
NARUTO : Naruto Adopted by the Aburame clan

作者: GoudaGenji
Anime & Comics
連載中 · 48.9K ビュー
  • 7 章
  • レビュー結果
  • NO.200+

What is NARUTO : Naruto Adopted by the Aburame clan

WebNovel で公開されている、GoudaGenji の作者が書いた NARUTO : Naruto Adopted by the Aburame clan の小説を読んでください。This idea has been on my mind for a while, so I thought, what the hay why not give it a try. The story starts after the Kyubi attack and Naruto's future is up for grabs. A couple clan heads have offer...


This idea has been on my mind for a while, so I thought, what the hay why not give it a try. The story starts after the Kyubi attack and Naruto's future is up for grabs. A couple clan heads have offered to take the child each for there own reasons, not very noble reasons, but nonetheless, Naruto was wanted. The Hokage, fearing the select clans only wanted to use him as a weapon, decides to take matters into his own hands, and places the boy within a family that he feels will not mold Naruto into what they wanted. And this sets the foundation for my new story. Hope you will enjoy. I'm going to try and put a lot of hard work in this story. (I don't Own Naruto!)

4 タグ

Terra: A Beastmen's World

Su Min a young teenager died early in his last life but was shockingly reborn in another world. Terra a world of beastmen! While there are many beastkin imagine his disappointment when he learns that his species, the fox species are among weakest race in the world! Some of the clans even forgot how to transform after the war of Doom! Due to this the generations of foxes died young and could be called a dying species. In this world where the weak rule they only survived due to a stroke of luck! After some shock Su Min gathered his courage… “ What are you saying ?Laozi will not die in 7 years! F* that! Do you know how difficult it is to have a healthy body !” Su Min saved all the kits from danger and helped them survive winter and the dry months. The foxes gathered to laugh at the strange young fox who always had weird ideas. “ Laugh. Laugh at you want now ! One day you will bow and call Laozi King!” Su Min taught them to fight, cultivate and transform into beastmen form. He awakened hidden blood lines and powers. The beastmen mocked him in the arena and he half- shouted, half- roared. “SO, WHAT IF LAOZI IS A JUST A FOX! DON’T YOU BELIEVE THIS FOX WILL BITE YOU TO DEATH!” In the end there’s just one thing to say- dynamite comes in small packages. Su Min slowly but surely became a winner in life becoming a great and powerful king who controlled life and death in his hands. He began to build up a utopia and set off to find a beautiful wife. Umm... No? He brought back a powerful and domineering male tiger who spoilt and petted him the whole day! Su Min and Husband: I love you so Much that I would kill for you and die for you! (Selling meng) Foxes:(´⊙ω⊙`) “Kings stop feeding us dog food! Enough is enough!” Other tigers:(¬_¬) Please note: do not own cover picture. It only belongs to artist and I will take it down if asked.

Violet_Sky_ · ファンタジー

VRMMORPG: A Force To Be Reckoned With

In a rural area of the Philippines, an old man with his grandson lived peacefully in the wilderness. They managed to survive in a forest swarmed with beasts that could take their life away if they weren't aware of their surroundings. They were very far from the nearest residential village that inhabits people resulting in complete isolation from the rest of the world, well not 'that' isolated. Kaya, which means "The ability or capacity to accomplish things" is a 17-year-old boy who loves nothing more but the thrill of adventure. Despite being surrounded by powerful animals in the wild, he stood his ground as the apex predator and ruled all of the beasts. He'd lunge himself in a pack of hyenas and beat them all up with his iron fist, not to kill them but enough to strike fear into their furry hearts. He'd brawl it out on a troop of gorillas each weighing at least 400-500 pounds of pure muscle. Despite only sizing up in 100-200 pounds, he had enough battle prowess to beat the living shit out of these apes. He'd fought against these animals night and day without tiring himself. Despite being covered in battle scars and wounds, he enjoyed the thrill of fighting and adventure. He wants nothing more but freedom and independence. He wasn't a blockhead, he was smart, well not 'book smart' but intellectually smart. If he was placed in a pinch of a dire situation, he'd think of ways to get out of this predicament. This was not due to his intuition, rather, he was molded by his grandfather to have this type of mindset. Though they lived in seclusion, it didn't mean that they were ignorant not to know that there were also others like him. They had a small library of records of human civilization, but the majority of these books were martial arts manuals. They even have tapes to play on their run-down TV, that worked on solar panels, where they got these solar panels? He had no idea, his old man was stingy about this stuff. After leaving the forest and being introduced to a virtual reality game; Haven of God, he will start his adventure by leaving a trail of his legacy and lots and lots of blood. He will become a legend: A force to be reckoned with.

Lerex · ゲーム
41 Chs

Pekerja Paruh Waktu Minimarket Tak Mungkin Menjadi Pahlawan Dunia Lain

Ansyah, pemuda yang dikelilingi oleh ketidakberuntungan di dalam kehidupannya. Terkena bullying saat di bangku sekolah, ditolak skripsi hingga tiga puluh kali yang membuatnya lulus terlambat selama dua tahun, melamar pekerjaan lima puluh kali dan ditolak lima puluh kali juga, ditolak oleh wanita yang ia suka sejak SMA hingga kuliah dan akhirnya, wanita itu menikah dengan orang lain. Satu-satunya keberuntungan yang ia miliki adalah keluarganya. Akhir dari segala ketidakberuntungan tiba. Ketika sedang bekerja paruh waktu di sebuah minimarket, ia menemukan sepucuk surat misterius yang ditujukan kepadanya, yang mana isi surat tersebut berisikan sebuah undangan untuknya pergi ke suatu tempat. Lalu, ketika ia sudah mendatangi tempat yang sesuai seperti yang tertulis di dalam surat. Ternyata, itu hanyalah sebuah bangunan kosong tua yang sudah lama tidak dihuni. Beberapa saat kemudian, muncul sesosok pria tua berjenggot putih mendatangi dirinya dan berkata 'Selamat datang, pahlawan...kamu adalah orang terpilih yang bisa menyelamatkan dunia Magia dari kehancuran'. Pria tua itu, memberikannya sebuah penawaran, jika ia menerima untuk dikirim ke dunia sihir, dan menyelamatkan dunia sihir dari kehancuran, yang disebabkan oleh raja iblis. Maka, ketika semuanya selesai, ia akan dikirim kembali ke dunia asalnya, dengan segala kemewahan sebagai ganjarannya, dan mengubah nasibnya yang saat ini penuh ketidakberuntungan menjadi sebuah kebahagiaan. Setelah mempertimbangkan dengan baik, Ansyah akhirnya menerima tawaran tersebut dan inilah awal dari petualangannya yang sungguh menegangkan.

Andi_Taharudin · ファンタジー
3 Chs

TDKA [Reposted in WPC!]

[Warning: Contains sexual content] Jamie (DemonKing2200) was one of the greatest players in the VRMMORPG known as “Rings.” However, after an unlikely event that leads to his death, he is reborn as the 2200th Demon King of a world named Kaden. As Jamie, the handsome and badass man who is destined to bring the Dark Age to Kaden goes forth on his new journey, he encounters a few people that change his journey in ways he never expected. Watch as our 2200th Demon King ventures across Kaden to take this new world into his hands. *** ARC 1: DOWNWOOD Right after his Reincarnation, Jamie meets a couple of strangers that assist him in many ways, without knowing that he is the Demon King. As the Shadows march towards the Demon King in search to guide him, rumors about the Rise of the Demon King spreads across Kaden. Meanwhile... our Demon King makes himself home at a peaceful cabin as he secretly levels himself up while learning the way of the Dark Lords. Releases: 2/per day (Though I might be unable to update if I’m sick or life happens!) **** Author’s Note: Sup guys, good day to all my readers. I hope you enjoy my work... and as of now, I have no idea how it’s gonna turn out, so read and leave reviews, comments and gifts if you wanna support me! [The story will be continued if this gets enough positive feedback!] What to expect? - Western Fantasy - System with RPG Elements - Action - Harem - Overpowered MC - Vampires - Kingdom Building - Genius MC - Modern x Fantasy World - Slice of Life - Dark - Video Games Mainly... expect comedy, a heart warming story of a fantasy world very relatable to our story and drama between characters that make the Story the wholesome story I want it to be. [Foxverse] Discord Link: https://discord.gg/rspPpU7ShV

The_Dark_Fox · ファンタジー
2 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

i found a novel with exactly the same start as this one on ff.net and its likely this is a copy. not sure since i have only read 2 chaps of this one and was trying to start reading the one on ff.net. but i believe the note in the synopsis of this one is the same as the one at the beginning of the first chapter of the one on ff.net and the first paragraph is the same. the one of ff.net is called "Legend of the Blond Aburame" and is written by "Sonson-Sensei". it has 44 chapters with over 300k words so if you wanna read more just go there ;) its dropped tho


