
Mysterious Queen Bee

Do you want to enter to the world that full of magical creatures? Make Friends with Vampires, werewolves, witches, and fairies! Have a life and an adventure like atheena’s? Atheena's life is like an angel living in heaven, She's rich, She's pretty, she's popular, she have the best and the strongest werewolf pack, she have the best and bravest vampire army, and she have the most beautiful soulmate.. Although atheena’s life is perfect she’s still missing something her parents love is missing. The field trip is fun but it will be the reason for the destruction of the Mysterious Forest and it will also be the reason for the existence of bad and new vampires and werewolves, Because of a field trip War of bad and good creatures will happen which will cause the death of a hundred werewolves and a hundred vampires.

Atheena_Kim · その他
14 Chs


"Okay" Atheena said while rolling her eyes.

Fast Forward: 4am Tomorrow

"Yo guys wakey wakey" Lecs said.

"Wake up guys" Gab said.

(The members groan)

"Come on we will go to the party!!" Gab shout excitedly.

(The members sit on the bed)

"Where's master?" Zane ask while rubbing her eyes.

"There" Gab said pointing at Atheena who's drinking milk.

"Okay" the members said.

Fast forward: The party

"Momm!" Lecs shout happily.

"Oh My Baby. Come here" Mom said softly.

"Mom, I miss you" Lecs said then hug her mom.

"I miss you too my baby" Mom said then hug her back.

(After some time they break the hug)

(Atheena scoff while crossing her arms then roll her eyes)

"Atheena" Mom said softly while looking at atheena.

"What?" Atheena said coldly while looking at her mom coldly.

"Come here my daughter" Mom said softly while spreading her arms for atheena to hug her.

"I'm not your daughter!" Atheena shout madly on her mother.

(Lecs approach Atheena)

"Nini not here there's so many people around" Lecs whisper to atheena.

"I don't care" Atheena replied coldly.

"Lecs it's fine" Mom said softly and look at atheena and ask "still mad?"

(Atheena just rolled her eyes)

"Are they your friends?" Mom ask Lecs softly.

"Yes mom" "This is Zane" Lecs point at Zane.

"Good morning Auntie Nice to meet you" Zane said politely and bow.

"And nice to meet you too" Mom said.

"This is Erin" Lecs point at Erin.

"Nice to meet you Auntie" Erin said politely and bow.

"She's Zane sister" Lecs explained.

"Nice to meet you too" Mom said.

"And of course Lisa and Gab" Lecs said.

"Of course i know them" Mom replied to Lecs.

"Nini 2" Lecs shout while running to Athena.

"Ow did baby Lecs miss me that much" Athena said chuckling.

(Lecs nod and pout then hug her)

"Cute" Athena said then hug her back.

(Athena and Lecs approach their mom and the MQB)

"Hi" The members said while waving of course except for Atheena.

"Hi' Athena said then wave at them.

"Atheena" Athena call Atheena.

(Atheena look away with a teary eyes)

"Long time no see.. Love.." Athena said softly remembering their memories.

(Atheena's tears become to drop)

"I'm not your love" Atheena sad coldly.

"Yes you are.. You used to be" Athena replied softly.

"But not anymore" Atheena said coldly then wipe her tears harshly.

"Babe is there something wrong?" A man said then back hug Athena.

"There's nothing wrong babe" Athena replied softly then hold the man hands on her wiast.

"Wow who's that Nini 2?" Lecs said teasingly.

"Oh yeah, Everyone this is my Boyfriend Jacob" Athena shout announcing her boyfriend.

(Everyone cheered them)

"Babe this is Lecs My sister" Athena introduced.

"Jacob hmm.." "Are you sure about my sister?" Lecs said in serious tone while looking at Jacob head to toe.

"Yes i am serious about her" Jacob said shakingly.

"If you hurt her you will meet jesus do you understand?" Lecs threatening him.

"Yes Lecs" Jacob said in shakey tone.

"That's enough baby Lecs" Athena said while chuckling.

"And this is my baby Atheena" Athena said then turn her gaze to atheena who's looking at them coldly.

"Nice to meet you Atheena" Jacob said then offer her a shake hand.

"It's not nice to meet you" Atheena said coldly, and didn't accept the shake hands.

"Oh" Jacob said shortly then scratch her nape because of embarassment.

"If Nini 2 have a boyfriend what about Lecs? Will i have a grandchild from Lecs?" Mom ask teasingly to change the topic.

"Sadly Auntie.. No" Zane said.

"What? Why?" Mom asked.

"Because our baby is not straight" Athena said while pinching Lecs cheeks.

"What about Atheena?" Mom asked making their gaze turn to atheena.

"No Au~" Lisa got cut off by Atheena.

"I will have a child" Atheena said coldly. (Lied)

(All shock about what atheena said)

"I thought" Lisa said in shock.

"You're curved" Zane continued Lisa said in shock.

"Well i'm not anymore. Girls will leave you like my first Love" Atheena said coldly while looking at her first love.

"Maybe your first Love left you because she really need to go" Mom said nerviously.

"Yeah really" Atheena said coldly then grab a wine from the waiter and sit on the couch.

"Is there something wrong about your sister babe?" Jacob ask his girlfriend.

"I don't think so" Athena lied.

"If that so i may take my leave now, I will just help mom. Excuse me everyone" Jacob said then kiss athena's cheeks and take his leave.

"There's definitely wrong with that idiot" Erin said then sigh.

"She's not running out of problems" Gab said then shake her head.

"She still the same?" Athena ask the members while looking at Atheena who's drinking wine.

"Yes she didn't change" Lecs said sadly.

"She's like that since then?" Zane asked confusedly.

"Yes the always mad, The dummy one, cold, cold hearted, the weirdo and more" Athena said sighing while shaking her head.

"She reject all of her suitors because she's waiting for you" Erin said while looking at Athena.

(Athena Look down)

Fast Forward

"Guys let's play spin the bottle game truth or dare" Lecs said.

"Game!" Everyone said.

"If you didn't answer the question or do the dare you need to drink this soju got it?" Lecs explained.

"Yes" Everyone said.

"I'll spin the bottle" Lisa volunteered.

The bottle point at Atheena

"Truth or Dare" Lisa asked Atheena.

"Dare" Atheena replied coldly.

"Who will give her the dare?" Lisa asked.

"Me!" Jacob exclaim.

"Go on" Atheena said coldly while smirking.

"Your first love is here right?" Jacob asked.

"Yes why?" Atheena said in serious tone.

(Athena gulp hard)

"Kiss her/him" Jacob said while smirking.

"Her. Where?" Atheena asked coldly.

"Lips" Jacob said while laughing.

"Are you sure?" Atheena said while smirking.

"Yes of course" Jacob said.

(Atheena stand up)

(The members is nervous)

(Athena is nervous)

(Atheena grab the soju and drink it)

"Done" Atheena said then sit.

"I thought you're brave" Jacob said while laughing at Atheena.

"If i do that we will have a problem. I don't want a fight from a looser like you" Atheena said coldly while glaring at Jacob.

(Athena sigh in relief)

"What? Problem?" Jacob asked curiously.

"Nothing Babe" Athena said.

"Okay Babe" Jacob said and held athena's hand.

(Atheena is just looking at them)

(Erin look at atheena and held her hand)

"Just ignore them" Erin said to Atheena.

(Atheena Nod and smile at Erin)

A/n POV: Aftersome time playing the members and jacob is kinda drunk, Athena and Erin is the only one who's not drunk because their just drinking half shot while Atheena is the one who's so drunk.

"I'll spin the bottle" Zane said.

(Bottle point at Atheena)

"Truth or dare?" Gab asked Atheena.

"Truth" Atheena said drunkly.

"Are you inlove with someone?" Lecs asked Atheena.

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