
Naruto: immortal Ninja

Our protaganit find himself 30 years after the creating of konoha as an orphan how will he live and what will he do to realize his ambition, what changes his presence will make in the Ninja world ________________________________________________ I'm new to this so if you have any criticism I'm open to it ________________________________________________ I don't claim anything other than my MC I found the art in Pinterest. so its not mine this is fanfiction, I'm sure everyone already read Naruto but if you haven't please do it's still good

xiaoyasso · アニメ·コミックス
46 Chs

9 ( revised )

Haru was sitting in bed, with beads of sweat dripping from his face due to the pain, but he persevered. Slowly, he opened his eyes with a very happy expression. Finally, he was able to gather some nature chakra into his body, even though it was only a small amount for a few seconds, but it was a tremendous improvement. He was eager to experience the benefits it would bring. However, there was not enough space in the orphanage, so he decided to wait until tomorrow. Haru closed his eyes. Despite his excitement, he attempted to fall asleep.

In the morning, haru was at his training spot in the forest, After a few minutes of gathering nature energy. He knew that he didn't have much time, so he quickly threw punches and kicks at the nearby tree. Upon closer inspection, Haru was surprised to see that the tree had shattered slightly, considering that his normal power was insufficient to cause this. After a short rest, he gathered more nature energy and focused on testing his speed. He was pleased to find that his speed had almost tripled. Through a few more attempts, he was able to figure out what he could do with this newfound power. Although his Sage Mode was not yet suitable for battle situations, as the preparation time was too long for it to be effective for only a few seconds, Haru was not discouraged. He was confident that with further training and increase in chakra , it would be a valuable weapon in the future.

After resting, Haru decided to go to the playground to see Nawaki, whom he hadn't met in a week. Haru was aware that Nawaki might be angry with him for being absent, so he went back to the village to bring some snacks as an apology.

When Haru arrived at the playground, he looked around but couldn't find Nawaki. He waited for a few hours, but eventually decided to return and look for Nawaki the next day, thinking that maybe Nawaki was being punished for missing his homework again. He couldn't help but smirk at the thought.

The next day, Haru returned to the playground but still couldn't find Nawaki. He then decided to go to the Senju residence. Upon arriving, Haru greeted the guard and knocked before entering. Inside, he checked Nawaki's house but was informed by the maid that Nawaki was at the training ground. Haru raised an eyebrow in surprise, knowing that Nawaki was a mischievous child and it was unlikely for him to be training all day without taking a break. Feeling suspicious, He hastened his steps to the training ground.

He found Nawaki there training, but he noticed that Nawaki's face was covered with blue and purple bruises. Haru ran over to him and asked, "Nawaki, what happened to your face?" Haru was certain that this wasn't a result of punishment, as even if Nawaki had been punished, the Senju clan would never strike him in the face as he was the young master of the clan. But instead of answering, Nawaki ignored Haru's questions. Surprised, Haru asked again, "Did you fight with someone?" But Nawaki turned away and was about to leave. Haru caught his arm and with a more forceful tone, asked, "Nawaki, stop aren't we friends?" This time, Nawaki turned and pushed Haru back, and with tears in his eyes and an angry voice, he said, "If you're my friend, why didn't you look for me in the past week? You're just like the others, thinking I'm stupid and weak and don't deserve to be the grandson of the first Hokage"

Haru was taken aback, but he swiftly gathered the information and figured out the situation. He replied confidently, 'No, I like you as my friend, not because you're the grandson of the Hokage. And I've told you before, you're not stupid. You just don't like to think. Your physical advantage made you dependent on your power and forget to use your brain." Haru then approached Nawaki again and, examining his wounds closely, asked, "What happened? Who did you fight? How did they wound you like this?" Nawaki looked at Haru's serious face before telling him what happened. As Haru had predicted, some of the older kids were teasing Nawaki about his intelligence, comparing him to his elder sister, Tsunade, and claiming that she was the more suitable candidate for the first Hokage's granddaughter, unlike him who was "stupid like a monkey." Nawaki, filled with rage, fought with one of them, even though he was younger, he was able to win thanks to his Senju body. But when the other kids saw this, they ganged up on him. Despite his strength, he was outnumbered and outmatched

Haru sighed as he noticed that the teasing had really affected Nawaki, so he said jokingly, "Well, you are indeed stupid." Nawaki looked at Haru with a dejected expression and was about to cry again, so Haru patted him on the back and continued, "If we compare ourselves to Tsunade-hime, we are all stupid. Do you think everyone can become the Hokage's disciple and be so strong at such a young age? If we look at it from that perspective, then almost everyone in the ninja world is stupid." Haru looked at Nawaki with a doubtful expression and asked, "Isn't Tsunade-sama your sister? How could you not know that? You really don't think you're as smart as her, do you, Nawaki? I mean no offense, but all the ninja villagers know that geniuses like Tsunade are rare. Even in the history of Konoha, she is considered a genius." Haru wasn't lying, as he was the only one in the ninja world who knew how much of a genius Tsunade was, especially in the field of medicine, where she would stand at the top of the medical ninja world for decades to come.

Nawaki's face brightened as he said, "That's true, how come I didn't think of that before?" Haru replied with a sarcastic tone, "I told you, you're stupid." Nawaki put an angry look on his face, but Haru continued, "Don't look at me like that. So what if they outnumbered you? Couldn't you run? Don't tell me with your freakish physical strength, you couldn't run." Before Nawaki could find an answer, Haru continued, "And even if they beat you, why didn't you come to me? Why did you run with your tail between your legs and didn't dare to go out again?" Nawaki replied, shuddering, "Well, I thought I should train so that I will become stronger. That's why I'm staying in the house." He continued, "I'm going to become the next Hokage. Of course, I'm not a coward." Haru smiled as he saw the confident and cheerful Nawaki returning, so he said, "Well then, I guess you're not a coward. But still, you're already strong. They just outnumbered you. I think you should just pay attention to your teacher. You don't need to train all day." Nawaki nodded.

And then Haru took Nawaki's hand and stood up. Nawaki looked at him confused and asked, "Wait, where are we going?" Haru replied, "Taking revenge, of course." Nawaki looked dejected and said, "its six of them, how are we going to beat them?" Haru looked at him like he was the biggest fool in the world before replying, "We also have friends, Choza, Shikaku, Inoishi, and the rest of our other friends." Nawaki's eyes brightened before he was about to run to them, but Haru grabbed him by the collar, saying, "Wait, let me finish talking first." He continued, "We are ninja, what do you think ninja are best at?" Nawaki replied with uncertainty, "Ninjutsu!" Haru knocked on his head before replying, "It's ambush, We don't need reinforcements. We are ninja. Come on, tell me where you met them. Let's make a plan. Tomorrow we are going to get our revenge." Excitedly, Nawaki took Haru to the house and they began planning for tomorrow.