

This story is one like you probably have never read before.

This story is about a young girl, this girl in particular is called Faith Ravenwood St. Claire, long name I knowbut you wouldn't expect anything less from the richest family in town.

They lived in a mansion just outside the town of Tresva, the grounds were so big you could get lost without even trying, Faith loved that the mansion was big, it ment she had loads of places to play. Her and I used to spend hours in the grounds having fun, but I'm getting ahead of myself now.

Let me tell you Faith's Story as far back as I can remember, but first let me introduce myself, I am Shade. I happen to be an Owl, an Eagle Owl to be exact, I have been in this family for some time now I was given to Faith as a birthday present when she was only 10 years old, but we will come to that in a bit.

Where was I? Ah yes!

It was a bright morning, I could feel the buzz in the household, maids were cleaning and decorating the butlers setting tables in the ball room. I was only an owlet but I understood what was happening. Lord Ravenwood St. Claire had me on his arm he was carrying me room from room checking if everything was in order for his princess's 10th birthday ball, you see Faith was the only daughter in the family she had 2 brothers one elder Ash who was 14 and the other younger Luca who was 6. Faith was a daddy's girl anything she asked for she got, she was a spoilt child.

You see when the Lord and Lady Ravenwood St. Claire were trying for a child his lordship so wished for a daughter as his 1st child, but it was not to be, for you see her ladyship's family had been cursed that all woman of the family will only bare boys. So when Ash was born the Lord was heartbroken and Lady Ravenwood St. Claire hated to see her husband so down.
