
Life and Happiness

After Liu Ruyan settling his discharge papers, Naruto changed his patient attire into casual one that prepared by the hospital. Chatting for a little bit a while, he and Ruoxi excused their presence from the seductive lady and went home as soon as possible. Wang Ma also immediately leaving Lin Kun behind and heading toward home the moment she received Ruoxi's phone call about Naruto's recovery and plan to return to the house.

They sat upon Bentley's car seat as Ruoxi trod on the gas pedal and drove the car under the cheers of the lamps on the both side of the road. The night still young, several stores exhibited their product under the flashy neons and ludicrous marketing method. One LCD as big as human displayed its dazzling feature, enticing a bunch of eyes to witness the magnificent soccer match with real charming colors.

People with blue, green, and other uniform stood at the front of the store, smiling faces and excited voices were the main vocal of their job description, after all, no one wanted to buy something from a shop that had grumpy and temperament server.

Naruto did what he always like to do, leaning his back against the comfortable seat while his cerulean eyes gazed upon the moving scene outside the car's window.

He caught a glimpse of a pair man and woman, with their little boy in the middle, strolling on the street with a happy occasion.

He saw a tired sales lady, wiping sweat from her forehead, yet her face remained spirited at the sight of a customer, come by to her store.

He perceived a man behind his stall, selling a bunch of toys with a sincere and kind face, even let the children played with them despite whether they would buy it or not.

The traffic still held up by the jam of cars at this period of hours, the Bentley stopped time to time without any allowance to slip by.

Ruoxi tapped on her steer, she glanced at Naruto, pondered a bit before braved herself to ask him, "Hey, why do you always smile like that whenever you stare at the view beyond that window?"

People harbored different habits while they were in wait, either it was in a car or something else. They could have to listen to some kinds of music, mp3 or radio; reading novel, let it be hardcover, online, or PDF; chatting, playing a game, sleeping, etc.

but rare of them had the knack to just sit in silence while looking at the view besides their seat, well, unless it's a beautiful scenery or their first time seeing such a phenomenon.

Naruto turned his face to her, a pregnant pause delayed his expression then he let out a chuckle, "Have you ever thought about what life is?"

Ruoxi startled, she never considers he would ask such a philosophy question, she turned silent for a while then parching her mouth in hesitation, "Well, there is a time, when I think about it..."

"Have you ever reach any conclusion?" Naruto smiled.

"Eem, based on several books that I have read, life is a search of happiness," Ruoxi fiddled with the steer.

"But there is a lot of things that could lead to happiness, which one that is life?"

"Well, people might comprehend them in many different perceptions, some said, by acquiring much money in one life, we could live the rest of our life without any worry..."

"Do you believe that principle?"

"I..." Ruoxi stared at him with doubtful colors, she frowned at the thought of her past, despite the deepness of her pocket and shimmering gold in her custody, she remembered how she still this close to almost killing herself, she had money but it didn't prevent her from committing such an atrocious action, "no, I guess not."

"It's true that some people, well, probably most of the people, considering a materialistic achievement as the way to reach happiness, some of the other, thinking otherwise, that life without any desire could be the ultimate way to attain happiness."

"But what is the true way?" Ruoxi mumbled, she glanced at her finger, the smooth and slender little things that cast a jealousy upon any women and fierce kindle flame upon any men. She faced him back, "What about you? What do you think of life?"

"I think that life is... everything," Naruto glanced at the scene outside the window, he spoke slowly, "life is out there, a barking dog to a sneaky cat, a mother that nurse her baby, a husband who pull an all-nighter, boys with their comic, girls and Taylor Swift's lip-synch."

Ruoxi almost let out a giggle with his words, she watched Naruto set his eyes to the front view, "Life is a carpenter who grinds his wood with great tenacity or a painter who frame the panorama of the greenish landscape." He faced her with a faint smile, "Life is in here, with me and you, talking..."

Their eyes lined up in an invisible string, its colorless but not tasteless, its not science but also not sorcery, its powerful yet gentle at the same time.

A smile blossomed on her lips, she said in a soft voice, "Then what do you think of happiness?"

"For me, happiness is... peace," Naruto curled his lips, his eyes declined, "so long I can attain peace then maybe, I could experience that ultimate joy."

"And I take that peace away from you by involving you with my problem..." Ruoxi bitterly mumbled.

Naruto shook his head, "No, you not."

In the midst of her surprise, Naruto leaned on the seat's headrest, "Until now, I never find that peace, or know what's the meaning of peace, I keep searching but yet to settle, I keep looking but hard to stay, my peace... is nowhere to be found."

He raised his left hand and caressed Ruoxi's cheek, "Maybe my peace lies with you, or Jiang Wei, or Mingyu, or all of you, or not at all."

He curved his lips in a temperate smile, "Don't you think it's interesting to find it out?"

She unbeknownst gazed at him with blurry eyes, slowly but surely, she leaned to her right, frame by frame, second for a second, her soft and pink lips approached his gentle and warm one, their face close within hairs-breadth, one slight push to cuddle the soft meat above their chin.

*Tin!* *Tin!*

The uproar of dozen cars behind the Bentley awaken them from their charmed predicament, with an alarmed face, Ruoxi quickly stared at her front and noticed the rest of slumber lamb already raced to the horizon, without leaving any trace at all. She put in a gear and drove in a panic, fearing for the people behind already take out their Molotov namely heavy rant.

Naruto just laughed at the situation and ignored a pair of glaring crystal eyes from his side.


Minutes later, they arrived at Dragon Villa and quickly sauntered the wheels toward the house number 89, both Naruto and Ruoxi got down from the car and entered the house.

"Young master, welcome home!"

As they walked into the living room together, a sight of Wang Ma clad in her blue and white attire along with her generous everyday smile greeted the couple.

"Thank you Auntie Wang, and I am sorry for causing such a trouble," Naruto scrubbed the back of his head and let out an apologetic smile.

"No trouble Young master, as long you're fine, then everything is fine," Wang Ma nodded, then she presented her hand toward the dining room, "young master and young miss must be pretty starving, I already prepare a lot of food for you to eat, please don't hesitate to enjoy it."

"Whoah, Auntie Wang's cooking! No time to waste-dattebayou!" Naruto dashed into his left without much attention to giggling Wang Ma and ugly face Ruoxi.

"Look at him, just come out from the hospital and already wave his tail at the sight of food..." Ruoxi sighed and rubbed her temple.

"Hehe, such a youthful man like young master clearly unable to keep his stomach empty after a period of time in a stupor," Wang Ma put her hand in front of her lips, preventing some of her laughter from break out, "young miss, how about you? Do you want to eat now or you prefer to take a bath first?"

"I guess I am pretty hungry too, might as well chow down some before he ate all of them," Ruoxi shook her head in bitterness then strolled toward the dining room, followed by Wang Ma in her tail.

"Argh! Need water, a chicken bone stuck in my throat!" Naruto tapped on the table while holding his neck.

Ruoxi and Wang Ma sweatdropped at his trouble, Who tells you to swallow the bone that not mean to eat?

With hurried motion, Wang Ma nipped into the glass kettle and poured a stream of water toward one of the glass before offering it to Naruto in a swift. He grabbed it and gulped in rush, the lump on his throat went up and down like a piston.

"Huffah~" Naruto put down the glass and looked at Wang Ma while gasping for breath, "Auntie Wang thank you, I almost die there..."

"Your welcome young master, try to eat slowly and... something edible, next time..." Wang Ma forced a smile as she poured some more water into his glass.

"Ou!" Naruto nodded and continued his feast, Ruoxi let out a sigh at her boyfriend slash husband's behavior, she pulled out a chair and waited as Wang Ma prepared her dishes. Despite her dislike toward his boorish attitude in eating manner, but she would be a lie if not admit this exhilarating and invigorating. When the one who lived here just her and Wang Ma, albeit it's not too depressing but it still somehow felt desolate and lonely, moreover, Ruoxi never been someone with large portion of dish, thus the dinner only hold for a few minutes before she went into watching tv for a brief then turning in.

Not to mention she sometimes came home really late and already have dinner outside, this making Wang Ma almost alone in the house for the entire day.

Looking at Naruto gobbled one food to another, her hunger got stimulated, even asking for another filled to Wang Ma.

"Hah, Ruoxi, you eat that much, prepared to gain few weights!" Naruto laughed while munching some vegetables.

"Hmph, I am a godly food processor, no matter how many foods I ate, they'll never make me fat!" Ruoxi snorted, she lightly bit on the chicken meat.

"Yeah?! Take out another round and believe me by tomorrow morning, your weight scale will increase one bar!"

"No, it will not!

"Yes, it will!"



"Fine! I prove you that even I have another fill, I am not gain any weight by tomorrow!" Ruoxi glared hatefully at the blonde man across the table, she slid her plate to her right, "Wang Ma, please!"

"Young miss... perhaps you should stop? I fear your stomach unable to hold..."

"Don't worry, I have a black hole as a tummy!" She spat her vision toward Naruto, "besides, I wouldn't let that stupid jerk win twice for the night!"

"?" Wang Ma titled her in confusion, nevertheless, she accepted Ruoxi plate and placed the food above it. Then she gave it back to Ruoxi, "Young miss, please eat more slowly..."

"Thank you, Wang Ma!" She scooped out the rice with the spoon before biting more the chicken meat.

The dining room became lively with the voice of two people quarreled in the harmony ambiance.


"Aaah, I am dying, someone please call a doctor here..."

Ruoxi slumped on the sofa in the living room, her eyes were half-lidded while hand patting her stomach. The pale on her face proved how unwelling she currently felt.

"Young miss, please wait that I am making you a hot tea to ease your stomach!" Wang Ma softly yelled from the kitchen.

"Urgh, what the heck, I already full like this yet you're making something to eat again..." Ruoxi bitter said.

"She's not wrong, based on the tea ingredient, they could help soothe your stomach, even smoothing the digesting process," Naruto nodded, taking a sip on a water while checking his email.

"You shut up, I am like this because of you..." Ruoxi glared at him but soon question marks swarmed her head, "how can you remain cool despite the quantity of food you ate? It's clearly far enormous than me..."

"I haven't eaten in three days?" Naruto shrugged.

"But you're not starving since the fluid you received to replace the hunger with multiple vitamins," Ruoxi frowned.

"Yeah, but as soon as I stopped taking them, my hunger kicked in thus I capable to eat that much..."

"That's unfair..." she mumbled.

Naruto rolled his eyes, What unfair? I passed out, OK? It's not like I am intending to starve for three days in purpose!

Naturally, it's not just because he had been not eating for three days that caused the food didn't hinder his ability to move or stay relax, but rather his body that quickly digested the food then turning them into energy that could supplement his body, raising his stamina, enforcing his vitality, even recovered a bit portion his chakra.

Of course, not all food could give him this kind of effect, fast food, deep-fry food, candy, snack, and other it's impossible to give him any sort of boost aside from sate his hunger.

A few minutes later, Wang Ma came out from the kitchen and strode to the living room with considerable steps, her hands held a tray with a teapot and three cups of glass.

"Young miss here is your tea," Wang Ma said as she filled one cup and offered it to Ruoxi.

"No, Wang Ma, I don't want to eat, or drink a single thing anymore..." Ruoxi shook her face.

"Young miss, please, this is will lessen the pain," Wang Ma said with a slightly worried tone.

"No..." Ruoxi threw her face away from the cup.

Wang Ma inwardly sighed, This is starting to feel like trying to coax a child to eat a vegetable.

"This is the last time, I promise!" Wang Ma nodded while staying in an offering motion.

Looking at Wang Ma tried desperately to give her the tea, Ruoxi unable to remain to push her away, with slight spiteful temperament, she fixed her posture and leaned closer to the cup.

The surface that glinted with brownish color, aromatic steam slowly polluted the air above it. A collective of heat surged from the heavenly pool, pulling her interest to submerge into it.

Ruoxi leaned closer and opened her small mouth, allowing Wang Ma to spill the liquid into her oral cavity.

One drop, two drops.

A trail of miniature size waterfall touched upon her tongue and smeared it with comfortable warmness, it flooded her entire upper cavern and forced out a joyful hum from the tunnel inside her throat.

Wang Ma pulled back the cup, she smiled faintly at the response of her young miss gave out. Ruoxi closed her eyes, a light curve hooked the corners of her lips upward, her eyebrows turned weak and nose steadied in relax countenance.

"Urgh!" Ruoxi's face suddenly twisted in an ugly manner, she held her mouth in an attempt to prevent herself from puking, she slid over one spot, staying her distance from the middle-aged lady, with distress face, she pleaded, "Wang Ma, please, I don't want to drink anymore, release me from the pain."

Wang Ma twitched her lips, she thought this young miss of her watching too much drama that caused such a ridiculous line spew from her mouth. Naruto laughed secretly while witnessing the interaction between them, he waved his head, "Auntie Wang, just leave Ruoxi to me, you better get some rest since you must be tired from all the cooking."

Wang Ma nodded, since her effort unable to bear the result, then it's the best for her to just let young master handle the rest, she trust his capability to take care Ruoxi, Naruto was Ruoxi's husband after all, not only he should indeed be taking care his wife, this is also a chance for them to be more intimate.

Wang Ma always yearned for her young miss and young master to start a loving family life, it's one of her wishes to see Ruoxi's happy and contented face. She filled one cup for Naruto before she stood up and left the couple alone.

Silent covered them both, Naruto still gazing on his phone with one hand held the teacup and took a sip on it.

Ruoxi heard what he said before and somehow anticipated what trick he's going to do to ease her full stomach, but until now, he's done nothing that worth attention, just sitting there minding his own business.

With a little irritation tone, she said: "Aren't you going to do something?"

"Not in the moment..." He said without even facing here.

"Well, the night is not going to get younger, and my stomach is getting painful."

"Give it time..." He took another sip, " it probably reaches the apex of its process."

"I am sleepy..." Ruoxi eyes glazed over.

"It's not even reached an hour, don't sleep yet or you really going to get fat by the morning..."

"Then you should have done something about this, I am very uncomfortable..."

Naruto glanced upward before he stood up from his chair, "Alright." He strolled over to her position and stopped right in front of her.

Ruoxi stared at him with dignified expression, "W-what?"

"Give me your hand," Naruto raised his right hand.

"Huh?" Despite her confusion, Ruoxi still grasped his hand with her own.

Naruto carefully pulled her hand, forcing her to follow his guidance and stood up from the comfortable sofa. Without waiting for her to ask, Naruto turned to his right and strolled toward the glass door that connected this room to the backyard, Ruoxi followed his movement without her own will.

He unclasped the door and slid it open, stepping into the terrace with a various plant such as Chinese lantern and Calamondin within the pot on the side, they're placed on the three layers of shelves with growing leaves on the surface. There were two chairs with one rounded table on the left, and a free from any sort of obstacle path, straight from the glass door.

The moon dazzled the environment, a melodious cricket sang their song in tandem.

Swaying winds chilled her spine and froze her body akin to an ice sculpture.

Shiver played the tune for the goddess' skin but a warm hand soon dispelled the cold mist and hugged the fragile body with a huge amount of heat.

Naruto turned around as they arrived in the middle of the backyard, the ground crammed with greenish hair that lightly sank upon being pressed. He grabbed Ruoxi's waist and put her hand on his shoulder, he leaned to her ear as her soft body glued to his firm one, "Let's dance..."

"D-dance?!" She turned her face and stared at his cheek with unbelievable expression.

"Yes," Naruto also moved his head and now they faced each other, "just a small movement, good enough to help your digestion process."

The couple could feel the breath of each other parties.

"But..." Ruoxi's face turned gloomy, "I never dance before..."

"Don't worry... I'll teach you..." Naruto chuckled, "If I say one, move your legs to the left and if I say two, move your legs to the right, you got it?"

Ruoxi turned silent for a while then nodded her head.

Naruto started his motion with number one, Ruoxi weakly took a step to her left, and when Naruto made a motion with number two, she instead rushed to her right ahead of Naruto. Her clumsy movement didn't irritate the blonde man, instead, he laughed softly and in patience taught her to move with him.

What they said about Ruoxi as one of the fierce women in the era perhaps not just a flatter or joke, she indeed capable to learn something very quick and now, she already shared the same motion with him that not only in moving two ways but also others.

She even could rotate in a graceful way and return into Naruto's bosom smoothly, they swayed side to side, went fro and back, she snuggled into his chest, inhaling his male aura that somehow made her feel hot, she's no longer bother with the pain in her stomach.

"You really good at dancing, are you sure this your first time?" he blew on her ear.

"Thank you and yes, this is my first time..." Feeling the tingle, she moaned a little while redness filled her cheek.

"Then you are an incredibly good learner!" He kissed her cheek and proceeded to her lips

"MHmm, some people do say that..." she reciprocated the kiss, few seconds passed before they finally separated.

"But why you horrible at cooking?" Naruto snickered, then received a pinch to his waist.

"Careful, we are having a moment here, don't ruin it with your jerk remark!" Ruoxi smiled but they seemed held a dangerous sign.

Naruto let a helpless expression, "Alright, if that my princess Ruoxi's decree, then I shall obey..."

"That's my good knight," Ruoxi giggled as they swayed again, she bitterly sighed, "I wish he didn't put any camera in my home, I felt so restricted..."

"Give it more time, you receive any information about me didn't you?" Naruto nudged her hair with his nose.

"Yeah, but I didn't see them..." Ruoxi leaned her head into his chest.

"Why?" he raised one eyebrow.

"I... I just can't..."


"You didn't get bothered with that?" Ruoxi shifted her face and stuck her chin into his torso, both of her hands clasped his neck.

"It's up to you to see it or not, whether you believe it or not, I don't have any power to change the past but I do my best to change what I am..." He chuckled as a mouthful of air breeze from his nose.

"And what are you?" her crystal clear eyes stared deeply into his face.

"..." he turned silent before the pair of cerulean eyes repaid the stare, "a stupid man."

"..." Ruoxi turned quiet as they basked in a warmth that radiated from his aura, it's comforting...

It's relaxing...

It's intriguing...

"Naruto... I..." Ruoxi stared at her own feet, there was a shockwave that ruled on her body, her face turned red and eyes looked at the man with tears...

"Hmm?" Naruto lightly answered.

"I..." her tone was aghast, filled with sorrow and struggle, "I..."

"I have to go to the bathroom."

