
Chapter 62: The One

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked.

"I came to drop off some gifts for your parents," Oliver said.

"Just leave them by the door and go on your way."



"How are you?" he asked.

I sighed heavily. I should have left or have called my parents to let them handle him. I should have stopped talking to him. There are so many things I should have done, but I didn't. I answered him. "My health has not been the best one lately but it is okay now."

"I know you have your own family doctor, but you can drop by my family's clinic if you want to. I will give you a discount."

"You would charge me!?" I asked raising my voice in fake shock.

He laughed; That laugh that I loved so much and that I thought I would never hear again. "Of course, I would never charge you. You would always be my favorite patient. I heard you got your first job, and as a Math teacher. How was that?"