
My Vampire Saviour

Fay Winters, a witch who's been dealt a bad hand in life meets a Vampire who will throw her for a loop but will she resist the allure and not fall in love? Find out

Whovian698 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 2-Job

The next morning Fay remembered the events of the other night and decided to take up Adrian on his offer, she put on her nicest outfit and followed the directions on her phone to the address on the business card. When she arrived it was a tall skyscraper, she walked inside and over to the front desk and cleared her throat.

"Hello, can I help you?"

"My name is Fay Winters and..."

"Of course Mr Night is expecting you, this way" she said standing up and walking over to the elevators.

The women pressed the up button and they waited, they got onto the elevator and the women pressed the button for the top floor. When the elevator arrived the doors opened and revealed a penthouse, the women walked out and Fay reluctantly followed her.

"Miss Winters has arrived sir" she said

"Thank you Olivia" said Adrian who was sitting at a desk next to a wall of windows.

The women known as Olivia walked back into the elevator leaving Fay standing there awkwardly.

"Welcome Miss Winters, please" he said gesturing at the sofa.

Fay sat down whilst Adrian sat on the edge of the coffee table in front of her.

"Why am I here?" she asked

"As I said last night, I need your help and in return I want to help you"

"Why? I'm just an ordinary Witch"

"Perhaps but after last night, I fear you may still be in danger"

"Its not your problem"

"No but I still wish to help, now tell me why werewolves want to kidnap you"

Fay sighed and looked down in shame "Its just one werewolf, Daniel Moon"

"The Maine pack Alpha?"

Fay nodded her head and began to fumble with her hands.

"Why does he want you?"

"I don't really want to talk about it"


"Please I can't" she said looking up at him with obvious tears threatening to fall.

"What did he do to you?" asked Adrian

"Its not important...you mentioned you needed a witch, why?"

Adrian seemed displeased that she was upset and he could not help, but it was obvious that talking about it would make her feel worse and Adrian did not want to upset her again so he moved on.

"Yes, I employ witches for my work and my previous one died recently and so I have been looking to employ one, I would like that witch to be you"

"You want to employ me?"

"Yes as a resident Witch"

"Why me?"

"Because you are powerful and I'm sort of desperate"

"What would I have to do?"

"Well I am the Vampire Lord of New York so it really depends on the circumstance or the problem of the vampire that comes to me for help"

"And when you say resident Witch?"

"I find it easier to protect the witches I employ when they live here. A lot of people have grudges towards me and so if they found out about someone I work with I can't always protect them"

Adrian looked at Fay, she seemed to be thinking about her decision but he couldn't be sure.

"I know this is a big choice to make so If you need time to think about it I understand, there are other benefits, you wouldn't have to work at that bar anymore of live in that horrible apartment"

"How do you know where I live?"

"I was worried that the men might come back so I had one of my men keep an eye on your building...Look Fay I don't know what you've been through but I genuinely want to help, if you'll let me"

"How do I know your not going to treat me like Daniel did?"

"I don't know how Daniel treated you but for what its worth I would never hurt you or let you get hurt"

"Answer one question"

"Of course"

"How did you know I was in danger last night? You left almost two hours before I did"

"I have the power of foresight, I saw it happen days ago but I had no way of finding you, when I saw your face at the bar I recognised you from my vision so I kept an eye on you for the rest of the night"

"Oh well thank you"

"So about my offer?"

2Fay hesitated for a while before saying "Okay, yes"


Later that day Fay's belongings were being brought into the penthouse by three of Adrian's security men. Adrian led Fay up to the second floor and opened the third door on the right, it was an impressive bedroom. There was a bathroom and a walk in wardrobe.

"You can decorate in any way you like" said Adrian

"Its beautiful"

"Its yours...Can I ask you something personal?

"As long as its not about Daniel sure"

"It is"

"I don't want to talk about it"

"I understand that I just want you to know that If you ever want to talk, I'm here, I already know you don't like to be touched, is there anything else I should know?"

"No" said Fay who was looking out the window but looked down a little, she wanted to let him in but she didn't trust him enough yet.

"I'll let you rest, there's food in the fridge if you get hungry"

"Thank you"