
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · アニメ·コミックス
365 Chs

Chapter 25: Hidden Injury!  White-Haired Kid Aren't You Guilty?

"Sasuke, you should head back for now."

 With a smile, Itachi waved Sasuke off. "Big brother will be back soon. Wait at home for a while, no more than half an hour."

 "....hmmph!" Sasuke pouted, looking a bit unhappy.

 He thought his brother finally took a day off to spend time with him, but it seemed he got caught up in something else again. 

 He turned around to leave, watching his brother engrossed in a conversation with Shisui and not even looking back at him.

 Sasuke muttered to himself, 

 "Brother is always like this."

 On the other side, 

 Shisui spoke with gratitude, "Thank you, Itachi. I didn't expect you to help me out of that situation."

 He smiled at Itachi. "If it weren't for you, I might have been entangled with them for a long time."

 "Is this about Gan, Fumi, and Cui?" Itachi asked. "The members of the Police Force who want to retaliate against that Whitebeard?"

 Shisui didn't conceal anything, saying, "Yes."

 He sighed, "I've advised them many times, but they don't listen and even claim I'm getting weaker. But logically, we shouldn't mess with that Whitebeard."

 "Whitebeard is quite extraordinary, and he may have formed a bond with our village's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. If we provoke him, how will the higher-ups view us?"

 Itachi pondered and thought of a possibility. "The Hokage and the others might think we did it intentionally."

 "Exactly," Shisui nodded.

 He continued, "The relationship between the Uchiha and Konohagakureis already very tense. If we stir up trouble with the Jinchuriki's power at this time..."

 "It would lead to a complete loss of trust from Konohagakure," 

Shisui said with a serious tone.

"A civil war might even erupt."

 Itachi was suddenly shocked.

 Civil war!

 Shisui smiled and said, "So, no matter what, I won't agree to their demands. Even if they call me weak, I'll stick to my original intention to prevent the outbreak of a civil war."

 Itachi reminded him, "But they might not simply give up because of your refusal. They might act without authorization."

 "That's what's been troubling me,"

 Shisui sighed.

 Two young Uchiha, whose combined age is no more than 30 years old, were discussing such important political matters. It was a strange sight, but that's how it went in the shinobi world.

 Maturity comes early...


 *Cough, cough, cough...* Whitebeard kept coughing on the way. His injuries from the Summit War had completely healed thanks to his time travel, but the old wounds from before had not recovered.

 After years of battles on the sea, having gone through hundreds of intense battles, Whitebeard had accumulated a lifetime of injuries. 

 While aboard the Moby Dick, Whitebeard is usually required to have an IV tube and some medications attached to it, and there were often many female nurses tending to him. 

 Now, having crossed over into the Ninja World, Whitebeard had gone several days without the IV, and the hidden injuries were causing him discomfort.

 His muscles, internal organs, and bones all felt somewhat uneasy.

 "Pops, are you okay?" Naruto immediately noticed that something was amiss with Whitebeard and asked anxiously, "You've been coughing repeatedly on this journey."

 Whitebeard let out a deep breath, and the street seemed to erupt in a whirlwind as the dust and smoke swirled around. 

 He planted the end of his sword, the Murakumogiri, into the ground, supporting his huge body as he tried to ease the discomfort in his body.

 After a while, responding to Naruto's increasingly worried expression, he said, "Gurarara! You Foolish son! I'm doing just fine!"

 "Is that so?" Naruto scratched his head. "Pops, you're not lying, are you?"

 "Foolish son!" Whitebeard playfully flicked Naruto's forehead.

 Naruto winced and held his head while yelping.

 "Why would I lie to you?" Whitebeard grinned at him. "In comparison to a few days ago, My condition is better than ever!"

 Whitebeard wasn't lying when he said this because a few days ago, he had been in the midst of the Summit War and was on the brink of death. 

 Now, his physical condition has indeed improved.

 Bringing Naruto back to his small house and at night, Whitebeard rested beside it. 

 This place had become a regular resting spot for him. 

 The neighbors nearby dared not pass by where Whitebeard was resting.

 At that moment, 

 Naruto was inside the house, taking a shower and preparing to rest.

 Outside the house, Whitebeard sat with his eyes closed, resting.

 "Do you need to make a trip to the Konoha Hospital?" These words came not from Naruto but from Kakashi.

 Kakashi's expression was complex. He knew he shouldn't be offering advice to an outsider, especially someone who had taken away the son of his former teacher, Minato.


 Every time he saw Naruto, he felt a bit guilty, and Kakashi wasn't sure why.

 It was as if he was reminded of his father.

 "Gurarara!" Whitebeard didn't hesitate to reveal that his hidden injuries were known, grinning broadly. "Even the best hospital wouldn't be able to completely cure it."

 Kakashi, with his signature deadpan expression, suggested, "Shouldn't you at least go and see? Konoha Hospital has many excellent medical ninjas."

 Whitebeard playfully teased, "You, White-Haired Brat, why are you so concerned about me? Could it be you want to be my son?"

 "...It's purely for Naruto," Kakashi said, exasperated.

 "Oh?" Whitebeard made a clucking noise. "You seem quite familiar with my foolish son. But it doesn't seem like he knows you that well!"

 Kakashi was silent for a moment and then said, 

 "Naruto's father, he was my teacher. I'm not referring to you, I mean Naruto's biological father"

 "Naruto might not know me, but I know him... AAAGHHH!" Kakashi's eye suddenly widened. 

 Intense pain shot through his abdomen, forcing him to kneel on one knee as his internal organs twisted in agony.

 "What are you doing?" Kakashi nearly gagged, staring at Whitebeard. 

 It was Whitebeard who had suddenly poked his abdomen with a single finger, a powerful force that nearly made Kakashi faint on the spot.

 However, as he looked closer, he noticed Whitebeard's extremely dark expression, and an overwhelming sense of wordless pressure seemed to envelop Kakashi. 

 The air around him appeared to distort, and it became extremely silent.

 "White-Haired Brat," Whitebeard looked down at him, "Then how can you be so at ease watching my foolish son suffer? His biological father was your teacher, and your teacher should have entrusted you with taking care of his son before he died, right? 

 Even if he didn't explicitly say it, you should have had that responsibility, shouldn't you? Over these years, what have you done? My foolish son has been bullied in Konohagakure, and you should be aware of that, right?"

 Kakashi's rising frustration vanished without a trace. 

 He opened his mouth, but not a word came out. 

 Faced with Whitebeard's oppressive questioning, 

 He was left speechless.




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