

https://discord.gg/dkUGG6fa(Partner server not my own)

Join and get the Bored role from the extra role section.

My discord is Bored#6316



Today... Was a day where the rain never stopped and the village just felt more darker than usual. The gloominess was felt by everyone as they stepped outside. Some of the civilians in the village were all wearing black clothing.

The women were wearing black kimono's or dresses while the men wore any attire that was charcoal/grey. All the shinobi's that were walking wore loose fabric like shinobi wear which was black too.

It wasn't a lot of people from the village that was dressed like this. Only a few civilians and shinobi. But what was so similar about them was their expressions while wearing these clothes.

Gloominess was the word... Their eyes were filled with grievance and pity as they looked at a young boy. He had black smooth hair which came down to his back in a ponytail and black dull eyes. Another man was walking with him.

But he had a look of despair and regret. The boy had eyes that were cold and indifferent as he walked on. But people knew that this was a facade to hide his feelings. They understood this boy's feelings and why he acted like this,

They even felt more pity as he was walking with a crutch in one hand. It was news which everyone here had heard. He had a lot of injuries ranging from legs to his upper neck. There was even a scar under his left eye. And one under his neck which was hidden by his collar.

It was mostly his left side that was injured. They discerned it from the brace made out of bandages worn on his left arm. A boy who hadn't even become a shinobi yet had already withstood this kind of torture. It was demoralizing for civilians.

--POV MC--

Well... It has been a month since I've been in the hospital. They kept me for a bit longer in case something went wrong. And nothing has for the time I have been out. Being temporarily handicapped isn't really that bad compared to the gain I got.

Life is still the same except not being able to do body training. Chakra control and everything else I could still do. Also, I am at the first stage of the Sharingan so only one tomoe. Right now I don't have the eye of hypnotism.

Which is the second ability of the Sharingan which increases everything about your Genjutsu. But I do have the eye for insight. I have photographic memory too when it's activated and I can see the flow of chakra.

I can only copy simple things. Like blacksmithing, cooking and other skills. Taijutsu is in there but I have to get to the second stage to copy Ninjutsu. And the eye of hypnotism will be activated at this stage.

Allowing me to dispel Genjutsu more easier than normal. Of course, it depends on what kind of Genjutsu. Then at the third stage, everything will be available ranging from copying everything to predicting everything and even my perception will be slower.

I just have to train with this eye a lot more to get to the stages. The fastest way would be actual life and death combat. But I'm still an academy student and I wouldn't do that until I know I am strong enough.

Right now I can just use normal training and spars to improve it. It is slow but it will do the job securely and stably. I was thinking all this while walking to Riko and Yuumi's funeral. There was a good amount of people that knew my mom.

Since she was a Genin after all and my father's friends came to support him too. Of course all the people I knew came as well. Including my teacher and classmates. They were just looking at me with pity which I didn't mind.

As long as they think I'm feeling something that I am not then it's fine. I can just use that to my advantage for when my father dies too.



After arriving at the gates and entering in, everyone started lining up in rows. Then one by one they all put flowers and gave their offerings to the two caskets that were in front.

Then they all stood back with their heads lowered and arms in a respectful posture. Some cried while others stood silently. Not one person talked among themselves as a sign of respect.

I saw this while standing next to my dad in the front row. He was just muttering under his breath for forgiveness while looking down on the ground. I just kept the facade of keeping strong for my family.

Soon after someone stepped onto the stage. It was the memorial service speaker. He stood right next to the two caskets while having a book in his hand. And then he spoke with a powerful voice.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!"

"Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy!"

"They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies!"

Death cannot kill what never dies..... Indeed. I thought while letting a few tears out, while my dad also cried while a few people comforted him.



"It's okay Yokuma, your dad's still alive isn't he?" Obito consoled me.

"I k-know b-but I just miss them," I said while stuttering as I held back my tears.

We were currently just standing outside the gate where crowds of people were just talking. And in front of me was Guy, Obito, Asuma etc. All characters were significant to the cannon.

"If his dad can't cheer up how can he?" Kakashi bluntly stated which just raised the eyebrows of others.

"Shh, Kakashi, were supposed to cheer him up. Not bring his mood down." Whispered Rin with a tensed face.

"N-No, he's right. I need to cheer up my own dad first, which I've been neglecting." I slumped my shoulders and spoke upsettingly but with realisation.

Asuma just came and patted my back and cheekily smiled, "Make sure you don't forget and be all gloomy again. Don't you want to become strong enough to not let that ever happen again?" Asuma exclaimed with seriousness as he looked me straight in the eye and I did too.

"Yeah... Thanks, guys, for your support!.... It's easier said than done." I spoke like a new fire was lit inside me from Asuma's words.

This line he used on me... Sure enough, he has got his father's side in him. He probably has picked up a few things from seeing how his father acts in certain situations without knowing it. This is an example of it right now.

"So?!... Yosh!... Make it harder to do than say!.. That should be your goal!" Guy yelled which made everyone just shake their heads. Inwardly thinking 'What does that even mean?' While they rolled their eyes.

While we carried on talking there was something that I remembered... Isene. His funeral was already done. But only the people from the orphanage came. He had no one else after all. And I couldn't go since I was in the hospital.



I opened the door as I came home from training. The scent of alcohol filled my nose while I heard the mutterings and whimpers of someone. I took off my shoes and proceeded to walk to the living room...

Only to see my dad with his hands on his head on the table, while half a bottle of booze was upright on the table. Tears were dripping from his eyes and sliding down his hand. While his expression was scrunched up in despair.

My expression turned into one of spite as I looked at his pitiful state. Looking at him this way... I saw his eye turn from the corner towards me. To which I just glared at him back. He didn't react angrily to this but just looked back down.

He understood why I looked at him this way. It was all his fault. This was the seed I sprouted in his heart.

"I-I'm *SNIFF* s-sorry son." He spoke in a low tone.

"Shut up!!... You're drunk and you don't know what you're saying. You won't even remember this!" I angrily shouted.

"Just look at you... Go die or something. Pathetic dad... You couldn't even save our family. What good are you to this village or me? HUH?!... You can't even answer me.. BECAUSE YOU KNOW IT'S ALL TRUE!!!" My tone got higher and my breathing got heavier as I walked towards him while using my crutch as support.

I then used my working hand and slid down my t-shirt showing him the scars from my lower neck to my chest. Then I lifted up the bottom showing the scars on my stomach with eyes full of rage.

"Do you see this?!!... Because you couldn't protect me, this happened!... Do you know what the doctors said about these?!... You do know right?... SO ANSWER ME!" I yelled with a voice full of disappointment and boiling rage.

My dad still couldn't dare to look at me. But with a low tone and trembling voice, he said, "M-More t-than t-thirty per cent of y-your b-body is covered i-in scar t-tissue."

"Why are you acting like a coward?!.. Say it loud-"

"MORE THAN THIRTY PERCENT OF YOUR BODY IS COVERED IN SCAR TISSUE AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!... Your dad's... I couldn't protect you... So you had to pay the price." He impulsively yelled while his eyes become bloodshot and then calmed down as he kept going on.

Even I soon calmed down as I looked at him like he wasn't even my father.

"Do you know how bad the pain was?... The shadow of a man who repeatedly carried on performing these horrendous acts out on me with a sharp tool... The image of him gouging out mom and Yuumi's e-eyes o-out." I tried my best to act.

"You know the worse part isn't the pain... Or my injuries. But the helplessness I felt when I heard them two screams. And I saw their life being stripped away from their body. The worst pain isn't physically but here and here." I calmly spoke while I pointed to my head and heart. While my dad still just looked down as his facial expressions became tenser.


He took his wet hands from the tears and grabbed the bottle. Then he took a large gulp of it.

"I first told you that I will protect all of you when I become a shinobi. But you... Couldn't even protect us... Now, what does that make you?... A failure?"

"Now I have seen how cruel this world truly is... This is what parent's hide from their child early on. But I have seen the truth now. And that's why I will make sure no one goes through what I did. I swear to protect the village with my life." My voice turned from ridicule to a newfound determination.

This time my father looked me in the eyes and sighed. His face was unrecognisable at this point from how swollen his face looked from crying so much.

"Yoku... My so-. No... I don't deserve to call you my son. Just look at you. I knew you would become a better man than I ever was. And even stronger than I ever will be... Seeing your loved ones being killed and you found a new goal like this?.. You were born to be a shinobi." He proud fully said as he just walked off with the bottle in his hands.

I also just left him alone after that as my facial expression turned normal after the conversation in a blink of an eye. I just went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. It was probably something from the neighbours, it must be nice.



Thank you for the power stones and support you guys have been showing me.

I genuinely appreciate it.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

I would appreciate you guys correcting my mistakes and giving constructive criticism.
