
Number one

"You know, even though we know you and Hanayo are dating, we shouldn't interfere with their love life, okay? This is just wrong since it's a private matter for them. We're not even experienced or qualified to tell them about love tips and the likes."

Maki said so while folding her arms and huffing a little. After saying that, she felt a weird and awkward silence, causing her to blink and realize that her friends were surprised. As the red-haired girl realized, her cheeks were instantly red due to the embarrassment and uncomfortable stares.

"W-W-Why did you all stare at me like that?!"

"A-Ah, no, no! It's so rare for you to say something like that, Maki-chan! We're just surprised when hearing and seeing it."

The red-haired girl of Nishikino's family's cheeks went redder than before because of what the orange-haired second-year girl said with such honesty like that. Maki then couldn't bear it anymore and yelled 'w-whatever, stupid!' while looking away with a huff, causing her friends to let out a chorus of giggles and chuckles.

"There she goes again. Maki-chan really cares for our new friend. She may look tough outside, but she is deeply caring and kind to her friend, Ayachin. You know, Maki-chan even let us use her parents' beach house."

"I know, Nozomi-senpai! Everyone here is kind and caring to friends, and I'm also honored to be considered a friend! I am not even a school idol or part of μ's group idol, but you allowed me to join your circle and date Hana. I am lucky to have you all as my friends!"

With her cheerful smile and attitude, Ayaka said it with her generosity. Her words and tone are filled with honesty since this is one of her memorable memories and one she liked. The warm, cheerful, and honest smile from Ayaka causes the entire μ's to smile happily.

Although the orange-haired non-μ's idol won't say that no one has been kind to her, since there are some people around who did that, she still feels comfortable and like being around this group of friends. Ayaka herself didn't know why, but that is what she felt—however, the orange-haired girl not saying that her other circle of friends is bad, but μ's is something… special, maybe? She didn't know about that as well. It's a mysterious feeling.

She feels that being with them is like being in a warm and lively home, feeling at ease, and wanting to be with them forever. Even though Ayaka doubts they will stay as her friends forever, she has no problem, and so does Hanayo—if the entire μ's became her girlfriends too.

'Ah, that's bad! It feels like all I wanted was just a harem. I don't want that, and I won't force them if they don't want it. However, I couldn't help but notice and think like that because they sometimes unnaturally reacted toward me. Is it good to be not dense for that? Or it's not?'

She wondered if being aware and not dense about someone's feelings is good or bad since she is the first one and not the second; that's why Ayaka noticed some changes in the μ's girls' feelings toward her. If a harem is possible for Ayaka, it wouldn't be a problem since Hanayo agrees and accepts the idea as long as she is still with Ayaka and is loved by her.

Being a good girl and girlfriend, Ayaka promises Hanayo that she won't forget her brown-haired girlfriend. After all, without Hanayo's confession, Ayaka's life won't change into a better one. She won't find a group of friends that she honestly feels comfortable staying at.

'I feel bad for my other friends because I have recently been hanging out with μ's. Maybe I should apologize to them when we met. As Nico-senpai said, I hope no drama or anything like that was involved. I want to do everything in peace if possible.'

Although she didn't feel any feelings called love for Hanayo back then, spending time with her caused Ayaka to quickly develop it. The progress was fast, but the orange-haired orphan knew how lovely Hanayo was. That brown-haired rice-loving girl is too sweet and kind, according to Ayaka. She even went so far as to make a bento for Ayaka, and it was also delicious.

'I am blessed with a good girlfriend, and her friends really accept me. But… what will happen when they knew I have 'that' thing…? Maybe when we go to the beach together in the summer vacation, they would discover, however… I don't want to lie to them.'

She gripped her skirt tightly, feeling unsure about what would happen if she did reveal the biggest secret she had to Hanayo and her friends. If it turns bad or worse, Ayaka has no choice but to accept the result of doing that. However, she hopes they will also accept her even if she likes that.

But when Ayaka had that thought, she felt a soft touch on her hand, which caused her to look whose hand it was, and it belonged to Hanayo. The brown-haired girl stared at her girlfriend with happy smile with her eyes closed, she nodded and making Ayaka surprised as if Hanayo knew what was currently on her mind.

She then whispered something to Ayaka, trying not to be so loud since Hanayo didn't want it to be heard by her friends.

"Aya-chan, I know you worried about something, and if… if you want, you can talk about it to me. You can also talk with everyone. However, if you do not want to share it or are uncomfortable talking about it, we all understand. Because you and I became a couple, I… I want to hear more things about you. I want to help you and become your strength. I want us to help each other when in need."

Hanayo's hand was holding Ayaka's tighter but gently and softly. A beautiful and kind smile flashed on the brown-haired girl when she continued, causing Ayaka to be in awe even more when she witnessed it.

"That's why, Aya-chan—I want you to trust me, and I will trust you. I have become more confident and shy less since I met you. You and μ's are everything to me, but, of course—you're the number one in my heart."
