
Naruto: Dragons Blade (Completed)

I’m broke, don’t assume I own anything except my child Take

Oofdiditagain · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs


As the months passed taking care of nothing but D-Ranked missions around the village while only doing so on the weekends it was still mentally exhausting doing such menial tasked but soon realizing that complaining only gets him a longer spar with Saya he quickly stopped as for their spars aside from learning a great deal from them he hasn't even managed to hold the upper hand for more then 5 seconds against her, Dax has also came along way with seals currently he can create storage seals without difficulties and has even progressed into more intricate seals mainly dealing with stealth based ones such as seals that stop sound from escaping its radius and such things as of currently he's trying to make an advancement in what he calls 'Chakra Constructs' after studying some medical knowledge and remembering about the tailed beast he attempted to create a chakra construct tailed beast of his very own but even though he can picture what he wants in his head perfectly chakra pathways and all it seems to be missing a crucial part he can form it but it just ends up an inanimate object after failing time and time again his resolve to do so only grew

One day after sparring with Saya he was sitting down attempting time and time again when Saya spoke out

"Maybe your missing Nature Chakra.. Not like you'll be able to do anything about that the only one I've heard of being able to use nature chakra is the Toad Sannin"

As if hitting a epiphany Dax froze as he thought about Saya's words digging deep into his memories he found what he was looking for shoved into a forgotten corner of his mind... His previous life, although he can't only remember bits and pieces at this point he didn't really mind due to this life's memories taking priority but after searching for a few odd minutes he remembered something about nature chakra, although it's present literally everywhere its also thin enough for you to overlook it if you don't know what exactly what your looking for as he focused on his surroundings he felt small wisps of dense chakra floating around him as he let a sliver seep into his chakra reserves he felt them fusing slowly absorbing trace amounts to get used to the feeling he continued this under the heavy gaze of Saya who could feel minute changes in the surroundings after a few hours he opened his eyes and released some of the combined chakra molding it into a small serpent like creature with wings and four legs he found within his memories as the senjutsu chakra took form breathing life into the small whelp (Baby dragon) it immediately let out a sad attempt at a roar before curling up in Dax's lap absorbing freak amounts of nature chakra as Dax studied his own personal Bijuu, after looking it over for a minute he decided to name it

"Saya meet Ryu, Ryu meet Saya"

As the whelp looked up at Saya it purred as to acknowledge her while Saya couldn't help but giggle at the prideful beast as she stood up

"We will go meet the Hokage and you will explain what happened to him, although I trust you and Ryu simply because he is an extension of you I cannot say the same for the higher ups... I know how much work you've put into this over the last 5 months so I'll do what I can to make sure everything works out"

Resting her hand on his shoulder she flickered off towards the direction of the Hokage tower, However, unknown to them a second person located in that training ground flickered off to report his findings to his master


After knocking on the door and getting permission to enter they stood in front of the Hokage with Ryu in Dax's arms as he reluctantly explained what happened well with some things omitted while the Hokage intently stared at the whelp with a hint of hatred

"I can not allow such a thing as an artificial beast to live within the walls of this village whether it was created with your power or not I would recommend finding and sealing it within a host but I don't see that providing any benefits due to the chakra this thing holds"

As he spoke emphasizing 'Beast' and 'Thing' earning a low growl from Ryu who instantly went silent under a glare from Dax seeing this the Hokage had a feeling that Dax could control this beast more then he initially suspected letting out a sigh he continued

"But if you are willing to live and train on the outskirts of the village and are willing to earn the people of this villages ire due to the nature of that thing you are holding I will allow it only if you agree to supervision by both Anbu and your jonin instructor"

Almost instantly agreeing to the Hokage's terms the moment they left his mouth he lifted Ryu up to his face and spoke

"You hear that lil buddy we are going to be living together from now on... you better behave or else I'll have to beat you, can't have you accidentally destroying a village now can we"

Responding with a quick snort before traveling down Dax's arm and curling up around his neck while purring Dax bowed toward the Hokage before thanking Saya and running home to inform his father


Once again time passed and Dax visibly grew now standing taller then his 153cm instructor at 167cm and bulking up a bit and letting his hair grow out to the point of having in a messy bun the one that grew the most was Ryu who now was about the size of a medium sized dog with dark blue and light blue scales matching Dax's Chakra natures of Water and Lightning alongside dark red eyes with a blue slitted pupil resting within, these two were currently resting with Dax using Ryu as a pillow when suddenly the air shifted infront of him and he felt a weight in his lap slowly opening his eyes before a red hue creeped up his face and he forcibly closed them again

"Aww, can't you just spoil me a little bit you barely give me attention since this overgrown lizard came into the picture"

"Saya I didn't know there was such a relationship between us"

"Ughh, there would be if you weren't so dense"

Although she said it in a low tone it still reached Dax's ears as a smile grew on his face

"Oh so I do have a chance and just so that you know beating on me isn't flirting"

Finishing his sentence with a deadpan stare as Saya's face went completely red burying her face in his chest

"Don't look at me you... you..."

Letting her words trail off as she felt Dax close in next to her ear

"Don't worry if your weren't cute I would've left your team ages ago, your kinda weird... cute but weird"

Earning him self a light punch to the chest as Saya slowly sat up with puffed cheeks

"Your mean... and to think I was going to recommend you for the chuunin exams"

Hearing this Dax shot up and grabbed Saya into a hug as he swung her body around repeatedly thanking her causing the blush she previously had to pale in comparison to the one her face currently adopted as illusionary traces of steam rose from her head as she simply enjoyed the moment

1269 words

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