
League of Villains

"Those are Villains" – Aizawa and Izuku.

Aizawa heard Izuku and looked at him in surprise, he then remembered how Izuku had done in his test and couldn't help but feel appreciation for such a talent. He then remembered the situation and turned back towards the villains.

"So the trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags after all, huh? " – Aizawa

Some of the students were still having trouble believing the situation right in front of them. After all, how could villains dare to enter a school of heroes?

"Teacher, what about the trespasser sensors?" – Momo

"Of course, we have them, but…" – Thirteen

"Did they only appear here, or around the whole school? Either way, if the sensors are not responding, that means they have someone with a quirk that can do that. An isolated area separated from the main campus, during a time when a class is supposed to be here. They might be fools, but they're not dumb. This surprise attack was carefully planned with some sort of goal in mind." – Todoroki

"[Oh? This Todoroki doesn't only like to use brute force, after all, seems he can use his head just fine. Along with his quirk that's quite dangerous, I should rethink his position of danger.]" – Izuku

"Thirteen starts the evacuation. Try calling the school. These villains had something to counteract the sensors; it's possible someone with radio wave-type of quirk and is skilled in interfering. Kaminari, you try contacting the school with your quirk too." – Aizawa

"Yes, sir." – Kaminari

While Kaminari was trying to contact the school, Aizawa started to prepare himself.

"[Does he plan to hold the villains back by himself, while we escape? How hero-like, but I want to use this chance to finally let loose and gain more experience in fighting, fighting other students doesn't count as experience… I should act worried] what about you teacher? Do you plan to fight the villains by yourself? With that many, even if you have the ability to erase their quirks, your quirk is a single target ability, it does not suit your fighting style. Allow me to stay behind and fight alongside you, the moment I decided to become a hero I was prepared to fight villains at any time. [SHIT!!! I almost said villain, this is that idiotic Izuku's fault, his nervous personality is making me make mistake I shouldn't be and affect my emotions, hopefully, they wouldn't notice and just think it was due to my nervousness of fighting a villain]." – Izuku

The surrounding students and teachers did notice the blunder that Izuku made; fortunately, they all chalked it up towards his nervousness of fighting a villain for the first time, all besides one.

"[Izuku-san made a mistake due to nervousness? But he's always been so calm in almost all the situations we've been in, this doesn't seem like him. However, fighting a real villain is different, maybe I'm overthinking things.] – Momo

Aizawa just slightly turned his head slightly towards Izuku.

"You can't be a hero with just being a one-trick pony." – Aizawa

"[I don't care if you have more than one trick; I just want to fight… I could just jump in a kill them without his approval… something is wrong] – Izuku

"I'm leaving it to you, Thirteen." – Aizawa

Aizawa then leapt over the stairs, falling quickly towards the villains at the bottom. Izuku watched in a daze as he fell.

"[Something seems wrong with me, I'm reacting too much. It seems it is from the beginning of the day, after all, the prank Momo played wasn't that big of a deal yet I wanted to kill her. Is it the excitement from the nanobots being completed? Whatever it is, I need to control myself. Not everything can go my way; it never has for most of my life until now. If I can't fight, I'll just see what a pro hero can do.]" – Izuku

By the time Izuku, was able to snap out of his thoughts and look back, he saw Aizawa closing in on a group of villains that seemed to be ranged types, they were trying to attack him but fell into chaos when they realised that their quirks weren't working, they focused on this matter so much they didn't realise Aizawa close in wrap them up in his capturing weapon before picking them up and colliding them with each other, effectively knocking them out.

It seems that the villains finally realised who he was and what his quirk was, they started sending in the heteromorphic type villains to deal with him. However, these villains were dealt with just as quickly as the others, Aizawa's hand to hand combat was not something to look down on, its something he trained to get rid of his weakness meaning he put a lot of time and effort into it.

"[Impressive, truly impressive. Knowing his biggest weakness would be heteromorphic types of quirks, he came up with a countermeasure and trained it to the peak of his ability, he acts lazy and slow most of the time but to think there would be such a big difference once he started to act as a hero. If I want to take his quirk forcefully I wouldn't stand a chance against his hand to hand combat. A pro is a pro for a reason it seems, I can't look down on anyone.]" – Izuku

Izuku was watching and analysing the fight of Aizawa against the villains when a voice from Ilda called him from behind.

"This is no time for analysis! Hurry up and follow the teacher to escape from here!" – Ilda

"[Well I can already get a summary of his abilities from what I've seen so far, I don't need to carry on watching]". – Izuku

While Izuku was turning around to follow Thirteen and the other students he noticed the black smoke guy or better to call him the portal guy was missing from the three 'possible main' villains that originally came out first but stayed at the back. Izuku carried on following Ilda while preparing his One for All mode.

As Izuku predicted, a black portal, similar to the type from where the villains came out of, appeared on the floor and black smoke started to flow out it.

"I won't let you. Nice to meet you, we are the league of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves into the home of the heroes, U.A. High School, in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath." – Portal Guy

Izuku, who had activated his One for All mode, was just about to take action and attack the villain while he talked when he stopped. The information that the villain just gave was shocking, the actual plan of theirs was to kill All Might.

"I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change? Well, that is neither here nor there. This is the part I am to play." – Portal guy

Before even Thirteen could take action Katsuki and Kirishima attacked the portal guy together. Izuku just stayed where he was and watched.

"[Hmm? When did these two become such good friends? Even Katsuki seems to have accepted it, is it because they have the same personality in some ways? Well whatever, I should see what result their attack has and search for a weakness.]" – Izuku

"Oh dear, that's dangerous. That's right. Even if you are students you are excellent golden eggs." – portal guy

"[The attack had no visible effect; it seems he used his portal quirk to transport the attack to a different location. That's quite the ability. He also seems to have no form to attack, most likely concealed by the black portal smoke.]" – Izuku

"No! Move away you two!" – Thirteen

"My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!" – Portal guy

The portal guy then attacked releasing a massive amount of black portal smoke towards the students, almost instantly drowning them in it. Izuku out of reflex or most likely instinct shot a punch forward, the resulting in a shockwave that pushed the smoke back and held it there. Unfortunately, the smoke was consistently being forced towards them so the shockwave couldn't hold it for long.

Izuku then repeatedly punched forward creating small shockwaves to hold the smoke back, before long the smoke had retreated to the portal guy and he was intensely staring at Izuku. Everyone, including Izuku, looked around to confirm the damages; they discovered that some of the students were missing.

"[that was close and dangerous, he probably teleported the missing students. Getting teleported to an unknown location in this situation is dangerous, but it was a quick transport, they shouldn't be too far. Wait isn't there a few students that were good at reconnaissance.]" – Izuku

Izuku then looked over at everyone that was still here, it seemed Ilda was able to move Uraraka, Rikido Sato and himself out of the area the portal was in. Mezo Shoji was able to protect Hanta Sero and Mina Ashido while staying rooted to the ground. Thirteen was still there as well. Izuku had managed to not only save himself but also the people around him using the shockwave. These people included Momo, Kaminari Kyoka Jiro and Tsuyu Asui; he remembered how his shockwaves had ended up pushing Minoru Mineta into the Black Smog.

"[Well it was his fault for being too weak to hold on. I should focus on the main task on hand] Mezo Shoji, Kyoka Jiro, use your quirks to find if the other students are still in this area, it's highly likely that they are." – Izuku

After giving the instruction, Izuku looked at the black smog that was focused entirely at him. Izuku was prepared to dodge or fight back at any moment.

"Everyone's scattered, but they're all in this building." – Mezo Shoji

"I can sense a lot of vibrations, not only from the villains from down the stairs but from all around the building." – Kyoka Jiro

"It seems he planned to divide and conquer, he would send is all to locations all around the building from where his villain friends would overwhelm us with numbers. How strategic." – Izuku

"Tenya Ilda-Kun." – Thirteen

"Yes?" – Ilda

"[Is Thirteen finally going to act? I can understand why he's only a rescue hero, he seems to slow to react to most of the situation, or more like his quirk isn't suited.]" – Izuku

"I entrust this duty to you. Run to the school and tell them about what is happening here. The alarms are not sounding, and our phones don't have a signal. The alarm system is based on infrared rays. Even though senpai, no, Eraser Head is erasing quirks left and right, they are still not working. This means they must have someone with an interference quirk, who hid right when they arrived. It would be faster for you to run then for us to find that person." – Thirteen

"But it would be a disgrace to run while leaving everyone else behind." – Ilda

"Thirteen is right Ilda, as a class rep I'm ordering you to go outside and raise the alarms. This isn't about being disgraced, this is about stopping these villains, but we need the teachers to help to do that." – Momo

"That's right, there alarms outside, that's why these guys are only doing this inside this place right?" – Sato

"As long as you go outside, they won't follow you. Blow away this fog with your legs!" – Hanta Sero

"Use your quirk to save others!" – Thirteen

Every one of the students then started walking forward, preparing themselves to fight.

"I can support you as I did in the cafeteria! I will! Please, Ilda!" – Uraraka

Ilda was momentarily stunned by everyone before he started preparing himself and got into the position of his running stance. While everyone was in a position to hold of the portal guy allowing Ilda to run past and escape, everyone besides Izuku. Izuku was still in the same place and didn't move forward to fight as everyone else did, but because of the situation, no one noticed. Izuku was waiting for the enemy to show his weakness before he attacked.

"Even if you have no other choice, are there really idiots who talk about their plans in front of the enemy?" – Portal guy

"We did it because it doesn't matter if we're found out!" – Thirteen

Thirteen then stuck his hand forward and the finger from his suit opened up, he then activated his quirk which resulted in an extremely strong suction force, that started to suck in the portal guy that was about to start attacking.

"Black Hole!" – Thirteen



Authors Notes

I wanted to complete this entire fight against the League of Villains in one chapter before, didn't expect it to be so long.

Anyway, I'm writing these chapters at work after iv got no more work to do. so there could be a few days where I won't be writing for a while. but iv noticed that if I lesson the words of the chapters I write I might be able to write more. so let's say if I lower the word count to 1000, then after I write 1000 words ill stop writing, even if the story is in the middle of a conversation. then continue with the story in the next chapter of 1000 words. you guys can decide if you want it to stay like it is now, or if you want me to do more chapters in a week but with only 1000 words in each chapter.

P.S. when I say stop writing, I will obviously finish off the sentence I'm currently writing, and not just end it mid-sentence.

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