
Nano Machine: The 8th Young Master

What if a morally unhinged ex- gangster gets reincarnated into Nano Machine? Well this is the story that would answer that question. God chose him for his entertainment giving him the opportunity to live inside his favorite Manwha but there is a catch. He must not kill the main character and he must not steal Nano Machine.

Marcus_Adderley · アニメ·コミックス
81 Chs

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Poor Clan Leader

"Women, they really are simple creatures," Mujin said while reclining on a couch. All he needed to do was eliminate a few members of the Whispering Willow Clan, covering his tracks and kidnapping Seoryang.

As this is ancient times, people lack some self-awareness; for example, they don't even know what Stockholm Syndrome is. Mujin manipulated Seoryang into loving him, subtly bringing her into his grasp without her noticing. After that, he released her back to her clan, and she didn't reveal anything about Mujin to her clan members.

"Now all I need to do is eliminate some competitors for her and make her the Clan Head of the Whispering Willow Clan," Mujin said, snapping his fingers. Dozens of men appeared instantly, the same ones who had guarded the hut where he devised his plan.

This group is known as the Grass Snake Troupe, which he personally cultivated using the vast resources of the Emerald Serpent Clan. Each of them is at least at the level of a Super Master, the same level as a Clan Leader from a medium or high-ranking clan.

No one within the Emerald Serpent Clan knows about this group; Mujin made sure of that. He meticulously trained each one of them to perfection, ensuring their unwavering loyalty and obedience to his will, thanks to his exceptional talent in martial arts.

"Master! We await your orders!" they simultaneously saluted.

"Eliminate all legitimate candidates for the Clan Leader position in the Whispering Willow Clan, except Seoryang; make sure she's the only legitimate one," Mujin commanded.

"We hear and we obey!" They all bowed and saluted before disappearing into the wind.

"I'll handle the Clan Leader himself."


The process of elimination proceeded smoothly. Within half a year, all legitimate candidates for the position of Clan Leader vanished. Some had accidents, some fell victim to drugs, and others succumbed to alcohol overdoses. But all of their deaths were made to appear as natural causes, meticulously orchestrated by Mujin.

"You truly are terrifying, Mujin. If you hadn't warned me, I would have thought their deaths were from natural causes," the Clan Leader of the Emerald Serpent Clan remarked, genuinely terrified.

He addressed Mujin by name instead of the usual "grandson," a testament to his fear.

"It's what we must do to stay in business, Grandpa," Mujin replied, sipping the tea his grandfather had poured.

"Does Mother know?" he asked.

"No, I wouldn't let her know," Musong Ryo replied.

"Good." Then Mujin rose and left the room.

"Is it time for the Clan Leader of the Whispering Willow to step down?" His grandfather inquired, to which Mujin shrugged and nodded.

"I pity the Whispering Willow Clan. They have my pity," he whispered to the wind, sighed, took another sip of tea, and returned to his office.

"I guess I need to prepare to swallow the Whispering Willow Clan."

Meanwhile, in the Whispering Willow Clan, Clan Leader Cha Rengu sat in his seat with heavy bags under his eyes and a stressed expression. He was depressed and anxious. His two sons and his brother had all died in the past half year, and he was certain it wasn't due to assassination, as their deaths appeared to be from natural causes.

What's worse, his daughter Seoryang, his only pillar, was drifting away and growing distant. Slamming his hand on the armrest in frustration, he reached for another wine bottle and aggressively uncorked it.

"Another gulp," he muttered.

Every day and every night, this was his only solace, the only thing keeping him from giving up. He emptied one bottle, then another, and soon, ten bottles lay empty.

When he reached for the eleventh bottle, he slammed it onto the ground, the liquid splashing across the wooden floor of his office. As he gazed at the puddle, he saw a reflection of his sorrowful self.

"When did it all go wrong?" he asked himself, looking at his reflection. He pounded his fist into the puddle and roared.

"Curse this!" It had all started when he had antagonized the Emerald Serpent Clan. He had become too bold and tried to steal one of their products, which ultimately failed, leading to a series of unfortunate events.

Now that he thought about it, Seoryang was often seen in the establishments of the Emerald Serpent Clan with the 8th Young Master.

"Wait… is this related to them?" All of his heirs and potential Clan Leader candidates were dead, leaving only Seoryang as the legitimate successor.

Then a horrifying realization struck him.

"They are planning to make Seoryang the Clan Leader and take over the clan!" he screamed.

"No!... My Seoryang…" He stood up, but then he heard another voice, aside from his own.

"It took you long enough to figure it out." He jolted immediately, putting some distance between himself and the voice. He unsheathed his sword at lightning speed and faced a boy of around twelve, with piercing eyes and formal attire.

It was the genius of the Emerald Serpent Clan and the 8th Prince and Young Master, Cheon Mujin.

"You! Did you do all of this?" Cha Rengu, inebriated and furious, demanded. Mujin chuckled in response.

"Even drunk, you're still sharp. Kudos to you, Cha Rengu," Mujin said.

"Don't you dare utter my name!" Cha Rengu shouted and released his Super Master aura. He unleashed his signature sword technique, the Willow Cloud Sword, which had elevated the Whispering Willow Clan to a high-ranking position.

Swing! Swing! Swing!

Cha! Cha! Cha!

A flurry of blue energy swords shot out from his blade, each carrying tremendous internal energy capable of slicing through metal with ease. This was a technique reserved for Super Masters. The sword attacks tore through the office, destroying everything in their path. It was an impressive and terrifying display, but it failed to achieve its purpose.

With remarkable ease, Mujin dodged all of the attacks, as if they were nothing. He didn't even employ a specific technique or qingong method; he simply evaded them.

"What!? That's impossible!" There was no way a twelve-year-old boy could evade the sword technique of a Super Master in his forties.

"Nothing is impossible," Mujin replied. He unsheathed his snake-like sword, resembling a flamberge but with an eastern flair.

His sword slithered through the gaps in Cha Rengu's defense like a snake and stabbed his left side, causing blood to gush out. Cha Rengu hadn't even registered what had happened, and in a matter of seconds, he was injured.

"By the way, thank you for keeping Seoryang a maiden. She was delicious," Mujin suddenly remarked, further enraging Cha Rengu.

"You! You devil!" Cha Rengu shouted in fury, but before he could react, he felt something slice through his neck. He couldn't comprehend what had happened before his head fell to the ground.

"Why, thank you," Mujin said.


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