
My trashy spirit tattoo is enough to conquer the world!

Born in the Philippines with exceeding natural talent as a tattoo artist, a half Filipino and Chinese Wu Chengyu is the most famous tattoo artist in the world. As a result of his unimaginable achievements, and life like art works, his personality changed for the worst. One day, crime occurred. A fellow tattoo artist named Andrew, one of his old friends, stabbed him. Wu Chengyu, full of disbelief when he saw a sharp pen punctured his chest. With a fierce expression, Andrew hatefully said. “Arrogant people such like you should die and stay in the yellow spring!. Go repent and suffer in your next life!.” Wu Chengyu’s thread of life snapped as he slowly closed his eyes. A million years had passed, he slowly woke up looking at a slight familiar place, only to find out the he reincarnated in a world of World spirits. Bearing the confidence of a genius tattoo artist and high hopes for the future. Wu Chengyu was horrified to see his world spirit tattoo was only a small black dot labeled to be the lowest grade among world spirits . Will the curse of his murderer come true that he be damned to repent and suffer in this lifetime?. Or will he fight back against fate to become the strongest with his most unattractive world spirit tattoo?. Accompany Wu Chen’s adventure as he experience the struggles in this boundless world. Will he rise or fall? That depends to Wu Chen himself.

DaoistXLbe2A · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Bizarre Reincarnation

"What a cute little boy!," a middle-aged woman exclaimed in surprise after holding the baby in her arms.

The baby have a skin as pale as jade and chubby cheeks, it was so cute that the middle-aged woman couldn't help but praise the new born child. The baby after being held for some time suddenly cried.

The echoes of the baby's cry spread around all corner, causing the anxious people waiting outside to be startled.

"Bang!" the door was slammed open and then a man in his 30's charge forward like an anxious beasts, directly snatching the baby from the middle-aged woman's hands.

"Hey, young master be gentle with the baby."

The middle-aged woman immediately reprimanded after seeing the baby was snatched away. She had a stern expression of an aunt whose nephew being maltreated.

But after some time, she displayed a slight smile.

"Your a father of four children now young master. Congratulations!."

The man in 30's nodded with a smile, his eyes gleamed as if he acquired a great treasure.

"Thankfully it's a boy. Now I have more candidates to pick after I resign in the future. Hahaha."

The man in 30's was the next patriarch of the famed Wu Clan family, Wu Lianggui. He had four wives and four children in additional to the newly born baby of him and his fourth wife Bai Cihui.

Wu Lianggui handed the baby over to the middle-aged woman and looked at the woman lying asleep and asked, "How is she?."

The middle-aged woman smiled bitterly and said, "Young mistress Bai have a weak physical body since childhood. As you can see her pale complexion and thoroughly exhausted body is the sign of her hard labor."

Wu Lianggui sighed and stared at his sleeping fourth wife then turned around. Before he exited the door he reminded the middle-aged woman to take care his child and Bai Cihui.

He also reminded the middle-aged woman to tell Bai Cihui after she wakes up that their child's name will be Wu Chengyu!...."

Endless darkness and gray fog…

"Wu Chengyu opened his eyes, then he was startled to see the surrounding darkness. The endless darkness seemed to lack the concept of time and the space distorted.

"Why can't I move my body?"

Wu Chengyu was perplexed and afraid. He continued to command his body with his thoughts but no matter how he struggled to make his body move an inch, he failed. Wu Chengyu's eyeballs roamed around and what he could see was only darkness and gray fog.

Wu Chengyu's body floated like a lonely boat amidst the still lake. There was no sound or other objects, only Way Chengyu himself was in this world. There is no sense of direction and the time seemed to pass so slow, tormenting Wu Chengyu.

Just as Wu Chengyu was about to lose his calm, the cloud of gray fog floating around him suddenly wriggle like snake and without him knowing, it silently entered inside his body.

Wu Chengyu felt lightheaded and then a flash of light blinded his eyes. Suddenly he felt a pang of pain in his head and then numerous memories keep flashing in his mind.

Starting from his childhood days, his exposure to the world. When creating his first work of art until the scene when Andrew stab him on the chest. Wu Chengyu's eyes opened wide as he gasp for breath. He felt suffocated and fear could be seen in his eyes as he once again regard his surroundings.

As if a millions years had passed by, Wu Chengyu continued in the state of paralysis. His body floated who knows where and along the way, he encountered nothing but darkness. He feel frustrated, sad and frightened.

Imagine being in such a place where you can only see endless darkness and couldn't move. An average person would naturally lose his/her sanity.

Thankfully, Wu Chengyu was able to endure and remained sane despite the situation. Wu Chengyu floated freely along the endless darkness of space.

Immersed in his thoughts, Wu Chengyu opened his eyes wide when he spotted a tiny vortex. The white vortex spun rapidly and as time passed, it continued to expand.

The white vortex was so glaring amidst the darkness and it has become the only light that Wu Chengyu cling after seeing black for a long time. A frown appeared on his face when suddenly the white vortex expanded rapidly and continued to enlarged. Wu Chengyu suddenly felt a strong suction force and then his paralyzed body was rapidly sucked towards the white vortex.

When he got sucked until the edge of the white vortex, Wu Chengyu felt a twisting pressure, threatening to twist him into a fried noodle. Wu Chengyu felt fear and despair, he could only witness as his body being dragged down towards the twisting space inside the white vortex. "Ahhhhhhhhhhyhh"

"What is this place?."

Opening his eyes, Wu Chengyu saw a wide ceiling full of familiar but also foreign structural design.

He saw a sleeping woman beside him and then he was immediately attracted by her white jade like skin and perfect oval face. She is like a fairy sleeping in the mortal world.

The woman's beauty was matchless according to Wu Chengyu's perspective and he never felt so attracted to a woman before. If this woman is compared against the women in his previous life, those women paled in comparison in terms of beauty on this sleeping beauty. Just as he was about to stretch his hand to touch the woman's cheeks.

Wu Chengyu was startled to see a cute little hand. He waved and then he was stunned. Wu Chengyu screamed in fright by the sudden impulse of realization. His scream startled the middle-aged woman who was preparing hot water outside. The middle-aged woman dashed inside like a frantic goose and immediately arrived before the large bed.

She saw the baby screaming oddly and thrashing about like a child that has lost his toy. She heave a sigh of relief and laughed, then she put the baby into her embrace. Wu Chengyu who was screaming was stunned and he screamed again.

"What is happening!?."

Wu Chengyu frantically thought in his mind. He wasn't able to process the situation directly.

After awhile, Wu Chengyu calmed down and looked at the gentle middle-aged woman humming a lullaby to pacify him. Wu Chengyu looked at the middle-aged woman for awhile and gave a wide smile. This time, the woman was the one who was stunned.

She don't know whether to laugh or to cry because the little baby in her arms could easily flip like a book. A moment ago the baby was screaming and in just a second it smiled. The middle-aged woman was perplexed while slowly returning the smiling baby back towards the bed.

"Young master Chengyu. Stay quite and be obedient,"

The middle-aged woman lightly pinched Wu Chengyu's nose as she gently say.

Wu Chengyu had already calm down, observing his surroundings once again, then when his gaze landed on the beautiful woman beside him, Wu Chengyu deduced that this woman was his mother. Wu Chengyu feel proud in his heart for having such beautiful mother.

"So I reincarnated and became a baby while retaining my past memories. It's just the same as a typical isekai fantasy in my previous life."

Wu Chengyu laughed in his heart as he thought of how mysterious life and fate is. He didn't expect to be born once again and on top of that, having the memories of his past life and is capable of thinking while being a baby. In normal standard, Wu Chengyu's existence is a great anomaly to the world. Of course now one can ever know this secret other than Wu Chengyu himself.

"Where am I?. Did I reincarnated in China?."

Wu Chengyu speculated. The structure around him seemed similar to the Chinese houses he had visited in his past life. Though, the houses were a little similar, but what confused him was that, he can't understand the middle-aged woman's words. So after awhile he deduced that he reincarnated in another country where the language they use is foreign to him.

"I will learn more about this place after my new mother wakes up. It's best for me to sleep as well." Wu Chengyu decided.

However, just as he was about to close his eyes, the door was suddenly slammed open. Then numerous people entered together with the middle-aged woman who had an unsightly expression on her face.