
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · ファンタジー
411 Chs

Answers 1.

'Alright, I have had enough,' Nate thought to himself on seeing Leo.

[Analyser activated]

[Name = Leo Loo]

[Age = ???]

[Race = human]

[Class = Superhuman]

[Power = ???]

At this moment, Nate was wondering why he didn't use the analyser skill on Leo starting from the beginning. Leo has just demonstrated too much power to him that he was now confused about who he was dealing with.

'His age has a question mark, as well as his power type,' Nate thought. 'The analyser after being changed from inspector to what it is now has never shown me a such result,'

'I know what you are doing but that is not important, are you still interested to know what happened to this world and how you get here?' Leo's voice sounded again in nate mind. It was as if Leo was using his telecommunication skill.

'Fine, you better explain how you were able to do all this,' Nate spoke back to Leo before facing the others. "I will be out for some moment, you guys should wait here," nate instructed and soon, the bright light enveloped his body along with Leo and the two disappeared.

"They seems to be something going on with those two, they have been having some strange discussion that even we do not understand," Zuni said as he and the other two approached Sin.

"What the two have in common is none of my business," Sin muttered before turning to face the three men. "I'm more interested in how much you guys have improved," Nate said.

Max, Zuni and Cab's eyes widened in shock as they already understand what Sin meant by that. 'He wants to fight us!' Zuni panicked.


Meanwhile, in a now where dark room, five boys looking identically to each other entered this dark room. They quickly took the five sit set opposite to each other with an old modern television set in front of them.

Not long after they all have their sits, the television turned on by itself and a skull head man could be seen on the screen.

< Greetings matrix> with a deep voice that could scare the shit out of any human that heard it, the skull head greeted.

Indeed, the five boys that entered the dark room were the matrix and just now, they were being called out by the skull head man. Of course, they were no longer afraid of the skull head man unlike before only his gaze alone might make them wish they are dead.

"What exactly do you want? Since you keep treating us like some sort of slaves when we are not, why are you calling us," Kai complained. Just now he was having a sound sweet sleep, he found his consciousness in the dark.

Surprisingly, the skull head didn't do any to Kai. He can make Kai feel invasive pain in his head like he would do when the matrix speaks disrespectfully at him.

With a sight, the skull head starts to speak. <I have wronged you guys no doubt, that's why I'm calling you guys here to apologize and also explain to you all the reasons for you guys to be here today> the skull head said.

None of the matrix spoke which the skull head took as permission for him to carry on.

<I will start with confession>

<You guys already know that this earth world is not the main place you came from. I have told you guys that once you successfully kill Nate that I will grant you a passage to return to your real world, but the truth is that you guys can not go back to your former earth>

"What!" all the five matrix shouted in union and was shocked,"


Meanwhile, Nate has no idea of what was happening to the others as soon as he left or about the matrix meeting currently going on now. He was more focused on what was ahead of him, all the answers he would be receiving, most of them might not be something he would like to hear, regardless, he still have to hear them because he want to hear them.

Not long, the white light started to fade away and just like Nate expected, they were now inside the wooden house where Leo used to stay.

Just like before, Leo made a chair appear from what resembled nate inventory mist, but this time, they were two chairs that he summoned. He sat on one and gestured for Nate to sit on the other.

After sitting, Nate didn't waste time starting the discussion. "So what are we going to start with?" he said.

"We will start with the question review before moving on to answer them," Leo said and wave his hand and a system panel appeared.

[Question 2= How did I get into this world]

[Requirement for answer = Initiate a powerless human, assign the power of spoils on him or her]

[Question 3= Who created the game and system]

[Requirement for answer= Initiate a none altered superhuman]

[Question 4= who are the matrix, and what are their goals]

[Requirement for answer = Initiate an altered superhuman]

[Question 5= Who created the matrix]

[Requirement for answer= Climb to the cliff mountain cave]

[Any other question that pops out will have its requirement for answer]

One thing that Nate noticed was that the number one question didn't appear. This is because Nate has used it to know about Sin therefore, it was cancelled.

"We will start with how you got into this world," Leo said. "Just like you already know, you were about to play a zombie game just like you thought then before finding yourself in a world that is similar to your world yet at the same time different.

"That game card is not what you think it is. The game card is the reason why you are here and also the reason why the matrix is also here,"

"That game card was created and designed though not for a zombie to wield, but for a human, but some alternative in case it falls into the hand of a zombie was created and it seems like it ended up falling into the hand of a zombie in the end,"

"To elaborate more on that, the card was created to be wielded twice, one will be a zombie and the other will be for hunting zombies and you seem to have gotten the power of a zombie rather than that of a human," Leo explained.

"Next question!" Leo demanded leaving nate stunned for some moment.

"Is that all? I did not even clearly understand what you just blab," Nate said.

Since Leo was quite fast in speaking, Nate was not able to understand all that was said to him.

"You will understand better in the next answer to the next question," Leo said.

"Then go on with it already," Nate demanded.

"Fine then, the question says who created the game and system," Leo read out and as he speaks, a hologram figure of a short man in a lab cloth. The man's head was being than any human head that nate have ever seen. The man's head was balded at the centre. Because the man was in a lab cloth, Nate was not able to see the man's other body parts excite for the man's head which has round medicated eyeglasses.

"Who is he?" Nate asked.

"People call him head due to his head size, his actual name is unknown to me, regardless, with his help, I was able to create the system and the game," Leo explained.

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