

when I got admitted to the most famous law college in the states, I was so excited...

Before that you need to know my past....

I graduated from a very popular college BUT it was a woman's college so yes I was single for the past 21 years of my life. so like every other girls, my last hope for a boyfriend was the law college. First day at law college, I saw many boys but none of them were of my interest. And the main issue is that I am a tall girl with jet black long hair and dusky skin tone. I had the eyes which were cocoa brown in colour and it changed to a lighter colour when sunlight☀️ hit them and has almond shape to it which was magnetic and seductive to men, so obviously I was different from others and many boys were interested in me. But for me, I never felt any spark to anyone so I just waited for the right to come.

As months passed , I got so much comfortable to my college. One day I was having a day off, so I went to my college library. I was wearing a blue frock and didn't tie my hair. As I was walking towards library, I saw a group of students doing their assignments. Even though few months have passed, I never met any seniors at my college because they were going through the exams. So when I got into the library, those few students in the group stared at me and got back to their work. But!!!!!!

Only one person's eyes didn't went back to his works. He was looking at me without taking his eyes off. But that really made me so uncomfortable that after finishing my job as soon as possible I left the library.

After few hours I forgot about this incident and as usual the next day I went to college. on my way to the college I SAW HIM AGAIN!!!!!!