
Chapter 634: Agnes and Violet's Changes.

Chapter 634: Agnes and Violet's Changes.


The mother and daughter of the Snow Clan were in front of Victor, looking at him with serious faces.


"You guys know the effects of the Ritual, right?"


"Increases loyalty, we know," Violet spoke for Agnes.


"An effect that won't be a problem for us. After all, we're already loyal."


'And that's exactly the problem... With the Snow Clan's predisposition that further heightens emotions, and your personalities, you will become too loyal, a loyalty you only see in maniacs or fanatics...' Victor thought internally but didn't say it out loud.


The reason? Because he didn't hate that extreme loyalty; in fact, he liked it a lot. For him, the crazier, the more insane, and loyal, the better.


'... Fumu, I really have some problems in my head.'

