
Chapter 1

"Hello class welcome back I am Magnus Bane," I said to the class and they all responded with "Hello Mr. Bane." and I smiled knowing we will all get along well. I heard a knock on the door so I went to go open the door "come in." I said and three people entered the room.

'the first male had blonde hair and a good build then there was a female with long black hair and revealing clothes and finally, a very tall male who also had black hair but his was short like blondies and he wasn't to lean or too muscular and he was cute'

They went to go sit in their chairs, so I went back to the front of the room "as I was saying I am Magnus Bane for those of you who are late. I will be taking over teaching you guys about the down-world." I said

the three that were late kept quiet. "The ones that were late I want to speak with you after class ok." I told them and they nodded but still kept quiet "good, now can anyone tell me who the high warlock of Brooklyn is?" I asked the class and one kid in the back raised his hand while the others murmured amongst themselves then I heard a kid just yell out "my dad is his boyfriend!" I just yelled "QUIET!" and they shut up "good now who spoke out of turn?" I asked

and they all pointed to a shy looking kid in the back who is also the same one who raised their hand "I know it is not him now tell me the truth or you all get detention" I said and this time they pointed to a large male and he was smirking "ok so tell me what is the high warlocks name is and I won't give you detention." I said smiling and he dropped the smirk "um dad never mentioned his name." He said, "ok what is your dad's name?" I asked

he smirked "Lorenzo," he said, "well I'm sorry your dad lied to you." I said and turned back to the board and wrote his name under the side that had 'detention' wrote at the top "what the hell do you mean my dad lied to me! He never lies to me!" he said pissed that he got it wrong "hush for a moment and sit down." I told him and I pointed to the shy-looking boy "what was your answer?" I asked him and he started moving his hands "why don't you come up here so I can see better ok." I told him and he nodded and got up then walk up to me and signed

'it's you Mr. Bane your the high warlock of Brooklyn, and I'm so happy you are teaching this class and that you can understand me the last teacher couldn't sorry I'm rambling' He stopped and returned to his seat

"well looks like you are the only one who gets detention, Mr. Peyton. Everyone else is off the hook thanks to Mr. Ferrell because he got it right" I said and everyone cheered but Mr. Peyton. Then someone asked, "what was the answer, Mr. Bane?" I chuckled

"I am Magnus Bane the high warlock of Brooklyn nice to meet you all." and everyone gasped "I don't believe you show us your magic." Mr. Peyton said "ok." I snapped my fingers and a cocktail appeared in my hands and I took a sip causing them to gasp again

~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thank god class is over but now I have to talk to the three that were late.

After everyone left I waited for the three to come up to my desk. They slowly walked over to my desk and just stood there "what're your names mind telling me why you three were late?"

I asked and blondie started talking "I'm Jace you see me and my sister Izzy over here went partying last night and-" I interrupted " I just wanted to know why you were late not what you did last night."

I said he glared at me " if you would have let me finish before you interrupted I was going to say we got called into work. And when we got to work this idiot decided to annoy us about where we went because he is the leader of our group and we didn't finish our work before school began.

So we ran here so we wouldn't be even later. But as you could tell we weren't fast enough. But I promise it won't happen again and if we'll be late again we will give the principal a heads up." He finished I nodded and wrote him and the other two slips so their next teacher would know they were with me.

"Jace you and Izzy can go I would like to talk with the pretty boy here," I said and they left after I glared at them.

I looked at Alexander and smiled "can you tell me why you were late Alexander?" I asked and he sighed "I was at home working on training when Jace and Izzy pulled me to a party I didn't want to go to but I ended up being the driver.

As we were leaving we got called into work and I didn't get much sleep because we didn't get home till 3:30 A.M. And I am very sorry that we were late today."  I nodded

"Ok Alexander here is your pass to your next class if you are late again just give me a heads up. And please get some rest tonight because tomorrow I'm going to have everyone introduce themselves and I don't need you falling asleep on me in the middle of class." I told him and he nodded

"Ok Mr. Bane."