
Gathering a Crew

Gerard's heart pounded in his chest as he walked through the city streets. He watched as the cobbled streets bustled with more activity than usual. The citizens wore their most expensive clothes, and merchants sat behind stalls all over Solares, not just in the market district.

Guards patrolled the streets more heavily than usual, their armour and weapons glinting in the sun, making Gerard feel uneasy. He personally knew how badly the guards treated criminals, and at this very moment, he was planning to rob their king. The very idea of getting caught made him shiver.

*We need to calm down.* Gerard wiped the sweat from his brow.

*I am calm. You need to calm down.* Sprite smiled and gently rubbed Gerard's left shoulder.

Gerard took a deep breath, and they continued to the adventurer's guild. Once inside the building with Sprite by his side, Gerard looked over the lobby for a certain giant of a man.

"Hey, Camilla, what's with the city right now?" Gerard looked at the adventurers, who were louder and more lively than usual.

"Everyone is preparing for the annual Silver Sentinel celebration."

"Silver Sentinel?"

"I told you about the U-rank adventurer in the past, right? Victoria was known as the Silver Sentinel. This festival celebrates the original fight against the demons that allowed the three races to get a foothold in the continent. If not for her, none of us would be here right now, and the land would be swarming with demons."

"How long has this been a celebration?"

"The books documenting the occasion go back at least a thousand years, I've been told."

"But there are still demons, right?"

"They hadn't been seen in at least a century until you found that one in the swamps."

"I see; then maybe something else is going on. I don't have time to think about that, though. Can we get an update on Sprite's information?"

"Of course, but first, I'd like to congratulate you both."

"For what?"

"A courier arrived while you were out yesterday. You're both citizens of Solares, now."

"We are?"

"Here." Camilla handed Gerard two pieces of parchment.

The parchment had a seal of royalty and stated their new residency status. Gerard handed Sprite's to her, and the moment he held only his, the ink slithered up his arm and disappeared.

Sprite giggled as the ink from her parchment did the same.

"Whenever you need to confirm your residency with someone, request an empty form, and your citizenship will show itself."

"I've meant to ask before, but is this ink dangerous?"

"Think of it as an invisible tattoo infused with mana. It's no more dangerous than the air we breathe. Now, the orb." Camilla brought out the status orb.

Sprite gladly touched it.

[Sprite - Level 8 Guide]

[Skills - Arcane Repository, Mind's Eye, Mentoring, Instructor Experience, Analyse, Increased Regeneration, Primal Magic]

[Spells - None]

"How did you level up so much? It's not as much as that monster," Camilla pointed to Gerard and expressed her disgust, "But you weren't taking any quests..." Camilla looked over the stats.

"During my monster research, I had to put myself in a lot of danger and often killed the creatures used for experiments at the MRI. I'm a fourth-tier researcher now."

"Fourth tier?" Gerard asked.

"The research institute has a ranking system with seven tiers. The lower your tier, the more knowledge you have contributed, and the more of a respected position you hold."

"That's amazing, Sprite!"

Sprite giggled in response to the compliment.

Camilla looked over the stats more carefully.

"What's primal magic?"

"This." Sprite leaned over, and the surface of her hand suddenly caught fire.

Sprite clapped her hands together, and the flames disappeared.

"What spell was that?"

"Not a spell. That's a direct manipulation of mana, known as Primal Magic."

"You're both monsters..." Camilla pretended to sob.

"Yeah, you've said it before." Gerard scanned the lobby again, "I can't see Brutus anywhere. Do you know where he is?"

"Brutus takes a couple of days off a week to do gardening."


"He has a little cottage outside of town. If you show me your map, I can direct you."

"Please do."

Camilla pointed to a location, and Gerard took a mental note.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Actually, there is. Can you organise a meeting with Jerrick and the other members of the Red Lotus for me?"

"I can try, but I won't promise anything."

"I appreciate that."

"Make sure you come back within a week from tomorrow. The festival goes for seven days."

"I won't miss it."

"We better not!" Sprite huffed.


Gerard and Sprite stood outside Brutus's cottage. A beautiful garden filled the front yard, and Gerard spied a small pond in the back.

"Is this really where Brutus lives?" Gerard approached the front door.

"It's where Camilla told us to go," Sprite said, looking at the map.

"Brutus," Gerard yelled, knocking on the door. "I need your help with something!"

Brutus opened the door, a broad smile spreading across his face. "Gerard, right? And..."

"Sprite." Sprite happily introduced herself.

"That's right. What is it you want?"

"I have a job proposition for you if you're interested."

"Come in, then. I can't guarantee I'll accept, but I've just brewed some tea."

Upon entering, Gerard could not help but be enchanted by the abundance of unique plants that graced the interior. Potted plants of various shapes and sizes were placed in every nook and cranny, their vivid colours and distinct aromas filling the air. A symphony of floral fragrances filled the cottage, providing a refreshing contrast to the cool, damp forest outside.

Brutus led them to the room on the right, the centrepiece of the cottage, a small kitchen, half of which was taken up by mortar and pestles, teapots, and kettles. The dining room, adjacent to the kitchen, was cozy and inviting, with a worn wooden table at its centre, surrounded by mismatched wooden chairs. A green tablecloth covered a table, embroidered with intricate designs of various flowers.

Brutus gestured to the tables and brought them some freshly brewed tea, and they sat down at the table to discuss the plan.

"I understand if you'd be against it, but I had a feeling you'd be willing to help." Gerard sipped his tea and sighed.

The earthy flavour reminded him of a trip to a tea house in the countryside with his family.

"You're right; I am. I love that lake," Brutus said, his eyes sparkling. "I used to go swimming there all the time with my father when I was younger. I'm willing to help, but I won't be able to do anything more than create a distraction. We'll need someone who can actually retrieve the relic."

Gerard nodded.

"That's where Rose of the Red Lotus comes in. She's the best person for the job."

"I'll leave the details to you, so long as we don't hurt anyone."

"I promise I will do my best to make sure that doesn't happen."

Gerard stepped out of the cozy wooden cottage and took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. The scent of blooming flowers and herbs surrounded him, carried on a gentle breeze that rustled the leaves of the nearby trees.

He turned back to the cottage and gave a small wave to Brutus, who was already busily tending to the many plants surrounding the entrance. He smiled and waved back, calling out a cheerful goodbye.

As he and Sprite walked, Gerard took in the sights and sounds. The chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves accompanied his steps, and a sense of calm washed over him. The path wound its way through the farms outside the city, and he occasionally passed farmers on their way to or from their fields.

Finally, they reached the city, and Gerard picked up his pace. He walked past a local blacksmith, hammering away at a sword with a look of intense concentration on his face. The smell of hot metal and fire filled the air, and Gerard felt a pang of nostalgia while thinking about Scarlette and Gander, the two most incredible smiths he'd met.

He arrived at the adventurer's guild, pushed the heavy wooden doors open and stepped inside. The guild was bustling with activity, with adventurers milling about and discussing their latest quests and the upcoming celebration.

Gerard approached Camilla, who was snoring behind the desk.

"Did you get in contact with Red Lotus?" Gerard lightly knocked on the surface of the counter.

Camilla shook herself awake.

"Huh? Oh, Gerard? Sorry about that; I've been dealing with an influx of requests for help with the Silver Sentinel celebration. What did you ask?"

"About the Red Lotus, did you talk to them?"

"Yes, I did, and they agreed to a meeting."

"Where? When?"

"For ten silver, I'll give you the time and location of the meeting."


"Nah, I'm kidding. They want to meet today. They're at the Boar's Head inn. Head left after leaving and keep walking down the street until you see a sign with a boar's head on it. Whatever it is you're up to with Brutus and the Red Lotus, though, make sure it doesn't affect the guild's reputation." Camilla presented them with her receptionist's smile and glare that bore into their souls.


*What's with the women in this world? They're all terrifying...*

*I don't know what you're talking about. Camilla has been kind to us from the start.*

*There's a darkness within that woman. I have a feeling that..."

[Camilla Fontaine - Level 17 Wanderer (Slave)]

*Slave? That explains so much. What's the Wanderer class?*

[Wanderer - Allows the use of any weapon, magic, and skill. Provides the natural talent for learning magic and skills from others.]

"And she called us the monsters?!" Gerard screamed as they stepped out of the building.

"Keep your voice down, you idiot."

"I'm sorry. She might even be stronger than Lee, though. What's with that? The more I learn about her, the less I understand."

"There's no point in thinking about it; we have to meet with Jerrick, right?"


They turned left and followed the street as directed and found a perfectly maintained building.

*It's been over a year...*

The grand dining room was a sight to behold. After entering through large oak doors, they were greeted with an elegant chandelier hanging from the centre of the high-vaulted ceiling, casting warm golden light upon the luxurious furnishings and intricate decorations. The walls were adorned with elaborate tapestries depicting battles, noble hunts, and grand landscapes. The wood-panelled walls were carved in intricate designs of vines and flowers, creating a stunning contrast with the deep crimson drapes and upholstered chairs.

Throughout the room, long tables were set, surrounded by high-backed chairs carved with impressive details of lions and eagles. The tables were covered with white linen cloths, and ornate silverware and crystal goblets glistened in the light of the lit candles. The tables were covered with a variety of dishes, from roasted meats and vegetables to platters of exotic fruits and cheese. The smell of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, mingling with the aroma of spices and herbs.

The patrons of the inn were dressed in their finest clothing, reflecting their wealth and status. Nobles and merchants sat at the table, chatting and laughing, while servants in uniform moved gracefully around the room, serving dishes and refilling glasses with various alcohol.

The diners were absorbed in their meals, savouring every bite and sipping their wine, all while engaging in spirited conversations. The atmosphere was lively yet refined, with a sense of luxury and extravagance that permeated the entire room. From the intricate tapestries to the fine furnishings, it was clear that no expense had been spared in creating this exquisite space.

Gerard thought back to the rickety chairs and tables at their inn.

*If we get rich, we're staying somewhere like this.*


In the furthest corner of the inn, Gerard spotted Jerrick and the other members of the Red Lotus, except for Emille.

"Excuse me." Gerard stepped up to the table.

"Sorry, we're waiting for someone." Jerrick watched the entrance intently.

"That would be me."

"Nonsense, the man I'm waiting for is-"

"Jerrick, this is Gerard," Quinne spoke up and smiled.

"Gerard? Is that really you?" Jerrick asked, rising from his chair. "You're human?"

"Yes, it is, and there's someone I want you to meet."

Sprite walked out from behind Gerard and smiled.

"You might know me as Sprite. Gerard gifted me with a human body."

They all stared at her blankly, trying to make sense of the statement that just came out of Sprite's mouth.

Gerard tried to stifle a laugh, but it came out anyway.

"Oh, you got me. That was a good joke!" Delilah laughed awkwardly.

"No, we're dead serious." Gerard stopped his laughter and looked her in the eyes.

"Y-you're not joking?"

"Gerard, we should go upstairs. This seems like a conversation that we shouldn't have here."

Gerard and Jerrick looked at the patrons, who stared at them like a curious spectacle.

"It does seem that way."


Sprite spoke with them telepathically, displayed her Primal Magic skill, and after that, they trusted that she was being truthful with them. Instead of praying,

"I understand that this might be disrespectful, b-but c-can I touch you?" Delilah's hands shook as she moved them closer to Sprite.

"Just don't touch any weird places."

"Gerard?" Delilah looked at him with wide eyes and clenched fists.

"I haven't touched her."

"You've embraced me several times, actually. It feels quite nice."

"You'll cause a misunderstanding, you idiot. I hugged you when it was necessary."

"Yeah, that's what I said?"

"Look at them." Gerard pointed at the members of the Red Lotus.

A mixture of emotions swelled inside them, and they looked exhausted.

"What did I say?" Sprite furrowed her brows as she looked at everyone around her.

"Sometimes, Sprite, just when I think you're smart, it turns out that you're an idiot." Gerard laughed.

Delilah forgot about wanting to see what Sprite felt like, and all the tension in the room disappeared.

"Now that that's out of the way," Gerard replied, sitting on the floor. "I need your help with something."

"Anything, Gerard. What do you need?" Jerrick asked, his eyes filled with concern.

Gerard hesitated, then explained the situation with the totem and the nymphs. The Red Lotus members listened intently, their expressions growing more severe as the conversation continued.

"That's quite the task you're asking us to do," Jerrick said, scratching his chin.

"I'll do it," Rose said determinedly.

Gerard breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you. I knew I was right to ask for your help."

"Are you sure, Rose?" Jerrick asked.

"I'm sure. Those water nymphs, even without their protection, put up with the humans ruining their home for almost ten years before defending themselves. I know how it feels to want to protect your family and your home."

"Of course. If you need anything from us, Gerard, we'll help you as best we can."

"Thank you, Jerrick. For now, I only need Rose, though."

Sprite sat down beside Rose and stared intensely at her.

"You need to understand that your intentions have to solely be retrieving the totem for the sake of the nymphs. You can't be swayed by anything else, or you might be injured or even killed by the effects of the totem." Sprite warned.

Rose nodded in agreement.

"I might have a class that's fit for stealing, but it's not like I enjoy it."

"Wait. There's one problem with your plan." Delilah spoke up.

"What is it?"

"If you head through the main gate, you'll be under suspicion if the king finds out the totem was stolen while you were in the upper district."

"That's true. Do you have an idea?"

"Yes. Before I joined the Red Lotus, I was a priestess in the upper district's church."

"Church? Oh, the administration building?"

"They recently changed the name so that non-religious people would accept them better, but it is the biggest house of worship in Solares."

"I knew it!" Gerard shouted.

"Okay? Well, there's a side entrance that the priests and priestesses use for several reasons, and I'm confident I can take you through it. I still have friends in the churc."

"Then that's what we will do. Where's Emille, anyway? If things go south, we might need him."

"He's off training in the mountains. He does that sometimes."

"That does sound like him. Well, we'll commence this mission tomorrow afternoon. The city will be so busy with the Silver Sentinel celebration that they shouldn't notice a couple of out-of-place visitors in the upper district. Everyone will meet up at the steps to the upper district."

Everyone nodded in agreement.
