.

It was nice. Well her food was always nice and I haven't eaten while conscious for a while. So it was good to taste food again. As long as I get the nutrients for my body then I'm content. Even if it doesn't taste good.

While they were all feeling sympathy for me... I was just inwardly thinking about something... I don't need my dad for the plan now... And I can't just dispose of him when his strength is higher than mine.

After all, I do need their money so I can use it anytime I want. And whatever amount I can. When I do this I can be more free doing other things without his permission. All I have to do is get that inheritance somehow.

Maybe influence him to commit suicide?... That could work as he is so fragile right now. Or use rat poison to stage his suicide. But since he's a Chunin I don't know how much to use. Too much and it'll look like murder. Too less and he will find out.

"So how long are you in here for?" Kakashi said with a neutral voice.

"I need one or two weeks until I can at least start walking again. But that's with a walking stick though." I said with a sad voice.

"Come on cheer up!.. Just think about it when you get out. We will all be there for you." Guy yelled trying to cheer me up.

"After I get out I have to go to my mother and Yuumi's funeral," I said in a more depressing voice. Which caused the atmosphere from joyful to awkward.



It's been a few days... I've been using this time for meditation... And I'm getting superb results. Since I have just been meditating for most of the day, except when people come to visit. It's been peaceful so I have time to collect my thoughts.

All this accumulated stress was gone. Now it was time to add more on as soon as I get out. But for eternal life... This is nothing. I have also kept giving my dad the cold shoulder more and more since he came.

I want to plant a seed in his heart... I even sometimes mutter under my breath and act like he can't hear it... I want to break him until he finally breaks and commits suicide. He has more use to me dead than alive.

Since I can use chakra, I use it all to heal my cells. This is the basics of medical ninjutsu. Meditation and using spiritual energy could increase the healing of cells. But it uses a lot of your chakra.

But since I do nothing all day except eat, sleep and meditate it's fine. And my mental state is at peace right now so it's even more easier. It is quite boring doing this but with this time I just plan more.

Planning for the future to ensure my security is the best thing I can do right now. Even if I don't have the free will to do what I want. Age won't hinder my path.

I cannot waste time doing nothing. Even if I have a lot of it...

Time doesn't wait for anyone...

And it's free...

You can't keep time but you can spend it



Thank you for the power stones and support you guys have been showing me.

I genuinely appreciate it.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

I would appreciate you guys correcting my mistakes and giving constructive criticism.
