
Mysterious Queen Bee

Do you want to enter to the world that full of magical creatures? Make Friends with Vampires, werewolves, witches, and fairies! Have a life and an adventure like atheena’s? Atheena's life is like an angel living in heaven, She's rich, She's pretty, she's popular, she have the best and the strongest werewolf pack, she have the best and bravest vampire army, and she have the most beautiful soulmate.. Although atheena’s life is perfect she’s still missing something her parents love is missing. The field trip is fun but it will be the reason for the destruction of the Mysterious Forest and it will also be the reason for the existence of bad and new vampires and werewolves, Because of a field trip War of bad and good creatures will happen which will cause the death of a hundred werewolves and a hundred vampires.

Atheena_Kim · その他
14 Chs

First Love First Heart Break

"Ugh school?" Atheena said while rolling her eyes.

"Why you hate school?" Zane ask while chuckling.

"It's boring and I just want to hunt some preys rather than go to school" Atheena said while changing her eye color into blue.

"Yahh Nini change your eye color now!" Lecs said in shout whisper while covering Atheena's eyes.

"Get off of me" "It's already changed!" Atheena said and shove Lecs hands off of her.

"Come on let's go" Gab said while shaking her head.

"And you know I'm dumb" Atheena said in lazy tone.

"You're not master" Zane said.

"I am!" Atheena said.

"You are not!" Zane argued.

"Yes I am!" Atheena said dismissing the topic and walk away.

"Let's just go" Lisa said seriously and follow Atheena.

(They all follow atheena)

Fast forward: Classroom

(Atheena is not listening)

"Ms. Kim? Are you listening in my class?" The teacher asked.

"I'm listening in your class Miss" Lecs replied.

"Oh sorry, I forgot there is two kims in our class. Ms. Atheena?" The teacher said.

(Atheena look at the teacher)

"What do you want?!" Atheena ask irritately.

"Excuse me? I am your teacher?!" The teacher said in disbelief.

(Atheena scoff)

"Who cares??" Atheena said irritately.

(Lecs stand up)

"I'm sorry for my sister's behavior" Lecs said politely and bow.

(Atheena scoff and roll her eyes)

"Lecs is much nicer than Atheena" The teacher compared.

"Be thankful that I'm still here in your stupid class!" Atheena shout madly to their teacher.

A/n POV: Atheena hate when she compared to someone because when she's little her dad and mom is always comparing her to the other kids or her siblings.

Someone's POV: Omg atheena is really brave and pretty-handsome, her eyes is just, wow her smile, and her nose damn! (Daydreaming)

Fast forward: Break time

"Hey guys do you know about the girl? Her name is Athena Kim too but the spelling is A-T-H-E-N-A " Gab said making atheena flinch.

"Yeah I know who's that!" Lecs exclaim.

"Really? Who is it?" The members asked.

"It's our sister Athena Kim with a single E!" Lecs exclaim.

"Woah! Really!" The members asked.

"Yes" Lecs said proudly.

"It's Nini's first love" Lecs said and point at Atheena.

"Huh?" The members asked confusedly.

"I'll explain it later, What is the news about her?" Lecs ask gab.

"Oh yeah it's about she will go home on November 9 which is tomorrow" Gab said excitedly.

(Atheena froze)

Atheena POV: What did she just said? Athena Kim is going home? Tomorrow? No this can't be she can't

go home just like that, I'm still not moved on, Don't bring the pain back please just stay there in the U.S.

"Master? Master?" Zane is shaking atheena's froze body.

(Atheena got back from reality)

"Fudge!" Atheena shout making the members flinch and she accidentally spill the water on her food and hand.

"Hey are you okay?" Erin asked atheena worriedly then wipe atheena's wet hands.

"Yeah yeah I'm sorry" Atheena said.

"What happened Master?" Zane asked atheena worriedly.

"It's because she hear the name A-T-H-E-N-A Ki-" Lecs got cut off when.

"Shut up!" Atheena cut her with a shout making the members flinch.

(Atheena immediately leave the school)

"What's wrong with her?" Zane asked while shaking her head.

"It's because she heard Athena Kim with a single E" Lecs answered Zane.

"Can I ask? Did that Athena Kim have a past relationship with our master?" Lisa asked Lecs confusedly.

"Well yes Athena Kim is Nini's first love" Lecs explained.

"But you just said that girl is your sister?" Gab asked confusedly.

"Actually she's our adopted sister" Lecs said in whisper.

"Why are you whispering?" Erin asked Lecs.

"Why didn't you know?" Lecs asked Erin then she raised her brow while crossing her arm.

"As I thought your my sister's bestfriend since then?" Lecs add.

"Uhm.. Ahh.. I don't know" Erin said nervously.

"Hmm..." Lecs said while looking at Erin.

"Just continue the story!" Gab said annoyingly.

(Lecs sigh)

"It's not a story! Okay okay.. So yeah She's adopted but Nini fell inloved with her..." Lecs said then stoped.

"And then?" the members said.

"Mom and Dad take second Nini to the U.S." Lecs continued.

"Oh.. So.. they broke up because of that?" Lisa asked.

"Yes! Actually Nini didn't know that mom and dad is the one who's take second Nini to the U.S" Lecs said sadly.

"Nini is sad because she didn't thought that the girl she loved leave her, the girl she helped the girl she

loved the girl she care about left her.." Lecs said while her tears is forming in her eyes.

"I pity my Nini, She love second Nini so much her first love become her first heart break it made her cry all night" Lecs said while her tears is dropping on her cheeks.

(Gab is comforting lecs and let her cry on her shoulder)

"Stop crying baby Lecs" the members said in soft tone.

"Hayss.. Master cut class again" Zane said and sigh.

"I want to cut class too" Lisa said and stand up.

"Really..?" Zane asked.

"Yes" Lisa said shortly and leave.

"This two really?" Zane said while sighing.

"Really" Erin replied then follow Lisa.

(Lecs and Gab follow Erin while shaking their head leaving Zane alone)

"Yahh!! Wait for me!" Zane shout then follow them.

Fast forward:

"Yah why did you left me behind huh?" Zane asked mentally.

"Because you're too slow" Lisa said seriously.

"Excuse me Mr. Fasty pants" Zane said sarcastically.

(Lisa is stop walking)

"You may proceed walking" Lisa said.

"Stop fighting dorks!" Atheena said.

"Nini did you already moved on?" Lecs said changing the topic.

"Of course I am!" Atheena little shout.

"Okay okay no need to shout jeez..." Lecs said.

(Phone ringing)

"Oh wait my phone is ringing and it's.... Mom!" Lecs exclaim.

(Atheena rolled her eyes)

Phone call:

Lecs: Hi mom!

Mom: Hey darling.

Lecs: Why did you call mom?

Mom: I want you to come here tomorrow.

Lecs: For what Mom?

Mom: For your sister, She's coming home tomorrow.

Lecs: Yes I know mom I saw the news.

Mom: We will do a welcome home party for her.

Lecs: Mom can my friends come to?

Mom: Of course darling, Invite your sister too okay?

Lecs: Okay mom bye Love youu!

Mom: Love you too honey.

(Hang up)

"Guys Mom invite us to a welcome party!" Lecs exclaim.

"Woah really?" The members said excitedly.

(Atheena scoff)

"How come she invite you?" Atheena said while rolling her eyes.

"Plastic" atheena mumbled.

"Actually master Nini she invite you too" Lecs said.

"Since when? she invite me?" Atheena said while rolling her eyes.

"Yes" "Lecs said and nod.

"And just come over" Lecs add.

(Atheena rolled her eyes and continue walking)

(The members shake their heads)

"Oh wait I forgot to ask mom when is the party and where" Lecs exclaim.

"Yes you forgot" Lisa said in serious tone.

"Mom I forgot to ask you where is the party and when" Lecs texted her mom.

"Done I already texted her!" Lecs exclaim.

"What did she say?" Erin asked Lecs.

"She's not responding yet" Lecs said.

"Let's wait later" Erin said.

Fast forward: Home

"Why you take so long?" Atheena said while sitting on the couch then crossed her arms.

"You left us behind idiot!" Erin said then sit on the couch beside Atheena.

Ting (Text message)

"Wait I think mom texted me" Lecs said.

(Mom- It's tomorrow honey 8am in our house)

"Mom said it's tomorrow 8am" Lecs exclaim.