
Chapter 1

In a small apartment in a rundown building, Two kids were sleeping Sheepliy on the same bed.

One kid had blonde hair with whiskers on his face and his legs on top of the body of other kid, Other kid had a annoyed smile on his face and looked as though he was about to wake up from the bright lights of the 'rude' Sun, He had bright Red hair with a cute face.

"Hmmm" The Red hair kid woke up, With sun rays directly attacking his eyes he was left with no choice and looking at the situation he was in, He had a helpless expression but quickly it changed into a dangerous smile, he slowly with care went to the Blond's ear and shouted" Naruto, wake up ".

Naruto woke up with a start, falling of the bed looking confused, he saw the Red haired kid laughing and looked angrily.

"Hashira, What are you doing, why did you shouted in my ear, dattebayo" Naruto shouted, jumping at Hashira.

The two kids then entered a fight of supremacy, and like always Hashira kicked Naruto ass and owned him again.

"Is that how you talk to your older brother, Naru" Hashira smiled while sitting on a beaten up Naruto.

"Older! You are just older to me by a few seconds "

"Still, I am older and will always be your Big brother." Hashira said logically.

Naruto snorted looking unsatisfied with the turn of events, Hashira looked at his Younger Sibling and smiled

" Okay.. okay.. Just get ready, we are going to be late for academy, I am going to make breakfast so you should freshen up "

Naruto looked at his brother still angry and said

" You have to make me ramen or I am not eating "

"Okay, As you wish Naru, now go already "

Naruto smiled triumphant about his wish fulfilled and went to the bathroom.

Hashira looked at his back disappearing, and went to the kitchen, This was the daily routine for as long as they started to live in the apartment, Hashira always took care of the house chores, Naruto sometimes wanted to help but he always refuted him, saying 'Its Big brother duty to take care of his small brother'. He always act above his age and handled things like a mature adult.

Hashira is not your typical kid though, He is a reincarnated person!!! He died in his last life courtesy of the much renowned 'Truck-kun'.

He was a simple dude himself , he never cared for anime so he was not a big fan of the genre but like most kids, he has still watched a few series, one being Naruto. As he grow up he stopped following the series. He never watched any show for almost 10 years. He was not really a anime guy in simpler terms.

But there is a twist, His younger brother was a very huge fan of Naruto series , he was crazy about this stuff and annoyed Hashira to no end to watch it with him, in the end to happy his little brother he watched Naruto with him. Hashira loved his brother very much and to see him happy was his greatest gifts in life.

As he watched the series again, He was actually pretty hooked up with it this time and finished it till the end. On the last day when he ended watching the series , His brother wanted a chocolate icecream, He complied and went out but ended up loosing his life.

Unlike most reincarnated events there was no God, no limbo or anything just extreme nothingness. When he became aware of his surrounding again he watched as a huge claw came his way trying to claim his new life, Two people jump in to save him along with another kid.

Both being , one red headed beautiful woman and a blonde handsome dude, As he watched the drama played out suddenly as lightning hit him, Seeing the familiar scene he came to beknown of the fact that he has actually reincarnated in Naruto world, As Naruto older brother no less.

He watched as both Kushina and Minato said their last good bye to the pair, Although he couldn't understand them he knew what they were saying. Kushina looked at him with an apologetic eyes, Hashira knew she wanted him to take care of Naruto as a elder brother but to put such a burden on her newborn child, she was heartbroken.

Minato before his last breath divided the Nine Tails into two parts via reaper death seal and used a sealing technique to seal two Nine-tales on both of his sons, giving Yang to Naruto and Yin to Hashira.


' Such a look time has pass till then, I can still remember their faces ' As Hashira was cooking he once again drifted into his thinking, giving a gaze at the bathroom door ' Although I can never forsake my younger brother for you Naruto ,it will be a disrespect to my love for him still I will do my best to be a good brother for you too '.

Hashira looked stoic, one thing that brought him relief after being reincarnated was that he knew his little brother will be alright, his parents were there for him, although he himself didn't had a very peaceful relationship with his parents their love for his little brother was very true.

Sometimes he himself is fascinated by his love for his Brother who is a Step-brother for him. His father married a young women when his mother died , She was his co-worker , Hashira was not very happy with this arrangements and never see 'eye to eye' with them ever in his life, by right he should also hate their Kid but he doesn't , he know that kid is innocent and he doesn't deserve this. Slowly he began to like his childish kind nature untainted by the world.

He moved out when he was 17 year old , He was very talented and intelligent, He worked as a web developer and earned good money, He didn't like neither of his parents but still came to visit his little brother often and watch his favorite Naruto with him.


Hashira felt a wet sensation on his hand and saw a water drop, He looked up into his reflection In a utensil to found himself crying. He suddenly hear the click of the doorknob of the bathroom and swept away his tears.

' No, I won't cry, although I don't know why I was given this life I will still cherish it, I will life this life to the fullest, like you would have wanted, my kid brother' Hashira steeled his resolve and quickly spread the breakfast Ramen in a plate for Naruto and himself, seeing Naruto he himself entered the bathroom.


As both of them finished eating and were making their way to the Academy Hashira suddenly became stiff.

*System Activating .. "

"System activated, Welcome host to your own system as per the the protocol the system activated it's initiation at the start of Naruto Canon : Before Graduation, Congratulations "
