
Naruto: Excitatus Didymus

A second chance is more than I could of asked for. Especially when the world is of my favourite anime, I’m the protagonist of said world, and The person who was being rebound was me. I wasn't a good man, nor was I an Evil person I had done stuff that I wasn't proud of, things that will haunt me till The day when I truly die. But I think that the experience will be more valuable now in this world than it ever was in my first life. There is only one problem. This world is sort of different from the Anime/Manga I knew and loved. With the addition of new faces and a few Mysteries, The Ninja world is about to get a lot more hectic. Also please read the Preliminary chapter as it has a statement from me that I would like people to read. Thx :P

RedBerry_Alchemist · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Chapter 2

[Hiruzen Sarutobi POV]


The battle was over.

The casualties were countless, shinobi and civilian alike had died.p, and all were grieving for the loss of their families.

I hurried towards the location that was the centre of everything. The location that was chosen for the birth of Kushina and Minato's Children.

Arriving on scene with several Anbu in tow, We found the ruins of the large tent that had been constructed.

"Bear and Owl, Search the surroundings and form a parameter, nobody is to set foot here and live unless I say so" I ordered two Anbu, who nodded their heads and quickly Flickered away to do their duties.

The other two Anbu with me, followed as I walked towards the Ruins of the Tent.

My heart was heavy with guilt and sadness as I looked over the scene in front of me.

The body of Kushina was slumpped next to two crying bundles, her dress covered in blood. The body of Minato was laying on the ground, lifeless and covered in blood.

I could feel the tears building up, but held them back.

I would cry for them later, for now, I had to get the children to safety.

"Rat, Collect Minato and Kushina's bodies and take them straight to the Hospital, be seen by nobody and don't let anybody touch their bodies" I ordered.

The Anbu rushed over to the bodies and picked them up, and proceeded to flicker away, leaving me with only the Anbu Boar at my side.

I walked over to the two crying children, picking them up.

My worst fears were confirmed as I looked at the two babies stomachs.

They were both marked with a seal.

Which could only mean one thing.

'Jinchuriki' I thought, still holding back the tears.

I examine the children, to see if there was any injuries.

The one in my right, the Boy with scarlet hair who was only making small noises from time to time.

And in my left arm, the Girl with a small tuft of vibrant blond hair who was crying out.

I sat on a nearby rock and tried to comfort them, the Girl more than the boy as he wasn't very noisy.

But it worked, they quieted down and I was left with the two children sleeping pea fully in my arms.

Soon, Rat returned and with Boar on my flanks, we headed straight for the hospital, specifically the maternity ward, we're I would have the children checked.

While on the way, Bear and Owl appeared with us. And as we landed at the doors, I gave them all as stern of a look as I could at the moment.

"Nonody is to know of the children existence for now. From now onwards this is an S-rank classified secret, any one who is found in breach of this, will be killed, Understood?" I asked.

All of them nodded.

And with that done, we went inside.




The next day had come.

And with it, the news of Minato's death had spread.

I had officially been called back I to service as Hokage, and stood in the Council room, with the Danzo by my side, several Anbu in the corners of the room, and the Clans Various heads.

The meeting was over, and everybody was either leaving, or staying to talk amongst themselves.

The meeting had been volatile.

The Clans had all demanded to know the details of yesterday, of which only some of them were given.

I had not disclosed the condition or whereabouts of Kushina's Children, much to the displeasure of the Clan heads.

After the meeting was over, I stood up, Made a lazy half seal and flickered out of the room.

As I arrived at my destination, I was met with a tall man with spiky white hair, Demanding to be let in to the room of the children.

"I can't Jiraiya-Sama, Lord Hokage has ordered that nobody is to enter without his permission"

"To Hell with the Hokage's orders! I-..." I put my hand on the mans shoulder and he looked down at me.

"Your finally Here, where have you been?" he demanded to know, his voice filled with impatience.

"Council meeting. With all the losses we have suffered, I needed to pull extra manpower from the Clans to maintain a veil of security and strength. If any of the other villages knew of our state, we would be attacked"

Jiraiya grunted and looked at the Medic Nin guarding the door "Will you let me in now?"

The medic looked at me, I nodded and they moved aside to let us in.

As we walked in, Jiraiya was the first to speak.

"Why the seals on the door and window?" he asked, as he pointed out the seal tags all along the window and door.

"Minato sealed Half of the Demon inside each of the children. When they started crying, and their chakra flaired, it disturbed the other children in the ward. They needed to be put here far away so there wouldnt be any disturbances" I explained to my student.

Jiraiya went over to the children and picked them up, swaddling them in his Arms.

"Minato and Kuahina never told me their names, they said you came up with them... What are they?" I asked sadly, as I sat in one of the chairs.

"Naruto for the boy, and Tsuyu for the Girl..." he said.

"The characters from your book?" I asked, recognising the names.

"Yeah... What's the condition of their seals?" he asked.

"I don't know, I didn't want anyone kowing of the children, and having one of the Seal Masters in here would certainly cause their circumstance to get out" I explained, "And I'm not the best Sela amster myself, I thought You'd be able to see something I couldnt"

Jiraiya placed the children down back in their bed and placed his hand on Tsuyu's seal.

'He must be checking the seals' I thought.

A few moments past, and Jiraiya repeated the process on Naruto.

He sighed in relief as he leaned against the wall.

"Well?" I asked.

"The seals are a work of art" Jiraiya said, "They are designed to drip feed slivers of the Kyuubi's chakra into their systems, strengthening them and their chakra. I can't foresee any negative side-effects, The seals are just that good, you wouldn't be able to tell that they were probably rushed..." he explained, a sombre and sad look on his face.

We sat in silence for a small while, Jiraiya looking over the children, and me thinking of how to ask what I was about to ask.

"Jiraiya... I need you to keep the spy network up and running" I said, decided to be straight forward.

Jiraiya, who had been hunched over the children's crib, strengthened up and turned his head to me.

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard what I said-" "I know, But why would you ask that of me!" he yelled, cutting me off.

I could feel his chakra bursting at the seams of his body, he was angry, and I could understand.

"We need your information network running at full strength if we are to keep up the impression that we have not been weakened" I said.

"Screw the network! You are Asking me to leave my God Children alone while I go galavanting off across the country! I can't leave them Hiruzen. I failed to be there for Tsunade when Dan died. I failed to keep Minato Safe...I can't fail to protect them too!" he said tears slowly running down his cheeks.

"By helping the village stay strong and recover, you will be helping protect them. What Minato has done for the village has been undone by the Beasts attack. By helping to Keep up the image of strength, You'll be helping keep them safe" I said.

Jiraiya slumped backwards against the wall, sliding down until he was sitting on the floor.

His chakra felt wilted, he was in such pain. "I'm sorry my student. But without your network, we are blind to the movements and machinations of others... Please Jiraiya"

"A few years" he said, his voice quiet.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused.

"A few years, them I'm coming back to raise them" he said, his voice filled with sadness and anguish.

"As long as everything goes according to plan, It can be done" I said.

Jiraiya stood up, his hulking figure towering over the children as he leaned down and planned a small kiss on each of their foreheads.

He turned to me, a numb look in his eyes, "Then I guess I should get started" he said with a unconvincing smile and left the room.

'Jiraiya...' I had never seen my student so sad, and for me to be so helpless in helping him... I felt ashamed.

'I must organise an Orphanage for the Children to be placed in for the time being' I thought to myself, as I stood up, wiping the tears that had been forming in my eyes away.

I took one last look at them, 'Naruto and Tsuyu Uzumaki...'

A small sad smile crept on my face, as I left the room, 'What fine names indeed' I thought.





[MC POV] (Four years Later)


I awoke with a start, Feelign a large weight suddenly jump on me.

"Naruto, Wake up already" My sister whined.

"Five more Minutes" I cried out weakly, as I slipped my head under the covers.

"But you said that five minutes ago" she said.

Suddenly, My body was exposed to the cold morning air.

Tsuyu had ripped off my blanket, and it now lay on her side of the bed.

She looked down at me, Her hands on her hips and her eyes holding a adorable fury that never failed to make me smile.

(A/N: *Words* = words spoken in English)

"*Fine*" I said in English as I slivered out of the bed and towards the Cupboard of our room and started to get dressed.

"*Good, then let's get going* Jiji will be here soon" she said in a mix of Japanese and English.

'She's getting better at switching between them' I thought to myself as I put on a black T-shirt.

I had taught her English as a secret Code language we could speak in, Tsuyu thought it was just something I had made for fun, and it never stopped to get a rise out of the Matron of the Orphanage when I would call her Rude names in English, which she couldn't understand.

It had only been a year, and she seemed to have all the basics of the language down pat, sure she made slip-ups here and there, resulting in some broken sentences, but she was only Four, with plenty of time to improve.

'She has come this far in a year, and with her age, She'd be seen as a Genius back in my other world. Especially when you consider that she knew two languages' I thought to myself as we exited our room and made our way down to the main Foyer, where we waited for Hiruzen to arrive.

Today was the 10th of October, Our birthday.

A day when some would celebrate the defeat of the Kyuubi.

Others on the other hand, would lament that we were born.

'Demon Brats' they would call us.

Tsuyu, never understood why they hated us.

It bothered her more than she let on, I could feel it in the way she acted

I just never responded to it, or if I did, It was some wearing at them in English and calling them name.

'All in all, I guess my four years here have been quite peaceful... I just hope Charles first Quest is a few years away' I thought to myself.

Bringing me out of my deep thoughts, was Tsuya poking me in the forehead a few times.

I opened my eye, and saw Hiruzen there looking at me with a smile, a large bag in each hand.

"Oh, your here Jiji, Sorry I was just thinking about something, guess I got carried away" I said as I stood from my sitting position and gave the man a Hug.

Hiruzen had been truly kind to me and Tsuyu, and for that I was grateful.

There's only so much negativity I can take after all before snapping.

'Luckily that hasn't happened yet, I'd hate to cause trouble for the Old man after all' I thought as we all made our way to the infamous Ichiraku Ramen.