
Naruto Battle System

RedEyeWolf · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter 2

"Oh nine tails chakra very useful" kazuto thought to himself after the battle with Kakashi he returned to the village.

"Your finally back kazuto"Karin said heavily.

After all who told the women of the ninja world to covet her kazuto she wanted to reach out and punch everyone of them.

There were 4 people in the office Kazuto,Karin,Zabuza and Haku.

"so the reward was actually 10% of the nine tails chakra that's really good" even though Haku said this as praise it could not hide his longing even zabuza who was usually restrained showed a little envy but it was overshadowed by loyalty and trust as for Karin she didn't care she is an Uzumaki.

The hidden dragon village was in prosperity and then their leader just won a battle against the copy cat ninja Kakashi they knew their leader was strong just how strong but if you ask the villagers who is the most scary then the answer will shock many after all The village is mainly split in 3, students of zabuza Haku and Karin as for kazuto he said it was too much work.Karin being a medical ninja she is the most violent with her students because she can heal almost any injury her students really wanted to cry and if anyone questioned her they will either taste her iron fist or her almost indestructible chains paired with her healing mode she is almost unbeatable even zabuza had to admit in face to face confrontation the only person who could beat her is kazuto but he wasn't scared he was very happy having strong allies he can constantly improve and Haku who grew older looks more handsome instead of like a beautiful sister and his ice escape has been improved by leaps and bounds but the most impressive thing has yet to be revealed.

"So what about the ninja school any talented eggs" kazuto asked.

As for why eggs that's what the students in the ninja school are before hatching into a dragon Shinobi in their village.

"Well not really" Karin answered truthfully.

it's not every year you get a good egg kazuto knew this but still asked as for anything else he went to his house and no one disturbed him.

[Madara:"I wonder when is the next battle my cells are trembling with excitement Hashirama".

Tobirama:"really a devil fuel by blood and war".

Minato:"Hmm I wonder if I could fight in the next one".

Kazuto:"Really noisy".

Madara:"if it isn't the Sorakage Kazuto finally decided to poke his head out".

Madara even though he said this plainly you could hear the praise in his speech.

Hiruzen:"Mister Sorakage would you like to sign a peace treaty with konoha".

The chat was silent hiruzen after Kakashi defeat decided it was the best thing to seek an alliance with this hidden village after all as to not become the enemy of this new strongman.But for the rest of the world it is pure shock konoha actually wanted to sign a peace treaty but for the first generation and second generation this sounded like pure cowardice.

[Zabuza:"We are not interested in konoha's peace treaty".

Chiyo:"Oh konoha's first reaction to anything really is a peace treaty".

Madara:"pathetic Kazuto you should show them the power of our Uchiha again".

Fourth Raikage:"How about we have contest Sorakage your students vs ours"

Karin:"We accept"Karin didn't even think twice after all she knew about the cloud village plus they can discuss the reward for the winner at a later date as for losing don't mention it after all if they lose she will double the training.

Kazuto:"hmm the nine tails reward is good I will participate in the next one"

Minato:"Hello kazuto"

terumi"Zabuza have you gotten stronger"

Zabuza:"humph of course"

Hashirama:"Hopefully the other competition starts soon"

[The Fighter Madara has been selected who will fight him ]

[Tobirama:"Uchiha after Uchiha"

Minato:"I will fight him"


Terumi;"oh I get to see another handsome guy"+99

Hashirama:"good luck fourth hokage and Madara"

Tobirama:"The only other person to other my flying thunder god jutsu huh"]

The screen appeared and a long black haired man in red armour appeared his hair was spikey he was Madara Uchiha and a yellow haired smiling man appeared with the fourth hokage coat on his back he was Minato Namikaze.

"Oh so you want to dance"Madara asked.

kazuto had black lines running down his face really Madara.

"Please give me more advice Mr. Madara" Minato said.

With a sunny smile really a lady killer but Madara has to admit this guy really knows how to treat people with respect.

Madara moved first he ran to Minato and started to engage in taijutsu and Minato was losing after all he is not a taijutsu expert minato threw a special kunai at Madara who didn't pay attention and just dodged.

And So Minato quickly changed his pace and blitzed behind Madara.

"rasengan" minato said as a rotating blue orb of chakra hit Madara in his back.

"he's really fast it's that pesky flying thunder god jutsu hashirama's brother created" Madara stated.

but Madara who felt the chakra behind him and quickly he opened his mangekyo sharingan and with the susanoo rib cage but he underestimated the power of the rasengan *💥*.

there was a massive explosion of dust and when it cleared up most people where shocked it was minato still in the rasengan posture but the shocking scene was the susanoo ribcage one of the strongest defense jutsu was destroyed but Madara was laughing with pure joy.

"It's seems not all the kages are useless I Madara recognised you as a opponent now show me your full power".

Madara then entered his complete susanoo heavily armored and a blue tengu sword appeared along with the blue giant Madara was overlooking minato hoping he could put up a challenge and minato didn't disappoint he was enveloped in a golden purplish energy and Madara felt it,The nine tails chakra.

Karama Chakra mode(KCM) minato then blitzed everyone appearing before the head of the susanoo,minato then created ten shadow clones and threw ten kunai they got stuck in the armor and Madara was a little disappointed then he felt the same energy that destroyed his susanoo ribcage he then controlled the susanoo to slash at minato who.*poof* minato disappeared with a puff into smoke 💨 the 8 clones and minato himself then began to teleport between all the kunai's which confused Madara*boom *boom the susanoo was taking damage.

"hahahaha minato you haven't disappointed me"Madara was happy.

while minato wasn't as strong as hashirama his battle iq was very high and his speed made him almost unbeatable but Madara then again got serious it was fun but minato died too young he hasn't learned enough especially about the Uchiha.Madara then once again swung the sword but instead of aiming at minato he did a 360 slash the air pressure blow back all minato clones while minato himself appeared at a safe spot but it wasn't over a blue pulse followed the wind pressure destroyed everything in its path if a swordman was here they would know it as a flying slash everything was flattened and devastated.

"Kurama we will have to do that to stand a chance"minato said in his spiritual space.

"Dam you Madara"kurama huffed and he agreed with minato a fox head appeared on minato's hand and minato once again charged a rasengan but Madara felt a dangerous aura coming from minato's hand it had the same feeling of a tailed beast bomb but of course this tailed beat rasengan wouldn't stand a chance against madara's complete susanoo.

"maybe using the same principles of the rasengan we could make it more destructible but"minato thoughts ended there the rasengan was unstable and was going to explode but minato with his quick thinking added chakra natures to it and the most stable was the wind version so he then made the rasengan as big as he could. Madara was impressed and he thought he could take it no problem he didn't take any precautions floating in the susanoo with his hands crossed with a smirk on his face and so the wind rasenshuriken was created early *swoosh* a very sharp sound was heard when the tailed beast rasenshuriken took flight it vaporised everything similarly to madara's 360 flying air slash but it left a ravine with its passing and it finally appeared before Madara but *crack crack* cracking sounds were heard from the susanoo the tailed beast rasenshuriken which was filled with the vengeful chakra of the nine tailed but the rotation had stopped Madara who was sweating thought he succeeded in stopping it but *💥💥💥* a enormous explosion happened and there was a massive crater where Madara was standing he was bleeding and he had a shocked look on his face he could've died.

Madara wasn't a fool he felt the explosion so he poured a large amount of chakra to create a sphere shield around himself using susanoo but that was cracked.

Even minato himself wasn't prepared and was bleeding out because he was rag dolled by the explosion he wasn't better than Madara at all.

[Madara Won]

But the chat was in silence who knew the fourth hokage had such destructive power and the other villages than konoha were happy he died.

[Kazuto:" he created the rasenshuriken ".

Hashirama:"The fourth hokage was that strong".

Tobirama"what an ingenious way to use the flying thunder god jutsu".

Hiruzen:"what a pity he died early so much potential".

Kazuto who was usually calm when he heard that sentence wanted to kill hiruzen.

Itachi:"So that's the finally stage of Susanoo but it was destroyed so easily".


Everyone was just in genuine shock and most were speechless.

[The winner Madara was awarded with a Random Jutsu Scroll and 20 blood pills].

[blood pills- increase bloodline purity and small increase in all attributes].