
Naruto: One Step At A Time

Our MC, a 28 year old man, gets reincarnated into the world of Naruto. But he is not your typical MC as he in the neutral evil alignment, being absolutely rational in every decision he makes. Calm, calculated and a Machiavellian person. In this world where the strong rule and the weak get trampled on. Our MC will do anything in order to ensure his survival and his ambition of being at the top to gain eternal life. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---Tags--- -Evil Protagonist -No Romance -No Harem -No Morals -Benefit Oriented MC - Purely Rational ------------------------------------------------------------------- --Partner-- Discord - Raw Novel Community | Dark Novels Check out the Server I am a partner with: https://discord.gg/QFkJZyM5 This is the best server for Dark novels or fanfics like mine. You can just come there to ask me any questions or a general discussion. Since I am mostly active there. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord: Bored#6316 Alt Webnovel: IAmReallyBored ------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like evil MC's be sure to give this a try and leave a review so I know what to improve. Also feel free for any constructive criticism. -------------------------------------------------------------------

IAmJustBored · アニメ·コミックス
54 Chs

Daily Life

1 Week and three days later

"So that is what the function of tenketsu points are in a chakra pathway system."

After Yokuma read that last line on that page, he folded the upper left corner and closed it gently, putting it back on the second shelf and strolling towards the direction of his bed.

'This is essentially the same as what blood vessels do for blood, and the pressure points are the meridians or tenketsu that control the chakra, just like resistors do for parallel and series circuits.

I am probably not going to learn how to mould chakra for a while now. Even though I can understand it myself, it is too risky considering using my own body.

These past three days have just been spent learning what I can about this world's history and theoretical knowledge of shinobi, just as I have been doing for the time I have spent here.

But it is still not enough, considering I am only four and haven't even started the academy yet. Even using my parents wouldn't work because there is only a limit to what a 4-year-old could do.

Even though this was a setback, I still use my sister to gather information from my parents when they speak in front of her. It is pretty helpful as I have just learned that the Hidden Rock Village is now having a battle with Konoha at the grass village.

We are also getting pushed back a lot more. Nevertheless, this is all part of the script, as later down the line, Minato will destroy the bridge. But there is still a chance that doesn't happen, so I need to prepare if that happens.

While Yokuma was thinking about this, he sat in a lotus position with his eyes closed and a straight back while putting his hands flatly against his knees. After he was done sorting himself out, he opened his eyes, which had a sort of orange hue.

This was because of the sunset early in the morning, which reflected the already opened window, giving it a kind of fresh scent in the room. Reading the analogue clock above his door, it was precisely 5:40 in the morning.

'Just in time.'

He proceeded to walk quite quickly towards his door where the clothes he wore yesterday and wore them on in a quick motion. His outfit was a black and red tee with the Uchiha clan symbol at the back and blacked out tracksuit bottoms.

He also walked towards the right drawer beside his bed, placed his hand on the first slot out of the three, and carefully pulled it. Just lying there was a black and plastic looking watch which he picked up and wrapped it around his wrist comfortably.

Stealthily he walked towards the door and twisted the doorknob anticlockwise, gently and slowly. Because the stairs were right next to his room on the left, he just crept slowly on each stair, using the railing as support to shift his weight onto.

As soon as he touched the floor, Yokuma grabbed the black jacket with one hand and used both his feet to insert into his dark blue sandals whilst twisting the key anticlockwise with the other as fast as he could. After that, he pulled the handle down, leading to him opening the door carefully and closing it behind him slowly until he heard the click noise.

While one of his jacket sleeves was through his right arm, therefore checked his wristwatch, which read 5:44. As soon he saw this, he increased his pace more, going to a nearby place with a mid-sized spring lake covered by rocks and a medium field of grass.

'Luckily, I don't live inside the clan residence because my father's not even an Uchiha in the first place, adding on to that my Riko is a Genin and Hiroto is cannon fodder to being a Chunin'

Striding towards a large tree, Yokuma started to put his inside a small bush with a medium-sized sack tightly held by a string. Inside it was just some spare worn-out black high sandals and waterproof underpants.

There was a weird looking bottle. The cap end was cut in half and faced downwards, inside the bottom piece of the bottle. There was a gauze at the top and added essentials such as a towel and an ordinary water bottle.

(Check the comments for what it looks like.)

Swiftly putting his spare sandals on and lightly walking towards the spring Yokuma dunked the odd-looking bottle. When it was on the grass, there was a kind of process happening as the gauze was squeezing out a large amount of water at a time.

After it was filled up, he took the top bit and put it in the regular bottle filling it up to the top, this whole process took 5 minutes and immediately started it again, but this time he walked away.

Double glancing at his watch 5:55, he started to touch his toes and stretch the rest of his body, especially the groin area, which he tries to do a split every day but hasn't succeeded yet as it needs a bit of time.

After that, he started jumping up on the spot to make his blood flow faster and then started running around the field where every lap was a mile.

Trying my best to keep my breath steady after 0.5 miles, I could feel the sweat at the back of my neck as I attempted to gain a bit more momentum.

Feeling the cold air biting into my lungs, I pushed harder until I barely saw a few feet ahead of me.

Finishing the first mile and a quarter into the first, I perceived my body working as I felt my leg muscles running warm as it was mostly my calf, and fresh air started to enter my lungs.

Nearing towards the end of the second mile, sweat beads were dripping from my hair as I felt the moisture of my face completely change, but as soon as I saw the end, I sprinted as fast as I could, sucking in short gasps of air in between.

Halfway through the third, it felt like I was going to fall, but I desperately attempted to create traction with my shoes as the fear of failure clouded my judgement.


"Come on just h-ah" as he held his breath in pain

As his mind was filled with frantic thoughts, he didn't notice he was there and just dropped straight away on his back, desperately opening the lid of the water bottle and chugging it.

He put both his hands on top of the rock and transferred all his weight onto it as support. Then sat down and took all of his clothes and his watch while taking a glance at 6:30.

'My 5k time was one h and 30 mins, the problem with my body is long time endurance, the first lap was 15 mins, whilst the second and third were in the 30m- 40.

Still better than before, but it will take at least five months for me to become an above-average runner, as long as the results show I don't mind because I still have a lot of time and patience.

As he was leaning on the rocks while the cold water was against his skin, he started to close his eyes and go through his thoughts.

'Riko wakes up at 7:30, but I will be there by seven and carry on reading the tools and traps book until breakfast and then proceed to go to the park for the monkey bars until 11 am, that is until Hiroto is helping me with shuriken practice today for half an hour.


In a crowded place where there were swings, slides and monkey bars, a boy wearing a grey collar t-shirt and white shorts could be seen panting going back and forth along the monkey bars, but suddenly dropped down and landed.


Another boy around the same age as Yokuma could be seen. He was wearing a green jumpsuit and had a black bowl cut with a silly and ecstatic expression on his face.

"Still can't beat me Yoku, Yosh! now let's go and run around the field 1 time," yelled Guy as he started running away without even looking back and leaving a trail of sand behind him.

"HA-ah when did he start training his body and how often, but I am getting there," Yokuma remarked rhetorically while he started sprinting.


"Hold it loosely with only three fingers at the bottom and rest the thumb on top of the shuriken side closest to you and point it North west."

"Then aim it at your target and snap your wrist stiffly and straight."

Hiroto snapped his wrist while holding the shuriken slanted horizontally. It travelled so fast that you could hear it slice through the air making a kind of howling noise.


It hit the straw dummy straight on the forehead, making a relatively clean and deep dent in it, showing that it was pure skill.

"You try now."

Yuko went to hold the shuriken as he put three fingers at the bottom and the thumb pointing north, then steady it towards the head, flick the wrist stiffly and...


There was only the sound of the shuriken reflecting of the neck of the dummy, but his father didn't have a look of disappointment but only nodded.

"You know what you're doing wrong?" asked in a voice of expectance

"Stiffly moving my wrist when snapping it makes my hand's grip a lot tighter causing a bit of a balance problem therefore compromising the front to be heavier than the back."

"You have been studying diligently it seems, just carry this on as long you could practice for as long as you can as you will need to turn that knowledge into experience, knowing is not the same as doing", as he then just flickered away.

'Knowing is not the same as doing huh, but what about if I know what I am about to do to you' his face crept up the same way he looked at the Sharingan he drew and the way he looked at the S06P eyes.

'No need to do dwell on that short term plan as I need to create a backup too because many things could go wrong with it. Even if I have to create five plans for this to work, it will be worth it."

Now let's focus on the task at hand.

"Steady and"


"Steady and"


"Steady and"


3 Hours Later

'Doing the monkey bars and this made my left and right arm go even more sore, but I am making progress little by little its just about control of the body.'

He was immersed in these thoughts while reading the book [Tools and Traps] and finishing the chapter [Chakra Wires]

'Hmm these will be a lot useful in my early days especially when I have "my" sharingan.'

'Talking about the sharingan this plan that I have will demand a sacrifice that will make my future plans just a tiny bit longer, but I have already made my choice as not all things always go to plan just like in my last life, the downfall of me and my death.'

'I remembered seducing his mother long ago. She wasn't even all that with her looks, and even if she were, it wouldn't make a difference. Just a few tricks in bed, selling her a dream and making her fantasies go wild could get you straight into her husband's pockets. I was impatient those days, or I could have milked him a lot more.

'Considering he killed his wife and himself was a win for me at the time, I was even happy at that news as I didn't even have to tie up the loose ends myself.'

'In a world like this petty stuff like this doesn't work unless your not on a path to becoming a shinobi but politics. Even then, one slap from a chunin will turn your body into meat soup.'

'Oh, I nearly forgot.'

Next to him was a grey old looking satchel that had little kunai and shuriken protruding outwards. He put his hand inside and moved out the tools with his three fingers. He pulled out a book.

[Captain America: The Winter Soldier]

'This should help me get some income.'

After that, he went into the side pocket of the satchel and brought out a tub, to which he then opened the lid using the overhanging corner and brought an item wrapped in foil.

Unwrapping the foil, he saw two light toasted sandwiches filled with grilled chicken, cheese, onions and lettuce and a spread of mustard mayo.

While bringing up the sandwich and taking a bite in one hand and reading the book in the other to check for any mistakes he made, while wondering why captain America never just jumped out when he was about to crash considering he entered the realm of superhuman.

Or the long conversation he had before "dying", he could have just sent his coordinates and swam to shore considering his stamina. Marvel forced it, didn't they?


2 Hours Later


Opening the door, I felt a bit lightheaded after doing another set of exercises. Still, it was acceptable, considering the amount of water I drink is enough to keep my oxygen cells going.

I put my hand lazily on my pouch, strolled towards the living room, and threw it on the sofa without any care.

I then slowly headed towards the bathroom while using the railings to lean and banging into the wall, which I then used as support to, turning the knob of the bathroom. I didn't even push but just used my body.

Turning on the tap, I heard.


Three taps of a knock could be heard outside, probably from the knuckle of the fingers, and then there was a voice.

"Are you ok in there you didn't even say hello when you came in," in a concerning voice, Riko questioned?

"Yeah, I'm ok mom don't worry just slightly fatigued", Yakumo quickly exclaimed in somewhat of a slow and slurring voice.

"See I told you don't work him hard but you didn't listen," Riko said in a slightly high-pitched tone.

"Don't worry, don't worry it's fine just his first day, his arms are just getting used to the high intense workout", trying to calm her down in a somewhat light and embarrassed tone.

"Shut up it's your fault."

"It's ok, Yuumi has gone to sleep at her friend's didn't you say you wanted peace and quiet?"

"I did, not until he came back in that state because of your doing."

They just kept going back and forth while Yokuma was submerged in his hot bath, crossed legged with his eyes shut and the water coming up to his shoulder.

'There so-called son is having a hard time, and all they can do is put the blame somewhere else ha-ha ridiculous, but it is in human's nature, after all, we don't want to be responsible for the actions we cause and face the consequences.

After he said this, he opened his eyes and looked towards the direction of their room. Then he looked towards the door with a smirk and malovent expression.

'But don't worry all three of you will face the consequences of your actions soon for bringing your son into the world and when that happens, I will be one step closer to my goal of eternal life.'


Thanks, Thieving Demon, AntiSimp and for the power stones. You can enjoy an extra chapter.

Let me know what you think in the comments, and I would appreciate correcting my mistakes and any constructive criticism.

*2500/2600* Words

