

Apollo transmigrated as a boy about to graduate from the university of gods. To graduate from the University of the Gods, the student has to open access to a random world. While most students gain access to worlds of swords and magic, or worlds of cultivation of immortals, Apollo gained access to the world of Naruto. The power of the Gods grows based on the faith they receive from the believers in their worlds. While some Gods create natural disasters for humans to pray in fear, Apollo had a different idea. In order to gain faith in the ninja world, Apollo will take advantage of the Uzumaki Clan being about to be destroyed and give hope to these abandoned people through something called the Internet. Ninjas across the world will be shocked to discover that over the internet they can converse regardless of distance, can learn ninjustsus that only large villages know, and even can glimpse the long-awaited peace. Based on the Internet, Apollo will connect multiple universes that he knew as movies and anime in his previous life, gather countless believers, and create the story of the greatest god in history. -------- Discord server: https://discord.gg/ky35Kv7GHr Author Note: This is my original fanfiction, this is NOT a Chinese translation. Schedule: 1 Daily Chapter (or more)

NunuXD · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

30 - Help

Knock Knock

Apollo, who was floating above the Uzumaki mansion, suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Knowing that it wasn't inside the small world, Apollo understood that it must be someone in the outside world.

As the small world was already well underway, Apollo returned to the Divine World.

It only took his consciousness a few seconds to adjust from the trip back before he got up and opened the door, curious who it was.

"Apollo, I need your help!" Artemis said worriedly as she entered Apollo's room.

Seeing his sister's anguished expression, Apollo felt that something bad had happened.

"Calm down, explain to me what's going on." Apollo kept calm and sat on the bed next to his sister.

Artemis was shining eyes almost crying. "I managed to find a world of dark elves with my God Seed, but that world is about to be destroyed."

Apollo soon understood the reason for his sister's distress. That was one of the risks of finding unknown small worlds, there was a chance that this world was about to be destroyed, practically wasting the Divine Seed. If Artemis lost the divine seed with the destruction of the world, she would have to wait several years to receive another seed from the University.

"What's the matter, who's attacking the world?" Apollo asked first, trying to better understand the situation.

"This world is divided between various races, such as Dwarves, Humans, Orcs, High Elves and Dark Elves. Unfortunately, all races in this world have been at war for thousands of years, to the point that only small groups of each race are left. When I entered the world, I saw that there are only a few hundred Dark Elves left, and at the moment they are at war again against the Orcs, by my calculations, the Dark Elfs will be destroyed in a few days, and after a few months the other races will also be destroyed. will destroy, leaving only mindless animals and plants in this world." Artemis explained almost in tears.

Hearing that there were High Elves in this world, Apollo became interested. If he could help Artemis to save this world, maybe in the future he could develop an artifact to send to this world with Artemis, being able to get these other believers too!

Of course, he only thought of it because he knew it was impossible for the High Elves to become believers of a Moon God like Artemis.

After listening to all of Artemis's explanation, Apollo understood what she needed help with now, but there was still a doubt. "How many believers do you already have?"

"I got all Dark Elves to become my believers, currently there are 109 Dark Elves still alive." Artemis explained as he calmed down.

Apollo was shocked by this, even though the Dark Elves were already tempted to believe in a Moon God like Artemis, he knew that it was almost impossible to get more than 100 believers in such a short time.

"Is the problem due to the war?" Apollo asked frowning.

Artemis nodded. "Yes, due to the war they expect me to perform a miracle, even though I have 109 believers, they only pray once a week as a courtesy, as their focus is only on the war."

Apollo soon understood what was going on. The Dark Elves received Artemis' divine sign with the Goddess of the Moon, and due to their ancestral beliefs, they truly believed in her, but as their focus was on war, apparently they were just praying to Artemis for her help.

"How much Divine Power do you have left?" Apollo asked.

"Only 139 Points." Artemis sighed. "When I arrived in the world, to prove that I was the Moon Goddess, I used 170 Divine Power Points to bless the Dark Elves, with their strength level and because the focus was only on war, after the 109 Dark Elves prayed I managed to receive another 109 Divine Power Points, but that was a few days ago, they only intend to pray for me for three days, but I don't think they will last that long."

"Do you think a God Tree will save them?" Apollo asked, perfectly understanding the point that Artemis needed help.

For a God of an Elven race, the most important thing is to plant a Divine Tree, this tree can make the population of Elves grow much faster, generating life through fruits.

Of course, the price for this is very expensive, it takes a lot of Divine Power to generate a single Elf, and this little Elf will need several decades to be able to fight with the other Elves.

But in addition to generating life, the God Tree can also nourish and heal the wounds of the Elves, that is, it is like a powerful medical center for a world of war like that.

"I'm sure the God Tree will be enough." Artemis explained a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry for asking you this, if I had been more careful when I found the Dark Elves and used a more economical way to get their faith, maybe I could have built the God Tree myself."

Apollo just smiled and stroked his sister's hair. "Don't worry silly girl, your situation was very difficult, it would be almost impossible to get the belief of so many Elves in such a short time, and you still managed to do it by spending only 100 Divine Power Points, know that I needed at least 150 Points to get my first believer."

While Apollo had his hand on Artemis's head, Apollo induced God Power from him through his fingers and began transferring God Power to Artemis.

As twins, this is one of the two's greatest advantages, as unlike other gods who cannot transfer divine power without proper ritual, Apollo and Artemis found that they could transfer divine power very easily.

That's why Artemis went to ask Apollo for help even if it was a bit excessive, and not a Professor who has much more divine power, since only Apollo could help her in time.

Artemis was prepared for Apollo to refuse her, not because he didn't love her, but rather because she needed 161 Divine Power Points, as to produce a God Tree she would need 300 Divine Power Points in total.

But to her surprise, Apollo not only transferred 161 God Power Points, he directly transferred 300 God Power Points to her.

"Apollo!" Artemis was shocked as she jumped away from Apollo so that he would stop giving her God Power. "Why give me so much?! You also need Divine Power to nurture your believers! The early graduation test will take place in two months! With your small world it is possible for you to be able to graduate early, the benefits are high, don't waste it so much Divine Power with me!"

Seeing Artemis's genuine concern, Apollo smiled even wider as he remembered that early graduation. The prize for first place among these graduates would be another God Seed, something that Apollo was quite interested in, after all, he could use it to open the way to another world.

"Don't worry silly girl, my world has a time rate 10x faster, I already have more believers than the last time we talked, I can get that back in no time." Apollo explained smiling.

Artemis looked at him through narrowed eyes, trying to figure out if Apollo was lying or not. Failing to find any abnormal reaction in him, she finally believed and hugged Apollo with great strength.

"Thanks." Artemis didn't need to say much, with just that hug Apollo already felt all the gratitude the girl was feeling for him.


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